STD: 9th [total-25]

Sub: science

[Section: A]

1. Which separation technique use for (01)

-iron pins from sand

-tea leaves from tea

2. What product can be obtained by bee keeping? (01)

3. Convert the speed of 108km/h in m/s unit? (01)

4. State the properties of the solutions. (02)

5. Difference captures fishery and culture fishery? (02)

6. Mention the three equation of motion. (02)

7. How are sol solution and suspension different from each other? (03)

8. A ball is dropped from the height of 20m calculate. (03)

-the time taken by the ball to reach ground

-the velocity with which the ball strikes the ground

[Section: B]

9. Chalk dissolves in water in an example of (01)

a. Aerosol

b. Colloid

C .Suspension

D. saturated solution

10. Which of the following show the tidally effect? (01)

a. Salt solution

b. Sugar solution

c. Starch solution

d. Copper sulphate solution

11. Which of the following nutrients is not available in the fertilizer (01)

A. nitrogen

B. iron

C. phosphorus

D. potassium

12. When both crops and live stocks are raised on the same farm is known as (01)

A. mixed farming

B. inter cropping

C. mixed cropping

D .crop rotation

13. Define circular motion and give two examples (02)

14. A man is waiting on a circular track of radius 100m. calculate the distance and displacement. (02)

When one round is completed. (Use-----=3.14)

Sub: science total: [25]

STD: 10th

[Section: A]

1.  Which device helps to maintain a potential difference across conduction? (01)

2.  What are motor nerves? (01)

3.  Choose strong acid and strong base of the following, (01)


4.  how much work is done in moving a charge of 2c across two paints having a potential (02)

Difference 12 V?

5.  What is a difference between a relax action and walking? (02)

6.  Why does tooth decay start when the ph of mouth is lower than 5.5? (02)

7.  Show how would you convent three resistor each of resistance 6----so that the combination

Has a resistance of (1)9---- (2)4------(03)

8.  What are the major parts of the brain and mention the function of different parts? (03)


9. Message get passed on from one neuron to another through (01)

A. cell body B. axon

C. dendrites C. synapse

10. Which are the stress hormones of plant? (01)

A.auxin B.cytokinin

C .ABA D.gibberellin

11. The aquecaus solution of which of the following will have OH- ion? (01)

A. NACL B. Na2so4

C. CH3cooNa D. none

12. The compound used for neutralization of excess Hcl in the stomach is (01)

A. NaHco3 B. Mg CoHd2

C. both D. none

13. Write the properties responsible for the following uses of baking powder (02)

(A). baking industry

(B). as an antacid

14. Show the nature of V-I graph (02)

15. State the functions of abscisic acid in plants. (02)

SUB: English total: [25]

STD: 9th


Q: 1 read the passage given below and answer the question: - [4 marks]


1. What essentials did bhowmiks smaller bag contain?

2. What was the idea that brought a song to bhowmiks lips?

3. why was bhowmiks so often recognized?

4. What did bhowmiks intend is do after spending a couple of days in Delhi?

5. Find the words from the passage which mean the opposite of the following:

(A). slowly

(B). Unsuitable


Q: 2 answer the question :- (any-4) [8 marks]

1.  “The road not taken” is a metaphor of life justify the statement

2.  Describe the solitary reaper as the poet describes her in his poem.

3.  Why does lord ullins daughter defy her father and elope with her


4.  Critically examine lord ullins daughter as ballad.

5.  Describe two roads that the author comes across?


Q: 3 read the following lines and answer the question that follow: - [3 marks]

“His horsemen hard behind s ride;

Should they our steps discover?

Then who will cheer my bonny bride

When they have slain her lover?”

1.  Who is ‘his’ in line 1? Who does ‘us’ refer to?

2.  Explain: ‘cheer my bonny bride’

3.  Why would the lover be slain?


Q: 4 fill in the blanks by choosing suitable words from the given option: - [4 marks]

Among the most worrying aspects of climate change today______(is/has been)

The effect it ______(has had/have had)on the food supply of the worlds.

Scientists______(have focused/focus) then attention and efforts on in creasing

Crop yield improving crop resilience. As in and sub-Sahara Africa______

(Have been/are) the most affected today.

Q: 5 fill in the blanks by using ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ in the given Para: - [4 marks]

The afternoon was hot, and so was______railway carriage______next

Stop was templeeombe nearly ______hour ahead. In the carriage were a small

Girl, ______smaller girl, and a small boy.

Q: 6 develop a Para from the given points: - [2 marks]

‘swachha bharat abhiyan’- announced by the PM on 15th august, 2014-launched

On 2nd octomber addressed public rally at rajpath himself swept a parking at mandir

Marg police station and pavement in valmiki basti aims to accomplish the vision

Clean india by 2019 3 million gov employees and students to participate responsibility

Of all 1.25 billion Indians not only the responsibility of ‘safai kaamgar’ mission beyond

Politics inspired by patriotism good response on the social media.

SUB: English [25 marks]

STD: 10th


Q: 1 read the following passage and answer question: - [5-marks]

1.  Who are geologist and what is their job?

2.  What are fossils and how are they formed?

3.  Give two examples of original remains of fossils?

4.  Give your comment on the petrified trees of Arizona?

5.  Give the synonym for scientists who study the earth?


Q: 2 answer the question: - (any 4) [8 marks]

1.  Justify the title of story “the letter”?

2.  What makes women start crying?

3.  Why does the poet refers to time as being stylish?

4.  What is the massage that the poet r sonnet “nor marble nor the elided monument”

Intends to give to the readers.

5.  Why did Ali gave gold coins to one of the clerns laxmi das and what did he ask him to do?


Read the extracts given below and answer the question that follows: - [2-marks]

Most of the time I meditate on opposite wall it is pink, with speckles

I looked at is so long I think it is a part of my heart, but it flickers faces

And darkness separates us over and over.

1.  How does mirror meditate?

2.  What is a part of the mirror heart?

3.  What is the colour of wall?

4.  What is the word for think deeply in the passage?


Read the extract and fill in the blanks using ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ where required: - [3 marks]

1.  Bangkok is ______capital of Thailand.

2.  ______Fruit seller does not earn much during the rainy season.

3.  Many countries rely on ______type of cocoa produced in Ghana for their chocolate product.

4.  ______Punjab ______important state of month India, have five rivers flowing through it.

5.  1950 is ______year in which India became republic.

6.  Australia ______country in the southern hemisphere has produced some world class sports persons.

[B] Complete the following sentences correctly by using the simple past or past perfect of the given verbs:- [2 marks]

1.  We ______already ______(reach) home when Irfan ______(say) that he ______(forget) his books at school.

2.  Wendy ______(wakeup) late, then she ______(miss) her school bus, so by time she (reach) school, it ______already ______(start).

[C]. write an article little “save the planet earth” by doing plantation in about 100-200 words.

-- [5 marks]