R-S Central Graduation Project

2010 – 2011 Manual

Table of Contents

  1. Due Dates for Fall 2010
  1. Requirements for the Graduation Project at R-S Central and Timeline for Completion
  1. Support Specialists for Graduation Projects
  1. Graduation Project Topic Approval Form
  1. Topic Approval Committee Evaluation
  1. Self Evaluation
  1. Mentor Evaluation
  1. Product Verification Log
  1. Commitment to the Graduation Project
  1. Parent and Faculty Advisor/Mentor Contract
  1. Guidelines for the Graduation Project Paper and Product
  1. Letter to the Judges
  1. Resume Template
  1. Portfolio Requirements
  1. Presentation Requirements

Due Dates: Fall 2010

*NOTE: All due dates indicate that work will be turned in

AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS unless otherwise noted.

Monday, August 30Topic Proposal

Friday, October 15-10 page Research Paper

Resume (completed in class)

Monday, November 22Letter to the Judges

(completed in class)

Monday, November 29SP Workday

Tuesday, November 30SP Workday

Wednesday, December 1Project due, time and reflective logs due, PowerPoint due

Thursday, December 2Presentation Practice Day 1

Friday, December 3Presentation Practice Day 2

Monday, December 6Presentation Practice Day 3

Tuesday, December 7Presentation Practice Day 4

Wednesday, December 8Presentation Practice Day 5

Thursday, December 9Presentation Practice Day 6

Friday, December 10Presentation Practice Day 7

Thursday, December 16Presentation Judging*

*All student presentations will be judged on this day during your English class time. It is

mandatory that you attend and present your project on this day. You must dress

professionally and bring all necessary materials to the presentation, including your

completed portfolio. Students must have an approved presentation on their assigned

practice day for their English teacher before presenting December 16.

Requirements for the NC Graduation Project

  1. Paper: A 5-10 page researched paper related to the project topic. The paper is meant to stretch the knowledge of the student and expand the scope of the information and learning. The paper is written in or by the junior year.
  1. Product: Each student must spend a minimum of 15 hours outside of the classroom developing a physical product (project or participation in fieldwork) that is related to the research topic. Students are to demonstrate a learning stretch through this aspect of the project. The product development must be supervised or guided by a Faculty Advisor/Mentor who is an expert in the field of the topic. Students must keep Verification and Reflective logs that document the work throughout the process. The Faculty Advisor/Mentor checks the Verification Logs throughout the process, as well as reads and signs the Reflective Logs, and verifies the work completed.
  1. Portfolio: This is a documented and organized history of the project and the student's work on it over the course of the four years of high school. The portfolio follows the project from start to finish. It includes the revised research paper, all paperwork related to the project, reflective logs, samples and evidence of the product, and any other pertinent information related to the project and the student's learning stretch throughout the course of high school.
  1. Presentation: The student presents an oral and visual professional presentation of the project to a board of school and community members. The student is evaluated on the evaluated on his/her ability to professionally present a 7-10 minute rehearsed oral presentation, incorporate visual/audio aids during the presentation, demonstrate knowledge and mastery of skills in the area of the project, and answer questions from the board.

Timeline for completing the Graduation Project

Middle School – Students will begin developing and practicing skills needed for successfully completing the project (Power Point, writing, research, presentation).

9th Grade – Students will work on Power Point, research, MLA documentation, and writing skills within the context of the English class.

10th Grade – Students will continue to work on refining skills of Power Point presentation, research, MLA documentation and writing skills within the context of the English II class.

11th Grade - Students will write the Graduation Project Research Paper as part of the English course requirements. English III teachers will use the Graduation Project Paper Rubric to assess the paper. The rubric will be filed with the Graduation Project Coordinator(s), along with a copy of the paper.

12th Grade – Students will submit the Graduation Project Topic Proposal to the Graduation Project Committee. Students will be provided a faculty/staff Mentor who will assess the Product, assist students in meeting deadlines and writing Reflective Logs. The student and Mentor will keep meeting log of times and dates they meet to work on the project. Students will identify a product and expert in the field of choice, and complete a minimum of 15 hours of fieldwork toward the development of a Product related to the Project Topic. The 15 hours of fieldwork, Product, and Portfolio will be completed by the assigned date during the semester of English IV. The English IV teacher will assess the Portfolio using the Graduation Project Portfolio Rubric. Students will complete the 7-10 minute Presentation on the assigned date during the semester of English IV. A board of school and community members will assess the Presentation using the Graduation Project Presentation Rubric.

Support Specialists for Graduation Projects

R-S Central students have several Support Specialists who will assist them in finding successful completion of the Graduation Project:

A Faculty Advisor/Mentor who will meet with the student frequently to track progress on the project, provide support and feedback, assist with reflective logs, help keep a time-log of meetings, and assess the Product.

An Expert in the Field who will help the student find a learning stretch when completing fieldwork and developing the Product.

Middle School Teachers who are dedicated to assisting students learn skills early that will help them with their projects.

The freshman English I teacher, who will guide the student through a series of classroom project steps meant to expand the student's ability to use multiple skills for completing a long-term project (research, writing, Power Point, vocal and written presentation).

The sophomore English II teacher, who will help the student refine research and writing skills, as well as develop more successful and effective presentation skills using visual aids.

The junior English III teacher, who will provide guidance, feedback, deadlines, and a grade for the Research Paper. This teacher will also help the student complete the Topic Approval Form.

The senior English IV teacher, who will provide guidance, feedback, deadlines and a grade for the Portfolio and its various elements. This teacher will also guide the student in developing and fine-tuning the presentation.

Library/Media Coordinators will assist students in gathering resources and understanding research methods for the Research Paper.

The Graduation Project Coordinators will assist students in understanding and meeting deadlines, as well as coordinate any remediation that might occur. They will liason between the students and other support persons as needed.

The lead judges will assist the student in practicing the presentation prior to presentation day, getting use to the timing and time limits, and mastering the technology elements provided in the presentation room

The panel of school and community members will provide a supportive audience two which the student presents his/her project, and will assess the student presentation using the NC Graduation Project Rubric.

Graduation Project Topic Approval Form

Student Name: ______English Teacher: ______

Proposed Topic:______

  1. My interest in the topic, including previous experience and how I will create a learning stretch:
  1. Research Paper Position (what I plan to argue or analyze in my paper):
  1. The Product I hope to complete is: (Be descriptive and thorough.)
  1. People who will assist me in completing the product:
  1. Outline the steps I hope to follow in completing the product:
  1. The materials and anticipated costs of the experience, and how I will meet these expenses:
  1. The obstacles I anticipate encountering, and how I plan to overcome them are:
  1. The time it should take to complete this project and the date it will be complete is:
  1. This project will impact my life and/or the lives of others by:
  1. ______is my choice for my faculty advisor/mentor.

I have/have not gotten his/her approval for this topic. (circle one)

Graduation Project Topic Approval Committee Evaluation

Student Name: ______Topic: ______

€ CONGRATULATIONS! Your proposal has been accepted.

€ NOT YET. Your proposal needs a little more work. Please use the following comments to make

revisions. You must attach the original proposal and this evaluation to your revised submission.

Committee Members Signatures:

Yes No Student explains interest in the topic.

Yes No Student provides information about previous experience.

Yes No If student already has some experience with this topic, student tells how he/she will build

on that existing knowledge to learn or experience new activities and ideas.

Yes No Student discusses the learning stretch.


Yes No Student discusses information about what he/she plans to argue or analyze in the paper.


Yes No Student clearly describes the Product he/she hopes to complete.

Yes No Student identifies people who may help him/her in the completion of the project.

Yes No Student outlines the steps for completing the product.


Yes No Student identifies materials and possible costs, as well as how he/she will address the costs

of completing the product.

Yes No Student identifies possible obstacles he/she will encounter, as well as anticipates how

he/she will overcome those obstacles.

Yes No Student identifies the time it will take to complete the project.

Yes No Student identifies the completion date of his/her project.


Yes No Student identifies how the project will affect his/her life and possibly the lives of others.


Faculty Advisor/Mentor Choice: ______Mentor has approved/not approved

Yes No Committee has contacted the mentor.


Graduation Project Self-Evaluation

Turned in to the Faculty Advisor/Mentor prior to final due date for hours

Type and include in your Portfolio. Use complete sentences, correct spelling and grammar to address each item.

Student Name: ______Mentor: ______

Topic: ______Date: ______

  1. Describe your Product in 150 – 250 words. Include enough detail so that those unfamiliar with your topic and work will easily understand what you did and how you completed it.
  2. How many total hours did you spend on your Product?
  3. What date did you start?
  4. What date did you finish?
  5. Are you satisfied with your completed Product? Explain your answer. What would you do differently if you could start all over?
  6. What advise would you give to others about choosing a Product?
  7. Will this Product have the impact you predicted in your Topic Proposal? Explain your answer.
  8. Please assign yourself a numerical grade for your Product: ______
  9. Justify your grade by explaining what you did beyond simply completing the project.
  10. Describe the learning stretch you gained in completing the Product.

Graduation Project Mentor Evaluation

Please complete after reading the student Self-Evaluation. Include this with the Product Rubric and return to the Coordinators by December 7.

  1. Please explain what the student did while spending time with you. Verify the approximate number of hours the student spend in hands-on practice and in time spent with you or others specifically.
  1. Have you seen the Product at different stages of completion, not just the final phase? Please explain.
  1. Did the student reach his/her goal? Please explain.
  1. What challenges did the student encounter and how did he/she overcome these?
  1. Did the student experience a learning stretch while completing the Product? How?
  1. What grade would you give the student and why? Grade: ______

Mentor name: ______Signature: ______

Product Verification Log

Student Name: ______

The student must meet with his/her Faculty Advisor/Mentor and other experts in the field regularly throughout the completion of the Product for a minimum of 15 hours. Please sign the activities at each meeting. The Product Verification Logs will be checked on designated days by the Graduation Project Coordinators and/or the English Teachers. (Make additional copies as needed.)

Date of Meeting / Time Spent / Activity (description, place, etc) / Advisor/Expert Signature

R-S Central Senior Project

Fieldwork/Project Work Day

Student: ______

This senior will be working outside of school during ______(day/date). He/She will make up any work missed, but please do not count absent.

1st Period Teacher: ______

2nd Period Teacher: ______

3rd Period Teacher: ______

4th Period Teacher: ______

Parent: ______

Senior Project Coordinator (Julie Pittman) ______

Administrator/Counselor: ______

Mentor: ______

Mentor Phone Number and email: ______


(Please sign to attest that the student worked on his/her project under your immediate supervision.)

Commitment to the R-S Central Graduation Project

I, ______, acknowledge the following as my commitment to successfully completing the Graduation Project.

Initial each item.

_____ I must complete the Graduation Project and all of its components in order to graduate.

_____ I may not change the project topic from the one approved by the Graduation Project Committee.

_____ I am responsible for keeping an accurate journal of reflective logs about my activities related to the Graduation Project.

_____ I am responsible for keeping photographic evidence of the process and completion of my Product and fieldwork activities.

_____ I must invest a minimum of fifteen hours of supervised work on my Product.

_____ I must work with my Faculty Advisor/Mentor (and other Experts as necessary) throughout the process of the Paper and Product.

_____ I must participate in Presentation Practice in front of my class and Lead Judge in order to have the opportunity to present on Presentation Day.

_____ I will complete the research necessary to write the Research Paper.

_____ I will document my research, avoid plagiarism, and submit my paper to my teacher for evaluation.

_____ I will collect accurate verification and signatures for all work necessary. I will not forge any verification documents.

_____ I understand that if I am suspended from school on Presentation Day, I will be required to present to a make-up board at the time designated by the Graduation Project Committee and/or Coordinators.

_____I understand that any ethical violation will result in a zero on the graded element and an appearance before the Graduation Project Committee.

_____ I commit to completing the following elements:

  1. Research Paper
  2. Product
  3. Portfolio
  4. Presentation

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent and Faculty Advisor/Mentor Contract

To be completed by Parent:

As Parent or Guardian of ______, I hereby give my permission for my child to take part the Graduation Project at R-S Central High School. I am aware that my child must pass each element of the Graduation Project in order to graduate, and that he/she must pass the required elements for his/her English class in order to pass the course in which he/she is enrolled. I will support him/her as he/she diligently works to complete this project.

The research topic will be: ______.

For the Project, my child has chosen to ______


Fill out this section if your child must work with a member of the community not employed by Rutherford Co. Schools:

In order to complete his/her Graduation Project, my child will work with ______

______(community member) at ______

(place of business or setting in which the work will be conducted). I give my permission for my child to complete the work with this community member, and will supervise my child as needed throughout this phase of the project.

______(Signature of Community Member Expert)

Completed by Parent and Student:

I understand that if I have any questions or concerns, I can contact the Graduation Project Committee or Coordinators (Julie Pittman, Tami Shelton, Pam Tomerlin, Barbara Cole, Jennifer Patton) before or after school (287-3304 or by emailing from the R-S Central High School Graduation Project Website).

Parent and Student fully understand the school's and county's policies on ethical behavior and plagiarism. We pledge to honor and abide by the policies, and understand that plagiarizing or cheating on part or all of the work will result in failing part or all of the Graduation Project, as well as other penalties deemed necessary by the Graduation Project Committee and R-S Central Administration.

Parent Name and Signature: ______

Student Name and Signature: ______

To be completed by Mentor:

I have spoken with ______(student name) and understand that he/she has chosen to work on the topic of ______, and that he/she will work on the completing the following Product: ______

______. ___ I am willing to serve as a Faculty Advisor/Mentor for this student.

___ I have experience with / knowledge of this topic, and I understand my role as Advisor/Mentor.

___ I will meet with the student throughout the process of his/her project.

___ I will guide him/her as necessary in finding resources for the Paper.

___ I will assist the student in locating and making contacts with community sources for the Product.

___ I will sign Verification Logs and the Reflective Log to attest to the student's work and learning.

Mentor Name and Signature: ______

Guidelines for the Graduation Project Paper and Product

  1. Guidelines for the Paper

A. Paper topics must be argumentative or analytical in nature. [For example, if a student

chooses the topic of domestic abuse, he/she must either take a side about the topic (e.g. the

state and local governments must do more to deter domestic violence – argumentative), or