Morpeth Town Council

Minutes of the Planning and Transport Committee Meeting

held on Wednesday 6th April 2011 at 6:30 pm

in the Council Chamber of Morpeth Town Hall

These Minutes have been accepted as a draft for wider circulation

following consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of this Committee


Councillors: G Trotter - Chairman

Dr N Best - arrived at 7:00 pm*

K Brown - Mayor

P Taylor - Deputy Mayor

D Parker

Mrs J Tantawy - left at 7:30 pm*

Clerks: Mrs A Logan

Mrs S Matthews

Absent Dr N Best* - Advance advice re. late arrival

Councillors: I Lindley - Apologies received

Mrs J Yannakoyorgou - Apologies received

Councillor M Horton also attended the meeting until 6:55 pm

425/10 Committee Chairman’s Announcements

There were no Chairman’s announcements.

426/10 Mayor’s Announcements

There were no Mayor or Deputy Mayor’s announcements.

427/10 Declarations of Interest

The Chairman received Declarations of Interest from:

Councillor Dr N Best in respect of

ü  Planning Application CM/20110208 for 3 Brummell Drive, Lancaster Park, Morpeth

(Personal: Applicant known to the Councillor)

Councillor K Brown (Mayor) in respect of

ü  Planning Application CM/20110177 for 8 The Pastures, Kirkhill, Morpeth

(Personal: Applicant known to the Mayor)

428/10 Questions from Members of the Public

A letter was received from a resident of Richard Hollon Court expressing concerns regarding the opening of a night club on the upper floor of the premises occupied by

J D Weatherspoon. The Town Council (MTC) has not received any information regarding this, and the recent licence application by that Company did not include details of such a development; neither does it own that part of the building.

The residents of Richard Hollon Court are especially concerned that the introduction of such an establishment will further increase an existing problem of anti-social behaviour in this area.

Agreed:- It was agreed that a letter be issued to the resident advising:

  • MTC is not aware of this application and is of the understanding that Weathersoon will only occupy the ground floor of the premises and is only responsible for that level;
  • MTC will monitor any anti-social behaviour and consider any planning and/or licence application for using the upper levels as a night club if and when received;
  • To enclose a copy of the Weathersoon’s policy on anti-social behaviour, which was included in its original licence application considered by MTC.

429/10 Minutes of the Planning and Transport Meeting held on Wednesday 2nd March 2011.

The minutes were accepted and approved as a true record.

Matters Arising:

Min.399/10 Applications by Developers and Potential Sites for Development – Site Visits

A copy of the letter received from NCC regarding future developments and housing allocations in Morpeth was received.

The Chairman of this Committee and Councillors Dr N Best and R Thompson attended a tour of potential development sites in Morpeth on 4th April 2011, organised by NCC. This included land south of Loansdean (Bellway Homes), St George’s Hospital and the Mount, Hepscott Park, Stobhill (Sainsburys) Low Stanners (Dransfield)* and Northgate.

* Agreed:- It was agreed that it be ascertained from the Planning Authority when this application will be forwarded to MTC for consultation and that an extraordinary meeting of this Committee be held to discuss the same. Depending on the acquisition of the plans, this was provisionally agreed to be prior to April Full Council, with a 6:00 pm commencement. It was further agreed that the scheduled presentation for that evening be deferred. In line with MTC practice, all councillors will have the opportunity of attending.

Members were informed that a copy of the former Castle Morpeth Borough Council (CMBC) the Local Development Framework (LDF) was available in the TCO and it was agreed that an electronic version be issued to all councillors.

Councillor M Horton left the meeting (6:55 pm)

Min.399/10 –Tree Works at Morpeth Sewage Treatment Works

Further information regarding the felling and replacement of trees at the Morpeth Sewage Treatment Works was received and noted.

Councillor Dr N Best arrived at this point of the meeting (7:00 pm)

Min.402/10(iii) Other Urgent Businesses - Arriva ‘bus timetables

Comments were received from two councillors and duly reported to the NCC Transport Manager.

A further letter was received and members advised that an extension to the time limit for comments to 30th April 2011 has been given. Due to the absence of the final page of the letter, a revised copy will be issued to members electronically to enable completion of an additional questionnaire.

430 /10 Minutes of the Planning and Transport Meeting held on Wednesday 23rd February 2011.

With the following correction, the minutes were accepted and approved as a true record:

Page 2 – Penultimate line: delete “Kylins”.

431/10 Chairman’s Question Time

In accordance with the Standing Orders of the Town Council, no questions were submitted to the Chairman of this Committee for this meeting.

432/10 Town and Country Planning Act 1990

(i) Planning Lists

Planning lists for the period 10th – 30th March 2011 were considered and subject to the information available the time, there were no objections to the following applications:

CM/20110173, CM/20110176, CM/20110177*, CM/20110178***, CM/20110194, CM/20110199,

CM/20110200, CM/20110205, CM/20110206, CM/20110207, CM/20110208**, CM/20110209,

CM/20110218, CM/20110220 and CM/20110221

* Councillor K Brown (Mayor) Declared a Personal Interest in this application;

** Councillor Dr N Best Declared a Personal Interest in this application;

*** There were no objections to this application (Remove 1 x Willow tree at 4 Wansbeck Place, Mitford Road, Morpeth) but it was requested that the applicant be asked to replace the tree with an appropriate species in an alternative location within the town.

Responses have been submitted in respect of the following plans, which were discussed at the previous meeting of this Committee:

CM/20110139, CM/20110157, CM/20110163 and CM/20110172.

There were no objections to the following applications for adjacent parishes, subject to the information available at the time:

CM/20110158, CM/20110160 and CM/20110201 (Mitford);

CM/20110170 (Hebron);

CM/20110193 and CM/20110195 (Pegswood)

With regard to application CM/20110156 (Change of use of orchard to garden land at Abbey Mill, Abbey Mills, Morpeth- Mitford Parish), there were no objections. However, concerns were expressed regarding the loss of fruit trees and it was requested that details be given as to the number of trees which will be removed.

(ii) CM/20110121 – 66 The Pastures – Retrospective consent for fencing and hardstanding

Subsequent to objections raised by this Committee that the hard standing does not appear to be permeable, the Planning Officer has advised that the applicant has complied with a request to install drainage and therefore the hardstanding now falls within permitted development, not requiring further planning permission.

(iii) Improvements to Water Supply

An update report from Northumbrian Water regarding the current scheme to cleanse the mains water supplies in the area was received.

433/10 Licensing

There were no licensing applications received.

434/10 Transport

There were no additional transport matters to be considered.

434/10 Reports

There were no councillor reports received.

Councillor Mrs J Tantawy left the meeting at this point – 7:30 pm

435/10 NCC Statement of Licensing Policy for Sex Establishments – Consultation on Draft Policy

Members reviewed the above consultation and the following comments on the Paper were agreed:

Policy Chapter/Reference /
Part A – General - Location
Part A - General - Numerical Limits / Para.9 (line 2) - Remove “generally” and define exactly
what is “close proximity”
Para.10 (all) - It is necessary to know exactly what the
numeric limits are
Part B - Application Process
Part B - Advertising
Part B - Commenting on a
Licence application
Part B - Variation of Licences / General Comment: it is presumed that granting an
application will not necessarily approve a change of use at
a later date, as sometimes happens in alcohol licences
for establishments (see (*), below)
Para 1.4 - The applicant must advertise his/her
application in a specific (named) local newspaper –eg
Morpeth Herald with a significant local readership
Para 2.4 - Clarification is required in respect of whether “Councillor” appertains to County/Town(Parish)
Councillors, or both
* Para 8.1- “Variation” should not be automatically
approved; a new application should be submitted
General Comment – There is no mention of any right
to object to a variation or further consultation
Appendix E - Regulations -
Sex Cinema (Standard
Conditions) / Para 15 – There is no reference to trans-gender users
General Comment on Paper / In some sections the page numbering does not tally

436/10 Any Other Urgent Business

There was no other urgent business to discuss and the meeting concluded at 7:40 pm with Councillors G Trotter (Chairman of this Committee) Dr N Best, K Brown (Mayor), D Parker and P Taylor (Deputy Mayor) present.