LPHS Football Booster Club Minutes

April 19, 2016 -- 6pm -- LPHS Cafeteria

The meeting was called to order and presided by Monica McConnell. Treasurer’s report were reviewed and approved. Notable: last of the banquet expenses have cleared the bank. Anissa and Kathy to meet to set up updated accounting system.

Old Business:

·  Old Jerseys(Monica): The old uniforms will be replaced this year. Booster club has offered to purchase jerseys for $5/each for resale to our fans. Resale price will be $20/each. Do not have firm number jerseys available at this time. Next step is for form to be filled out and submitted to district so that booster can purchase the inventory- done by Monica. Will sale at O/W game and next year at gates sales if any are left.

·  O/W shirts(Kathy): being printed on the 5th and will be mailed out the same day. Invoice paid. Cheer purchasing approx. 30 shirts for their use at O/W game and cheer booster will pay for shirts directly to the booster club. Will have short sleeve tie-dyed shirt and tank top available. Using Color Creek again as vendor.

·  Media Guide(Kathy): Forms and dates finalized. Cheer/Chatos/Band/ROTC have been contacted. Informed of firm dates and drop-dead deadline dates. Band believes uniforms will be an issue. Cheer is not foreseeing any problems. Chatos will be checking with Hoff. ROTC has not responded. Will be needing volunteers to sell ads—we are hoping for large turnout for adopt a senior ads. Junior highs will be contacted so that freshman parents have the option of inclusion in the media guide.

·  501 3c (Anissa): tabled at this time. To be actively pursued this year.

New Business:

·  Educational Grants(Monica): 6 applicants. Turned over to English department for grading/scoring. Agreed to give 5 $800 scholarships. Award nite is May 9th. Jason McConnell will present for the booster club on that night.

Coach’s Comments (Jeff LaReau): none

Next meeting will be May 10, 2016 in the LPHS Cafeteria @ 6pm. Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted.

Kathy Ashworth