Our overall aims for this Topic are:
Our overall aims:
  • To increase the number of pupils who walk to school from 58.6% to 65%.
  • To reduce the number of parents parking/stopping on the yellow lines/zig zags.
  • To continue to keep road safety highlighted in all areas of school life.

Action / Who's in charge? / When will it be done by? (if ongoing, when did it start?) / How can we monitor it? / How will we know when we're successful? / How much will it cost? / Did it work?
Any ideas for the future?
Hutt Travel survey / Miss Russell / September 2012 / Completed travel survey will give us a picture of travel habits of our pupils. / Once HUTT is completed / Nil
School travel team to work with the Eco Committee and look at ways of promoting environmentally friendly ways to travel to Alexandra Parade Primary. / Miss Russell, Miss Hay and the Eco Committee / Travel team. / Ongoing / To promote safe and environmentally friendly ways to travel and to encourage parents to consider alternatives to using the car.
Regular reminders at assembly and in class. Ensure reminders are regular. / School travel team to work with the Eco Committee and look at ways of promoting environmentally friendly ways to travel to Alexandra Parade Primary. / Nil
Source and plant bushes or trees within school grounds to offset vehicle emissions by absorbing CO2 and encourage wildlife. / Eco Committee and all classes to take turns at weeding. / Term 3 / Photographs of before and after and teachers will ensure pupils take turns to weed area. / Plants /bushes will be planted which will help offset emissions of traffic in our area. / Plant and bush costs.
Regular reminders about parking near the school and road safety to be included in the School newsletter. / Miss Hay / Termly / To promote safety around the school and to encourage parents to consider alternatives to using the car. Head teacher will ensure information is included in the newsletter / Parents are reminded and information is regularly included. / Printing costs
Display our Travel Plan in a prominent place in school and on our school website. Ensure updates are documented. / School travel team / December 2012 / To allow everyone the opportunity to view our travel plan and give our team any ideas for development.
Ensure travel plan is accessible. / Travel plan is accessible and is updates regularly. Parents, pupils and staff are aware of its contents and purpose. / Printing costs.
Display public transport in a prominent place in school. / School travel Team / From Dec 2012. / To raise awareness of alternative transport options.
Visitors and parents are taking the leaflets. / Information is displayed and available. / Nil
Road safety awareness training for whole school. / Term 3 2013 / School travel team. GCC Community Action Team – Alan Barclay and class teachers. / To maintain awareness of road safety issues and to develop road and street wise pupils. / Road safety awareness training for whole school. / Nil
JRSOs will run a competition about parking near the school.
To make parents
more aware of safe driving and parking
at our school. / JRSOs and Miss Russell / December 2012 / JRSOs will run pupil competition to design posters and flyers about safe parking round our school. / Pupils will have had opportunities to create posters.
Community Involvement
Miss Russell and Miss Hay to speak to Lynsey and Tam, our local community police officers, about helping us urge parents not to park on yellow zig zags and increase the size of the yellow lines outside. / Miss Russell / By June 2013 / We will work with Strathclyde Police to set up some system for helping deter parents and other drivers from parking near the school. / Increased Police presence around the school.
Fewer cars stopping near the school
(day of action)
Selection of upper school pupils to take part in Bikeability training. / Mrs Ritchie / Term 4 / GCC will support Mrs Ritchie deliver cycling and safety training to pupils.
Pupils will become independent, safe road users. / Pupil participation in training.
Successful delivery of lessons. / Nil
Pilot a school Walking Bus / Mrs Ritchie/Miss Russell / Term 3 / To raise awareness of walking and healthier options of travel.
Staff, parents and helpers take pupils to school. / Parents actively participate in school walking bus. / Nil