Mónica Briggs Gaete

Genova Oriente 2984, Las Condes

Móbile Phone :+56 97 899 4536 e-mail :

Management Executive with extensive experience in Finance and Administration, carried out at international companies with significant presence in the local market, and sustained by a solid academic background consisting in an Accounting Degree and a Financial Direction Master Degree.

Executive with an outstanding commitment and responsibility, focus on goal accomplishment, with the ability to establish management work teams, strong personal motivation and leadership skills.


2007 - 2009 Financial Direction Master Degree

Entitled, Mayo 2009

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

1991 - 1996 Public Accounting Auditor (Contador Publico Auditor)

Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

1979 - 1990 San Leonardo School.



Finance & Administration Manager

Since August 2010, Synthes began its activities in Chile, a country where it had a presence for 40 years through a distributor. Since December I´ve been supporting the start-up of this company, implementing internal controls and policies, accounting systems (Great Plains, based on Microsoft), billing and collection process, etc. By joining this company assumed responsibility for the P&L and BS of the country, by a team of 12 people, overseeing the proper accomplishment of the administrative process within the company, the recording of information in the books based on USGAAP, and the efficient management of Financial Resources. Since June 2012, with the acquisition by Johnson and Johnson worldwide, is responsible for the implementation of new processes and controls, such as SOX, which was already implemented locally. Since January 2015, moreover, is responsible for the businesses in Chile, Argentina and Peru, having to internalize the processes of these two countries to produce value-added information to commercial areas.


Finance & Administration Manager

Since September 2008, Siemens Enterprise Communications has been purchased worldwide by the Gores Group. By joining this company assumed responsibility for the P&L of the country, by a team of 8 people, financial planification process and the reporting to the Regional Office, overseeing the proper management of projects with the different Operators with presence in the local market, the recording of information in the Company´s books based on IFRS, and the efficient management of financial resources. Responsibly for the external audit process and also from the entire relationship with external (Legal, taxes, Marketing, etc)


Customer Team Finance & Controlling

The areas of major responsibility in the development of this role are supporting the sales process, forecasting of financial statements of the Business Unit, Risk Management. Direct report to the Country F&C, this function also expects a continued improvement CT's financial situation, including P&L, Assets and Cash management.

As a financial head of the CT, is needed to ensure compliance with the principles SOX, USGAAP / IFRS, Revenue Recognition, among others.

2005 - 2006 BenQ CHILE S.A.

Finance & Administration Manager

BenQ Chile SA is part of BenQ Corporation Group, which acquired in 2006 worldwide Siemens Mobile Devices Division. In this position she assumed responsibility for the establishment of the company in Chile, and all administrative and financial activities related to normal business activity. During operation of the business was responsible for the Cash Flow and Financial Statements of the Company, and the relationship with Banks, External Auditors, legal advisors, Customers and Suppliers, financial planification process and the reporting to HeadQuarter

Due to the insolvency of BenQ Mobile's parent company (Germany) in September 2006, the activities of BenQ Chile SA not continued, so that she took care of all closure activities of the society, such as employees settlements, payments and closing contracts with suppliers, financial statements year end, tax settlements, etc.

2003 - 2005 SIEMENS S.A.

Deputy Administration and Control Manager COM Division - Devices.

Responsible for financial performance of the Division annual planning processes and strategic, operational duties and responsible internal reporting to the Head - Siemens AG. Participation in negotiations and decisions with clients. Responsible for organizing, implementing control procedures and administrative management of the division. Responsible for annual planning (order entry, billing, outside sales, marketing and administration expenses, EBIT, EVA, cash flow, asset turnover, investments), monthly review, and further definition of remedial measures to mitigate potential deviations related to the Forecast. Monitoring, control and approval of offers, pricing, risk assessment (commercial terms), cash flow, asset management, related to product sales. Direct responsibility for the definition of contract terms with customers and suppliers. Monitoring and control according to US GAAP for income orders, sales, margins, expenses of the Division.

2002 - 2003 Controller Assistant, Siemens IC (Information and Communication)

Responsible for broadcast reports from the Division (including the areas Enterprise, Mobile and Carriers) interns, MERCOSUR and parent Siemens A.G.

1998 – 2002 Team Leader ICC

Lead implementation of Intercompany Clearing, Direct report to the CFO. This position implied implementing the system of payments / receipts accounts, from tariffs SIEMENS held companies worldwide

Key User SAP, V 3.0 and 4.5 b

Part of the implementation Team of SAP System, responsible for the modules Accounts Payables, Accounts Receivables, Cash Management.

Head of Financial Accounting Department

Responsible for the implementation of accounting standards relating to the areas of treasury accounts receivable and accounts payable.

Head of Financial Planning Organization, consolidating the different Divisions.

Preparation of reports to the Management of Economy and Finance, and Headquarter in Argentina.

1997  Internal Auditor

Preparation of Management Reports, for headquarters in Germany.

Financial Internal Audits for different divisions of the Organization.

Audit of internal control procedures of the Organization


Senior Audit

Is responsible for the procedures to be applied on the client, preparation od the reporting, some of the clients were:

Clínica Dávila S.A.

IBM Ltda.

Madeco S.A., among others.


1999 Siemens, Buenos Aires, Argentina SAP, V 3.0 y 4.5 Training

2000 KPMG Internacional, Santiago Chile USGAAP Course

2006 Instituto Chileno Británico de Cultura, 9th level of English.

2008 Nokia Siemens Networks, Sao Paulo, Brazil Workshop (32 hrs) Revenue Recognition and Accounting Principles

2010 Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, “7 habits of highly effective people”, Conference based in Stephen Covey´s book.

2013 Johnson and Johnson San Jose de los Campos, Brasil, SOX LATAM Implementation Training (80 hrs)