Editing and Saving MARC Records to Orbis

December 4, 2006

1.  MARCEdit: Installing and Setting Options

MARCEdit is available from http://oregonstate.edu/~reeset/marcedit/html/index.php.

These instructions are for version 4.6a.

Follow the instructions provided with the application to download and install MARCEdit on your computer.

MARCEdit is not supported by WW & DCS, so you will need to use these instructions and MARCEdit Help rather than relying upon your expert user and WW & DCS. If you have questions, contact .

Once you’ve installed MARCEdit, open the program. Go to Menu -> Tools -> Options.

From the Files tab, you can see the file types associated with MARCEdit utilities. MARCEdit can break any file in the MARC format no matter what the file extension is. The typical extension is *.mrc. When you break the file, you may want to save it with the same file name but with a *.txt extension, or you can use the *.mrk8 extension for MARC files that have been broken and converted to UTF-8 and associate that file extension with MARCEdit.

Select the MARCEditor tab. For Default Character Encoding, deselect Default to MARC8. Arial Unicode MS should be your MARCEditor font.

2.  Editing Files

The edits recommended below are intended to bring vendor records into conformance with the MARC Record Guide for Monograph Aggregator Vendors issued by PCC: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/vendorguiderevised.pdf. Since vendors may get records from more than one source or change their record templates, not all of the edits described below may apply, or additional edits may be required. Consult the templates in section 6 of the MARC Record Guide.

Create a folder in My Documents for Record Loads, a folder for each record set, and a set for each year within the folder for each set. Save MARC files to the appropriate folder.

We currently process the following sets on a monthly basis: CRC Press, Safari, ITPro (Books24x7). It may be helpful to designate a specific day of the month for editing each set and to create a banner in Meeting Maker as a reminder.

2.1  CRC Press

MARC records are available from http://www.crcnetbase.com/marcrecords/.

Yale University Library subscribes to the following 13 databases: BIOSCIENCEnetBASE, CHEMLIBnetBASE, ENGnetBASE, ENVIROnetBASE, FOODnetBASE, MATERIALSnetBASE, MATHnetBASE, NANOnetBASE, NEUROSCIENCEnetBASE, PHYSICSnetBASE, PlantSCIENCEnetBASE, POLYMERSnetBASE, STATSnetBASE. Select them.

CRC Press periodically adds new databases. You can check to see if we subscribe by clicking through to titles from the products page: http://www.crcnetbase.com/products.asp.

Set the date range for the previous month.

Click Submit. You will have the option to save the file as test.txt. Save the file in the appropriate folder on your computer.

Start MARCEdit. Click on MARCBreaker. Enter the path of the file in Input File. Enter the same path in Output File, but change the file extension to *.txt or *.mrk8. Check Translate to UTF-8, which will change the value of the LDR/09 in all the records from \ (blank for MARC-8) to a (for Unicode). Click Execute. Click Edit Records.

The titles in CRC databases overlap. To remove duplicates, upload the broken file to clark, using the SSH Secure File Shell Transfer Client. Save the file in the immediately accessible directory; you don’t need to save it to a folder. To open a new terminal window, go to Menu -> Window -> New Terminal. Type the following at the prompt (clark: /export/home/eresource $):

sort filename | uniq -d

The duplicate lines in the file should be displayed in the terminal window. Use the 001 to search for duplicate records in the MARC file. Delete the duplicate records.

Go to Menu -> Reports -> Field Count. A window will open with the number of occurrences of each field. This will give you an idea of the 9XX fields you will need to delete. You can also check the number of 856 fields to see if the relationship of records to URLs is one-to-one. You can leave the window open, or you can save it to a text file by clicking Generate Report.

These are the edits typically required for CRC Press records. The edits should be made in the order shown below.

Action / Field/Subfield / Value
Delete / 9XX / [varies]
Add (Prepend) / 001 / CRCP
Add / 003 / CRCP
Add / 006 / m\\\\\\\\d\\\\\\\\
Add / 007 / cr\cn\---aucaa
Change / 008/23 / s
Change / 050 indicators / \4
Change / 082 indicators / 04
Add (Insert) / 245$h / [electronic resource]
Add / 516 / \\$aElectronic text (PDF).
Add / 506 / \\$aAccess restricted by licensing agreement.
Add / 538 / \\$aMode of access: World Wide Web.
Add / 590 / \\$aAccess is available to the Yale community.
Delete / 856$z / Click here for the electronic version
Change / 856$3 / Online book

To delete a field, go to Menu -> Tools -> Edit Field Data. Enter the field to be deleted in Field. Field Data need not be entered unless the deletion is restricted to a field with a particular value. Click Delete Field.

To add a field, go to Menu -> Tools -> Edit Field Data. Enter the field to be added in Field. Enter the field value in Field Data. Indicate blanks with \. Two spaces are required between the field delimiter and the subfield delimiter as shown above. The text in the Value column of the table above may be copied and pasted into Field Data. Click Add Field.

To delete a subfield, go to Menu -> Tools -> Edit Subfield Data. Enter the field of the subfield to be deleted in Field and the subfield in Subfield. Field Data need not be entered unless the deletion is restricted to a subfield with a particular value. Click Remove Text. (The entire subfield is removed, not just the designated text, if any.)

To add or change a subfield or to change the value of a fixed field, go to Menu -> Tools -> Edit Subfield Data. Enter the field in Field and the subfield (or character position for fixed fields) in Subfield. Field Data need not be entered unless a replacement is restricted to a subfield with a particular value. In Replace With, enter the new subfield value or the text to replace the text entered in Field Data. Click Replace Text. (If text is entered in Field Data, only the text in Field Data is replaced with the text in Replace With. Any remaining text is preserved.)

To prepend data in a fixed field or subfield, go to Menu -> Tools -> Edit Subfield Data. Enter the field of the subfield to be added or changed in Field and the subfield in Subfield. Enter ^b in Field Data and the data to be prepended in Replace With. Click Replace Text. A value need not be entered in Subfield when prepending data to fixed fields.

To insert a subfield into a field, go to Menu -> Tools -> Edit Subfield Data. Enter the field in Field. In Subfield, enter the following string: [x,y,^a,^b] where x and y are fields preceding the subfield to be inserted and a and b are the fields following the field to be inserted. The number of subfields preceding or following the subfield to be inserted may vary. In Field Data, enter any punctuation marks that should be ignored. In Replace With, enter the subfield to be inserted, including the subfield delimiter. Click Replace Text.

To insert a GMD for electronic resource, the following values should be used:


/ 245
Subfield / [a,n,p,^b,^c]
Field Data / =:/.
Replace With / $h[electronic resource]

The spacing will be off before and after subfield h, but Voyager will correct the spacing when the record is saved.

To edit indicators, go to Menu -> Tools -> Edit Indicators. Enter the field in Field. If nothing is entered in Indicators and Field Data, their values will be unconstrained. Enter the new indicators in Replace Indicators. Indicators may also be changed while swapping fields.

To swap fields, go to Menu -> Tools -> Swap Fields. Under Original Data, enter the field in Field and the subfield(s) in Subfield. (It doesn’t matter if you insert commas or spaces between subfields; you don’t need to.) If indicators are not provided, their values will be unconstrained. The swap may also be limited to subfields with particular data, which is entered in Find, e.g., to limit swaps to access URLs, you can enter text from the 856$z. Under Modified Data, enter the field in Field; the indicator values, if different, in Indicators; and the subfield(s) in Subfield. A subfield must be entered for each subfield entered under Original Data. Multiple subfields cannot be combined into one. If the Add to Existing Field option is checked, the subfield will be added to an existing field. If Copy Source Data is checked, the original field will be preserved.

If a record has more than one 856 field, e.g., for a table of contents, you will need to swap the fields with the access URL into a temporary field, e.g., 999. Restrict the swap to 856 fields with text in the 856$z that only appears with the access URL. Check the Field Count again. If the number of 999 fields exceeds the number of 001 fields, then some records have multiple access URLs. Scan the file for these, add the 856$3, remove the 856$z, and move them to a different temporary field, e.g., 997, so they will not be affected by global edits. (Remember to change them back to 856 fields once the global edits have been made.) Add a 998 field for $3Online book, swap the 999$u to 998$u (Add to existing field should be checked), then swap the 998 back to 856 (Add to existing field should not be checked).

Additional instructions can be found in MARCEdit Help.

After you have finished editing the file, go to Menu -> File -> Make Current File into MARC. Rename the file CRCYYYYMM.mrc where YYYY stands for the year and MM stands for the month and save.

After you have saved the edited MARC file, go to MARCEdit’s Start Page. Click on Add-ins. Scroll down to MARCValidator, which is also available from Menu -> Add-Ins -> MARCValidator. Click on the folder icon to select the source file, i.e., the edited MARC file. Leave Options set to Validate Record (Default). Click OK. After validation is complete, a *.tmp file will open listing any errors in the file. If errors are found, edit the file, remake the file into MARC, and revalidate the file. If no errors are found, the records may be saved in Voyager. See Section 3.

2.2  Safari Tech Books Online

MARC records are available from https://secure.safaribooksonline.com/bo3/.

Contact or for the user name and password to our Safari account.

Once you have logged in, click on Yale University. Then click on MARC. Safari Backoffice tracks the MARC records that have been added or deleted since records were last downloaded from our account. Click on the links for incremental additions and deletions to retrieve records. Save the files to the appropriate folder on your computer. If no records have been added or deleted since our last download, the files may be empty. The date of the last download is available from MARC History.

Start MARCEdit. Click on MARCBreaker. Break the file: enter the path in Input File and enter the same path for the Output File but replace the *.mrc extension with *.txt or *.mrk8. Check Translate to UTF-8, which will change the value of the LDR/09 in all the records from \ (blank) for MARC-8 to a for Unicode. Click Execute. Click Edit Records.

Go to Menu -> Reports -> Field Count. A window will open with the number of occurrences of each field. This will give you an idea of the 9XX fields you will need to delete. You can also check the number of 856 fields to see if the relationship of records to URLs is one-to-one. You can leave the window open, or you can save it to a text file by clicking Generate Report.

These are the edits typically required for Safari records. The edits should be made in the order shown below.

Action / Field/Subfield / Value
Delete / 9XX / [varies]
Change / 006/09 / d
Change / 008/23 / s
Change / 008/39 / d
Delete / 010 / [varies]
Swap field / 090 -> 050 / [varies]
Change / 050 indicators / \4
Change / 082 indicators / 04
Add / 506 / \\$aAccess restricted by licensing agreement.
Add / 590 / \\$aAccess is available to the Yale community.
Change (Insert) / 856$3 / Online book
Delete / 856$z / Click here for the electronic version

To delete a field, go to Menu -> Tools -> Edit Field Data. Enter the field to be deleted in Field. Field Data need not be entered unless the deletion is restricted to a field with a particular value. Click Delete Field.

To add a field, go to Menu -> Tools -> Edit Field Data. Enter the field to be added in Field. Enter the field value in Field Data. Indicate blanks with \. Two spaces are required between the field delimiter and the subfield delimiter as shown above. The text in the Value column may be copied and pasted into Field Data. Click Add Field.

To delete a subfield, go to Menu -> Tools -> Edit Subfield Data. Enter the field in Field and the subfield in Subfield. Field Data need not be entered unless the deletion is restricted to a subfield with a particular value. Click Remove Text. (The entire subfield is removed, not just the designated text, if any.)

To add or change a subfield or to change the value of a fixed field, go to Menu -> Tools -> Edit Subfield Data. Enter the field of the subfield to be added or changed in Field and the subfield (or character position for fixed fields) in Subfield. Field Data need not be entered unless a replacement is restricted to a subfield with a particular value. In Replace With, enter the new subfield value or the text to replace the text entered in Field Data. Click Replace Text. (If text is entered in Field Data, only the text in Field Data is replaced with the text in Replace With. Any remaining text is preserved.)