Report Title / QUARTER 3 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT REPORTKey Decision / a) Financial - No
b) Community - No
Contacts / Councillor Roger Bayliss
01530 564645
Chief Executive
01530 454500
Director of Services & Deputy Chief Executive
01530 454555
Purpose of report / This is the performance report for the 3rd quarter (October to December) of 2011/2012. The report provides members of the Cabinet with information on the performance and progress made against the Council Delivery Plan actions and performance indicators.
Reason for Decision / The Quarter 3 Performance Report is provided for Member information in order for them to effectively manage the organisation’s performance.
Council Priorities / The report addresses performance against each of the Council’s Priorities for 2011/12
Financial/Staff / The report contains summary performance data on staff management.
Link to relevant CAT / The report links to the work of all Corporate Action Teams.
Risk Management / Risk management is applicable to all areas of the Council’s statutory duties and service provision. Any relevant risks relating to actions set out in the Council Delivery Plan are managed through the Corporate Risk Register.
Equalities Impact Assessment / Equality Impact Assessments to be undertaken during 2011/12.
Human Rights / No direct implications.
Transformational Government / No direct implications.
Comments of Head of Paid Service / Report is satisfactory
Comments of Section 151 Officer / Report is satisfactory
Comments of Monitoring Officer / Report is satisfactory
Consultees / Corporate Leadership Team has been consulted on this report.
Background papers / (1) Council Delivery Plan 2011/12
(2) Change Control Documents available from the Performance Team.
Executive Summary
This report summarises the Council’s performance to the end of Quarter 3, covering the period from October to December 2011. The report includes a summary of performance against actions and performance indicators set out in the Council Delivery Plan for Quarter 3 of 2011/12, along with high level finance, sickness absence and health and safety performance information.
2.1 Performance against the Council Delivery Plan
At the end of Quarter 3, the Council had achieved 25 of the 31 actions set out for the Quarter. This shows an achievement of 80.6% of the actions for the Quarter. Of the remaining 6 actions, all are considered to be under control (amber).
Of the 16 performance indicators set out for Quarter 3, 75% (12 indicators) were on or above target for the Quarter. This is an improvement on the Quarter 1 achievement of 70.6% but down on the Quarter 2 performance of 81.3%. This is due to a single indicator (planning related) off track during this quarter.
In Quarter 1, the Council achieved 96.3% of the actions set out for the Quarter, with 1 action remaining outstanding relating to supporting existing businesses by holding meetings for Ashby & Coalville Town Centre. As NWLDC now no longer provide secretariat support to the group and as the Town Centre Management function has now dissolved, this action, which is also part of Quarter 2, 3 & 4 has been deleted. All actions, therefore are now completed for Quarter 1.
In Quarter 2, the Council achieved 81.4% of the actions set out for the Quarter, 4 actions remained outstanding. As at the end of Quarter 3, 88.5% of Quarter 2 actions have now been achieved, 3 still remain outstanding at the end of Quarter 3. Actions outstanding at the end of Quarter 2 is shown in the table in section 2.5.
2.2 Finance Performance
At the end of Quarter 3, the majority of the Council’s budget are on track or slightly under spent. Budgets continue to be monitored for all areas.
2.3 Management of Absence Performance
Cumulative sickness absence levels per full time equivalent member of staff have risen slightly above the target for Quarter 3. Absence levels will continue to be closely monitored in future quarters to identify any developing trends. Please refer to management of absence section for further explanations.
2.4 Health & Safety Performance
18 less accidents were reported between Quarter 1 and Quarter 3 this year compared to the same period of 2010. 64 accidents were reported for the first 3 quarters of 2011 compared to 82 last year.
2.5 Update on Quarter 2 outstanding action
During 2011/12 we said we would: - / Quarter 2 Milestone to achieve this: - / Status at end of quarter 2 / Progress as at end of quarter 2 / Progress as at end of quarter 3 / Status at end of quarter 3 /GF05 – To influence more sustainable developments through the “ourplace TM” scheme. (Planning & Engagement) / Cabinet to adopt Design Supplementary Planning Document / / Current version of Building for Life is under review. Interim guidance notes under development / This action is still work in progress and remains under control (amber) /
GF08 – To work with community partners to improve the local environment (Planning & Engagement) / To complete a satisfaction survey with attendees of the Community Network / / Questionnaires being issued at Green Footprints Community Network meeting in November / Questionnaires were issued in November 2011 and this has now been completed. /
VFM03 - To support elected Members in their role as Community Leaders (Legal & Democratic) / Develop and introduce a communication protocol between staff and members / / A protocol has been drafted and is with the Head of Service and Chief Executive for comments. / Awaiting approval before implementation. Going to Corporate Leadership Team on 10 Jan 2012. /
PRI09 – To provide a choice in the location and type of accommodation offered (Planning & Engagement) / Monitor number of properties returned to use / / Due to teething problems experienced by the Revenues & Benefits service following their relocation and adoption of a new IT system, the private sector housing team have not been able to obtain up to date information regarding empty homes in the district. This has prevented us from undertaking any proactive work in relation to returning empty properties back to use. Every endeavour is being made to resolve this in the next Quarter and reports will be updated. / This is still amber as the Empty Homes Funding is not yet secured and the competition for this funding will be high. Still under control and amber. /
Community Services
/ Failing / / Below Target
/ Under Control / / On or above Target
/ On Track
Community Services Performance Indicators on or above target for Quarter 3
Performance Indicator / Target / Actual / Status
CSPI04 - % of food establishments within project becoming broadly compliant / 88% / 90% /
NI 192 % of waste recycled and composted / 45.75% / 46.33% /
NI 191 Kgs of waste sent to landfill per household / 542 / 515 /
CSPI11 % of commercial waste recycled / 3.88% / 6.60% /
CSPI08 - Leisure Centre Usage (visits) / 785,000 / 794,311 /
Housing & Customer Services
Housing & Customer Services Performance Indicators on or above target for Quarter 3
Performance Indicators / Target / Actual / Status
HCPI06 - % of complaints resolved across all council services / 100% / 100% /
HCPI09 - % of customers satisfied with handling of ASB / 75% / 100% /
HCP15 – Average number of days to respond to complaints / 10 days / 9 days /
NI142 - Percentage of vulnerable people who are supported to maintain independent living. / 98.5% / 99.1% /
/ Failing / / Below Target
/ Under Control / / On or above Target
/ On Track
Housing & Customer Services actions not on track at the end of Quarter 3
During 2011/12 we said we would: / Quarter 3 Milestone: / Status / Progress
PRI08a - To improve the decency of homes / Council owned stock - Undertake procurement process to appoint contractors to deliver 2012-15 project / / Review of procurement options including potential framework agreements to be undertaken by DHIP (Decent Homes Improvement Project group) in early January 2012 and consequent procurement timetable to be finalised as a result.
VFM07 - To improve the quality of our customer services / Agree changes to be implemented with key stakeholders - Customer Services / / Customer service improvement plan currently being developed and strategic review to be undertaken in quarter 4.
Planning & Engagement
Planning & Engagement actions not on track at the end of Quarter 3
During 2011/12 we said we would: / Quarter 3 Milestone to achieve this: / Status / Progress
VFM01 - To develop a Public Involvement Plan / Public Involvement Plan approved / / CLT has agreed to the purchase of online consultation software and as a result the community engagement toolkit is being revised to reflect the new processes
GF06 - To encourage activities that help support local wildlife / To complete a survey of satisfaction with the Green Footprints Website wildlife pages / / Questionnaire sent out to GF Community Network group for feedback and suggestions
Planning & Engagement Performance Indicators on or above target for Quarter 3
Performance Indicators / Target / Actual / Status
PEPI22 - % of new housing schemes with 10+ houses approved are good or very good as assessed against the Building For Life criteria / 80% / 100% /
PEPI26 - PRS No. of private sector homes made decent / 50 / 51 /
PEPI21 - % of customers very satisfied or satisfied with the planning service / 83% / 83% /
Planning & Engagement Performance Indicators below target for Quarter 3 /
Indicator / Target / Actual / Status / Comments /
PEPI27 - Number of empty homes brought back into use / 30 / 0 / / A list of empty properties has now been provided by Revenues and an internal officer working group has been formed to implement the empty homes aspects of the Government's new Housing Strategy published at the end of November 2011. The officer group is working with two local housing associations with a view to bidding for Empty Homes funding (deadline 23 January) and will also draft and develop a new delivery plan to be approved by CLT ready for implementation in April 2012. Given the above, the 2011-12 target will not be met and a new target set for 2012-13 instead.
NI157a - Percentage of planning applications determined within 13 weeks for major applications / 60.00% / 26.66% / / The drop in performance is as a result of the number of major and contentious planning applications which had to be reported to Planning Committee in this quarter. This is due to the number of outstanding applications (some which have been outstanding for several months) that had a number of technical issues which have now been resolved, these outstanding applications were due for determination during this period.
NI157b - Percentage of planning applications determined within 8 weeks for minor applications / 65.00% / 56.25% / / Performance is steadily improving but remains low mainly because of the continued approval of older applications for new dwellings previously undetermined because of the River Mease SAC. Performance is an improvement from the quarter 2 outturn of 38.60%.
NI157c - Percentage of planning applications determined within 8 weeks for other applications / 80.00% / 76.65% / / Performance continues to improve now that the team has been fully staffed for a full quarter and is an improvement from quarter 2’s outturn of 63.07%
Corporate Services
Corporate Services actions not on track at the end of Quarter 3
During 2011/12 we said we would: / Quarter 3 Milestone: / Status / Progress
VFM03 - To support elected Members in their role as Community Leaders / VFM03 Review the effectiveness of the protocol / / Awaiting approval before implementation. Going to Corporate Leadership Team on 10 Jan 2012.
VFM04 - To ensure the community better understands how we spend money / Publish summary 2010-11 Accounts with short explanations in Vision and ask for comments and/or queries. / / Summary of accounts not published, however, rather than publish a summary, the full accounts have been published on the website and communications made advising of this and that comments are welcome.
General Fund – Summary of Net Expenditure 2011/12 Period 9
£ / £ / £
3,330,880 / 3,314,250 / -16,630
DIRECTOR OF SERVICES / 6,623,760 / 6,522,679 / -101,081
Service Manager Review / -900 / 0 / 900
Non-distributed Costs / 79,470 / 177,100 / 97,630
Corporate & Democratic Core / 79,170 / 76,150 / -3,020
Concessionary Travel / 0 / 4,570 / 4,570
NET COST OF SERVICE / 10,112,380 / 10,094,749 / -17.631
HRA Recharges / -726,310 / -742,080 / -15,770
Capital Recharges / -20,410 / -18,830 / 1,580
Special Expenses recharges / -110,320 / -110,320 / 0
Other recharges / -2,770 / -2,770 / 0
Whitwick Business Centre recharges / -14,400 / -14,400 / 0
TOTAL RECHARGES OUT OF GF / -874,210 / -888,400 / -14,190
NET COST AFTER RECHARGES / 9,238,170 / 9,206,349 / -31,821
NET FINANCING COSTS / 1,026,250 / 1,026,250 / 0
INVESTMENT INCOME / -105,000 / -140,000 / -35,000
CONTINGENCY / 313,820 / 50,000 / -263,820
CONTRIBUTION TO/(FROM) BALANCES / 201,510 / 201,510 / 0
TOTAL GENERAL FUND / 10,674,750 / 10,344,109 / -330,641
SPECIAL EXPENSES / 684,180 / 679,452 / -4,728
NET FINANCING COSTS / -42,830 / -42,830 / 0
CAPITAL SCHEMES / 10,000 / 10,000 / 0
TOTAL / 651,350 / 646,622 / -4,728
TOTAL INCL. SPECIAL EXP / 11,326,100 / 10,990,732 / -335,368
Comments on major General Fund variances to end Q3