Lone Star (Tyler) Chapter-Softball

Texas Association of Sports Officials (TASO)

P.O. Box 131163, Tyler, Texas 75713-1163



This organization shall be known as “Lone Star (Tyler) Chapter-Softball” of Texas Association of Sports Officials (TASO), A Division of Southwest Officials Association, and a Texas non-profit Corporation, here in after referred to as the “chapter”.


The purpose of this association shall be to foster and promote national and international amateur sports competition in the game of SOFTBALL by:

  1. Advancing the ideals of good sportsmanship and fair play through qualified officiating in softball, and respect for the authority of softball officials at all levels of competition.
  2. Providing educational programs to advance the skills of softball officials at all levels of competition.
  3. Conducting public information programs that will encourage the skill and competence of softball officials.
  4. Placing special emphasis on developing concepts of good sportsmanship among the youth of this nation, both competitors and spectators.
  5. Conducting studies and analysis of softball rules to identify sources of officiating problems and seek solutions in cooperation with the appropriate rules making bodies.
  6. Developing and maintaining a membership consisting of experienced and capable softball umpires whose integrity is above reproach and actively engaged each year in officiating games.
  7. Fostering a high standard of ethics, encouraging fair play and sportsmanship, and promoting closer cooperation and better understanding among officials, athletic representatives, coaches, players and the media.



  1. President
  2. Vice-President/UIC
  3. Secretary/Scheduler
  4. Treasurer

The board of directors shall consist of seven (7) to nine (9) members.

  1. Four (4) Chapter Officers and One (1) member from each Division.
  2. The terms of office and method of election for these officers and board members shall be provided in these by-laws.


  1. The qualifications for membership and the duties of the officers and directors and regulations as may be necessary and proper for the conducting of business affairs of the Chapter shall be provided in these by-laws. The current TASO by-laws, TASO Code of Ethics and Due Process, TASO Policy on Solicitation of Game assignments, TASO Uniform Policy Shall serve as an addendum to these by-laws.
  2. There shall be a minimum of eight (8) meetings of the Chapter During the softball season.


These by-laws may be amended as follows:

  1. The proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors. At the next regularly scheduled meeting after receiving the proposed change(s) the Board shall present same along with the board’s recommendations to the body.
  2. At the meeting after which the proposed change is read to the membership, open discussion shall be held and a vote on the revision will be conducted, provided a quorum of 51% of the membership isin attendance.
  3. The constitution should require previous notice of an amendment and also a two-thirds vote for its adoption.


  1. At the next to last regularly scheduled meeting of the High School season the Chapter shall nominate from the floor candidates for vacancies in office and directorships.
  2. Members in good standing may accept only one (1) nomination per election.
  3. At the next to last regularly schedule meeting of the softball season the Chapter shall elect officers and directors from among those nominated at the previous meeting.
  4. All offices shall be filled by a 51% majority vote of the Chapter members in good standing and probationers who are present at any election meeting.
  6. No member having been elected to serve a position on the Board of Directors and failing to fulfill the term of that position, except of health or mitigating circumstances, shall be eligible for any elected position for a period of 2 years.
  7. If a Director misses two (2) or more regularly scheduled Board meetings, without just cause, or fail to carry out his/her assigned duties, he/she shall be removed from office and the office declared vacant. Vacancy shall be filled according to Article X.F. 1.
  8. The membership may, following due process, remove from office any board member or officer whose actions or conduct is determined detrimental to the best interest of the chapter. Such removal shall be by 2/3-majority vote of members present.


  1. Qualifications: Qualifications for all positions shall be member in good standing prior to the election and continued membership in good standing for the entire term of office.
  2. President: The chapter shall have a president, elected in even numbered years for a term of two (2) years beginning with the year 1996 and there after every two (2) years. The President may Serve Consecutive Terms if re-elected by the membership.
  3. Vice-President: The chapter shall have a Vice President, elected in odd numbered years for a term of two (2) years beginning with the year 1997 and there after every two (2) years. The Vice-President may serve Consecutive Terms if re-elected by the membership.
  4. Secretary/Scheduler: The chapter shall have a Secretary, elected in even numbered Years for a term of Two (2) years beginning with the year 2000 and there after every two (2) years. The Secretary May Serve Consecutive Terms if re-elected by the membership.Term Vacancy of the office of Secretary/Scheduler shall be filled according to Article VIII-A-6.
  5. Treasurer: The chapter shall have a Treasurer Elected in odd numbered years for a term of Two (2) Years beginning with the year 2001 and there after every Two (2) Years. The Treasurer may serve Consecutive Terms if re-elected by the membership.
  6. Board of Directors: The Chapter shall have a board of directors consisting of Four (4) Officers-President; Vice-President; Secretary/Scheduler; Treasurer and a Representative from each division.
  7. Division Representatives will be elected for a one (1) year term by the members of that Division.
  8. Parliamentarian:to be appointed by a two-thirds majority approval of the board each odd numbered year for a term of two (2) years. Position will be a non-voting position.


  1. President:
  2. The President shall preside over all meetings of the chapter and board of Directors and shall be vested with all the powers usually pertaining to this office.
  3. The President shall be responsible, in conjunction with the Secretary and Board of Directors, for all negotiations in behalf of the chapter and shall make every effort to further the policies adopted by the chapter.
  4. The President shall govern in accordance with
  5. The by-laws of TASO
  6. The By-Laws adopted by the Chapter.
  7. The advice and assistance of the Board of Directors.
  8. The direction and desires of the majority of the members of the chapter.
  9. The President may cast a vote in any Chapter election and may vote as any member on any issue requiring a vote.
  10. The President shall be diligent in investigations of all complaints against members and report to the Board of Directors such findings.
  11. The President shall act as Secretary or shall have the authority to appoint a temporary Secretary, with the approval of the Board of Directors, a member in good standing and qualified credentials, to fill the vacancy until a permanent replacement is chosen from the membership through the electoral process by the chapter.
  12. The President shall have the authority to appoint a member in good standing and qualified credentials, to temporarily fill a board vacancy with the approval of the Board of Directors, until a permanent replacement is chosen from the membership through the electoral process by the chapter.
  13. The President shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred while performing the duties of the office.
  1. Vice-President/UIC:
  2. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of President in the president’s absence or inability to act and shall be presented the opportunity to become President in the event of a vacancy or remain in his/her current position for the benefit of the chapter, which results in an election for either position vacated.
  3. The Vice-President shall be vested with all the powers usually pertaining to the office.
  4. The Vice-President shall serve as program director, responsible for meeting presentations on rules, mechanics, and game situations.
  5. The Vice-President shall perform such duties as prescribed by the President.
  6. The Vice-Presidentshall be reimbursed for expenses incurred while performing the duties of the office.
  1. Secretary/Scheduler:
  2. Records
  3. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the chapter and Board of Directors.
  4. The Secretary shall receive and process all applications for membership in the Chapter and present it to the Board of Directors.
  5. The Secretary shall administer all test and examinations of the Chapter membership as required by the TASO and its Board of Directors.
  6. The Secretary shall certify all qualified members of the chapter in accordance with the by-laws to the Board of Directors.
  7. The Secretary shall keep an accurate service record of each member including but not limited to:
  8. Qualifications
  9. Officiating activities past and present
  10. All details relative to membership in the chapter.
  11. The Secretary shall preserve and divulge all records of the chapter at the request of the Board of Directors.
  12. Correspondence:
  13. The Secretary shall have charge of printing and publications ordered by the Board of Directors and shall have charge of all mailings of the chapter.
  14. The Secretary shall maintain all correspondence between the chapter and all outside parties at the request of the Board of Directors, including schools, coaches, and other chapters, etc.
  15. The Secretary shall request reimbursements of services for all cancelled assignments.
  16. The Secretary shall submit a roster of members in good standing in the chapter to such parties as authorized by the Board of Directors.
  17. The Secretary shall file all necessary documentations with the TASO in a timely manor.
  18. The Secretary shall have the authority to collect state and local dues and fines to insure accurate membership standings are kept, and he/she will give and keep a receipt of all money transactions and present that to the Treasurer for deposit ASAP in a timely Manor.
  19. General:
  20. The Secretary shall act as game scheduler as provided in Article XI of these BY-Laws.
  21. The Secretary shall be vested with all powers usually pertaining to this office
  22. The Secretaryshall be reimbursed for expenses incurred while performing the duties of the office.
  23. The Secretary may request an assistant, which shall be a non-board member position, to assist in his duties by appointment by the Board of Directors.
  1. Treasurer:
  2. The Treasurer shall have charge of the collection of all fees and dues authorized by the chapter. The Secretary will be authorized to collect state and local dues and fines with the supervision of the Treasurer. The Treasurer will ensure that all money and receipts given and received by the Secretary will be forwarded to him/her for deposit ASAP in a timely Manor.
  3. The Treasurer shall place all receipts of the chapter in a timely manor into one account in a local banking institution in the name of TASO-Lone Star (Tyler) Softball Officials.
  4. The Treasurer shall disburse funds from the above account as authorized by the Board of Directors. Such disbursements shall require authorized signatures of the Treasurer and (1) one other officer- President; Vice-President; or Secretary.
  5. The Treasurer shall submit a financial report to the Board of Directors at the first meeting of the Calendar year and at such other times as ordered by the Board of Directors.
  6. The treasurer shall present to the membership at every Chapter meeting a financial report and file copy of report with the secretary.
  7. The Treasurer shall be paid an annual fee for the services, the amount of such fee shall be recommended to the membership of the chapter by the Board of Directors. A majority vote or the membership is necessary for approval.
  8. Board of Directors.
  9. The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the Chapter and shall have the power to enforce the By-Laws of the Chapter and shall have the power to enforce the By-Laws of the Chapter, subject to the By-Laws of the TASO.
  11. The Board of Directors shall endeavor to bring about mutual understanding and standardization of policies and rules interpretation of the chapter.
  12. The Board of Directors shall have full power to adopt all regulations to govern their own deliberations, subject to these by-laws, the by-laws of TASO.
  13. The Board of Directors shall meet prior to each scheduled regular meeting of the chapter and such other times as requested by a board member.
  14. The Board of Directors shall maintain minutes of all meetings and submit same to the membership at the next scheduled regular meeting of the chapter following each board meeting.
  15. The Board of Directors shall preside over and arbitrate controversies between members and others when such controversies arise during the authorized officiating efforts of chapter member’s consent with the By-Laws of the TASO.
  16. The Board of Directors shall receive and make recommendations on all proposed amendments to the By-Laws of the Chapter.
  17. The Board of Directors shall review for approval all membership applications presented by the Secretary pursuant to provisions in the By-Laws of the Chapter.
  18. The Board of Directors shall authorize disbursements of funds from the Chapter account by the Treasurer as may be keeping with the welfare of the Chapter.
  19. The Board of Directors may appoint an assistant to the Secretary. The Board may also recall such appointment at its discretion. Such appointment shall hold no office.
  20. The Board of Directors shall cause an annual audit of the Chapter’s financial status as follows:
  21. The President shall appoint a committee of three (3) members in good standing of the chapter who hold no office to audit the records of the chapter.
  22. This committee shall report its findings to the Board of Directors for review.
  23. The Board of Directors shall disclose the findings of the audit at the first scheduled business meeting of the softball season.
  24. The Board of Directors shall have the power and duty to suspend from the chapter any member in accordance with the provisions of Article XII of the By-Laws of the chapter and the ethics and Due Process procedures of the TASO.
  25. The Annual Tournament will be planned by the Board of Directors and a committee will be formed consisting of the following members:
  26. The Secretary/Scheduler will hold the responsibility of being Tournament Director and Coordinator.
  27. The Vice President will chair a committee of (4) four consisting of him/herself and three (3) Division Representatives, co existing with the Secretary.
  28. The Vice-President will annually delegate to each committee member an area of responsibility and tasks to be accomplished, along with direct communication with the Secretary on the progress of the tournament, in order to provide a better, more quality tournament.
  29. Then the president will be informed of all actions pertaining to the tournament and any changes made.
  30. In the event of a committee member Vacancy or absence the Treasurer or the President will fill that void until a replacement is elected.
  31. The Chapter will receive a report each meeting throughout the year on the progress of the tournament by the president or the vice-president.
  32. The Annual Tournament will be planned by the Board of Directors
  33. The Annual Tournament responsibilities are as follows:
  1. The Secretary will be responsible for communication between the schools, coaches, board of directors, and members of the Chapter.
  2. The president will be informed of all actions pertaining to the tournament and any changes made.
  3. The Treasurer will be responsible for the receipts and disbursements of the tournament and will compile a financial statement and report to the board of directors and the Chapter.
  4. The Chapter will receive a report each meeting throughout the year on the progress of the tournament by the president or the vice-president.

F. Parliamentarian:

  1. The parliamentarian shall assure that all action taken in the meetings of the Chapter and the Board of Directors are in accordance with these by-laws, Robert Rules of Order, and other applicable laws and regulations.
  2. The parliamentarian shall assist the President in maintaining order.
  3. The parliamentarian will be a non-voting member of the Board of Directors.


A. Requirements:

  1. Applications for membership in the chapter must be 18 years of age or older and must make application for admission to the TASO through the Chapter Secretary.
  2. Applicants must pay a $25.00 non-refundable application fee, and pass a rules examination with a grade of 70 or better.
  3. Applications will be considered by the Board of directors in accordance with procedures established by the TASO, Board of directors, for Softball.

B. New Members:

  1. New Members of the Chapter will serve first year in a probationary status. At the end of the softball season the officiating record of each probationary member will be reviewed by the Board of Directors to determine status. Probationary member have voting rights but may not hold office.
  2. Possible action by the Board of Directors shall be:
  3. Removal from probationary status
  4. Continued probationary status for another year
  5. Recommend to the membership that the probationary member be dropped from membership.
  1. Members in Good Standings:
  2. A member in good standing must:
  3. Be free from any financial obligation to the chapter or TASO.
  4. Fulfill all TASO requirements.
  5. Maintain attendance and examination requirements established by the Chapter and TASO.
  6. Must attend annually at least one (1) of the following for educational and self-improvement; State, Regional, District, or local clinic given. Proof will be required for those who attend a clinic outside the chapter, and placed on file for reference.
  7. A member not in good standing may be placed on probationary status by the Board of Directors.
  8. Membership Terms:
  9. A membership term shall be the same as set by TADSO, June 1 – to May 31.
  10. Membership Classifications:
  11. Individual Classifications of divisions shall be determined by the Board of Directors until such time as policies are set by TASO-Softball.
  12. The Board of Directors, umpires assigned to games, or outside evaluators shall evaluate umpires following a set evaluation standard as determined by the UIC.
  13. Dues:
  14. Chapter dues for all new members, current members, transferred members and probationary shall be determined annually by the Board of Directors and approved by the membership.
  15. Dues will be paid in accordance with the procedures established by the Board of Directors.
  16. Local dues will be refunded 100% only if a member withdraws before the first meeting is held.
  17. Failure of members to remit dues prior to the last regularly scheduled meeting of the High School season shall result in possible disciplinary action provided in Article XII of these by-laws.
  18. The Lone Star (Tyler) Chapter will host an annual tournament in the Month of March to pay for the Official’s State and Local dues each year. Every official will umpire a minimum number of games to compensate for their dues; the board of directors will decide the number of games. The Board of Directors will have the authority to adjust the game requirements up or down only to compromise for extenuating circumstances affecting the tournament such as weather, availability of fields, number of teams dropping or adding etc…. Those officials who fail to umpire their required number of games for whatever reason will be required to pay next years dues themselves. The Official will pay state dues, and local and associations dues of a $150.00. Officials may appeal to the board for exceptions; this will be a case-by-case basis. If the official cannot meet the game requirement and do umpire in the Tournament then the official’s fee will be prorated and the official will pay the difference of the balance.
  19. Officials that umpire more than the required number of games necessary to compensate for their dues shall receive a fee for the extra games. Fee will be prorated.
  20. The formula for determining the number of games you will be required to officiate is the number of games to be played, divided by the number of officials in the chapter, equals the number required to officiate.
  21. Officiating Fees and Travel Allowances:
  22. Officiating fees and travel allowances shall be those, which conform to the scale of standard fees and travel allowances currently prescribed by the University Interscholastic League. (UIC)
  1. Uniforms:

1. Members shall be required to wear the prescribed uniform when officiating games