SAS Tutors Steering Group Meeting

Wednesday 8th June 2016

9:30 – 12:30

Oak Room, West Wing, 2-4 Victoria House, Capital Park, Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire, CB21 5XB

IN ATTENDANCE: Rupal Shenoy (chair), Kate Read, Suman Raj Bandela, Shaukat Mirza, Vamsi Velchuru, Jaan Panesar, Gopalakrishnan Srinivasan, Padmanabha Syam, Aman Khan, Sharon Richardson, Abdel Reda, Sachin Navarange, Balendra Kumar, Peter Simmons, Amit Chawla, Rachna Bansal, Victor Udu, Caroline Cooper, Pradeep Sahare, Wendy Wood, Margaret Short, Katy-Jayne Pain, Amy Barrett, Pamela Barton, Louise Palmer, Christine Fear, David Goodiar

PRESENT: Chloe Nicholson (minute taking), Sophie Hall

1.  APOLOGIES: Syed Kabeer, Sharmila Poovali, Rita Choita, Faisal bin-Reza, Alison Jenaway,

Anna King, Deborah Mullaly, Michaela Turner-Douglas, Irene Walker, Ruth Bradshaw, Barbara Petrie, Anna Sutherill


Item No. / Agenda Item / Action
2 / Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting and Matters Arising from Last Minutes (standing item)
·  Accepted as a true record of the meeting held on 3rd December 2015.
3 / SAS Development Funding Process – Presentation and Group Feedback
3.1 Why the funding process needs to be changed
·  The way in which the SAS development fund is being allocated and spent needs to be revised as there is evidence the fund has not been fully utilised in previous years.
·  Presentation from KR– please see attached.
3.2  Group Feedback
·  There were many helpful suggestions on how to improve the process to ensure the fund is being used more effectively, including splitting the fund into 3 main areas; individual SAS requirements at Trusts, specialty specific courses with a specialty SAS Tutor Lead for each School, and SAS doctors generic development.
·  A suggestion was also made to split the region into 4 localities and mirror generic training or particularly good courses in these areas to increase the local availability of training, aiming to improve attendance. The areas suggested were Beds and Herts, Norfolk and Suffolk, Essex, and Cambridgeshire.
·  VV suggested the introduction of a ‘Specialist CESR unit’. This would be an annual process run by specialty leads and RS and would be similar to an ARCP. The purpose would be to go through and tick all of the boxes required for CESR so that when it comes to making the CESR application the whole process is far more efficient and much less cumbersome for all involved as the evidence would already be there. There is usually only a maximum of 10 CESR applications annually which means there would only need to be 1 panel a year. KR asked VV to develop this idea and put together a process to present at the next steering group meeting. It is envisaged this process would be nowhere near as formal as an ARCP and the purpose would be coaching and mentoring and guidance for CESR.
·  Emergency Medicine doctors have to complete training in many different strands and therefore the proposed CESR process may be slightly challenging for this particular group.
·  CC identified the importance of targeting new SAS doctors who may have development needs. Steering these doctors in the correct direction and informing them of how to utilise the resources available is important. Career development guidelines would benefit all SAS doctors as well as those new to the role.
·  SAS doctors are frustrated with individual Trusts and the varying access to their local study leave budget.
·  It was raised that special measure Trusts have zero funding for study leave, therefore the SAS doctors depend very much on the SAS development fund. SAS Tutors must make it a priority to engage with Chief Executives within their Trusts to address this and highlight the importance of SAS funding.
·  PS highlighted the need for having expertise centralised in the region, i.e. CESR leads. It was also mentioned that SAS doctors will require support leading up to exams and funding could be allocated to facilitate this, although the funding could not support examination fees or application fees for CESR.
·  PS also suggested that combining general skills development courses with Consultants could be beneficial as this reduces the risk of low attendance and presents the opportunity to split the cost between two separate funds, reducing the pressure on the SAS development fund.
·  A regional introduction to the NHS and SAS for those from overseas could be beneficial.
·  Tutors to produce an overview of good and not so good trainers/courses to feedback to the steering group. This way Tutors can avoid booking training courses or events that will not benefit SAS doctors.
·  A centralised list/calendar of SAS events could be compiled and who is facilitating this for others to be able to contact prior to booking a similar event. This would minimise the risk of the same event being booked in the same area and enable organisers to find out if the event was beneficial.
·  Evaluations following training events would identify those that are worthwhile and those that are not. RS recommended not issuing attendance certificates until an evaluation form was completed.
·  Advanced booking and organising of events is important as it allows good notice for the SAS doctors to be able to book study leaved and for the organisers to advertise to a wider audience.
·  A central list of doctors who have completed certain training/processes, e.g. PG Certs and CESR, in order for others who are considering undergoing the same process to seek advice.
·  CC suggested the use of technology to increase the audience would be beneficial to those unable to physically attend courses or training event e.g. webinars.
·  JP identified that cultural competencies is an area of development that would highly benefit all SAS doctors, as well as training the trainer courses. JP happy to be a lead for cultural competencies.
·  Networking opportunities are attractive to SAS doctors and increase the likelihood of attendance at courses. Any course needs to include a decent lunch break so there is opportunity to network.
3.3 Planned Funding Process for 2016-17
·  The total SAS development allocation for 2016-2017 is £500,000.
·  This funding will be split into thirds and allocated in the following 3 ways;
SAS requirements at Trusts
This portion of funding will be split between each Trust/Tutor depending on the number of SAS doctors at the Trust. This money is to be used for the development of SAS doctors within the Trust. Individual SAS doctors will be able to apply directly to the Tutor to access this funding, and allocations will be made at the discretion of the SAS Tutor.
Guidelines will be issued for this part of the funding by HEE.
Specialty specific courses/CESR
This portion of funding will be held centrally by HEE, EoE and Specialty Lead Tutors will bid for this. Training courses to be mirrored in the 4 localities identified Beds and Herts, Norfolk and Suffolk, Essex, and Cambridgeshire. Specialty Lead Tutors for each School to be confirmed by RS. This money will also be utilised for support required for CESR applicants to include examination courses.
SAS doctors generic development
This portion of funding will also be held centrally by HEE, EoE. RS to identify areas this could be used for (i.e. cultural competencies, IT skills, development days). Training courses to be mirrored in the 4 localities identified. Trusts/Tutors will be able to bid for this money with the expectation of offering courses to all SAS doctors and lining up with other Trusts where possible.
·  Guidelines/instructions for each of the above are to be produced and circulated to SAS Tutors, Medical Education Managers and Lead Administrators ASAP.
·  An application form to apply to access local funds allocated to the Trust to be produced and made available to all SAS doctors on the HEE, EoE website. A scoring sheet for the assessment of local applications is to be produced for SAS Tutors to use. An evaluation and course feedback form is now mandatory.
·  It was agreed SAS Tutor PA payments will be honoured from the fund this year. This amount will be deducted prior to the funding being split into three.
·  Tutors were reminded that the development fund is non-recurrent funding and can never be guaranteed.
·  KR and RS clarified that fixed term SAS doctors are eligible to access the SAS development fund providing that the fund is being used for development during the fixed term period.
·  The groups of SAS doctors eligible to access the SAS development fund as per the BMA SAS Charter are as follows:
“This important group of senior doctors and dentists is comprised of specialty doctors, associate specialists, staff grades, hospital practitioners, clinical assistants, senior clinical medical officers and clinical medical officers. This group of staff is referred to as the Staff, Associate specialists and Specialty doctors (SAS) group”
Trust Grade doctors were not part of this grade and Trusts should be encouraged to offer them Specialty Doctor contracts where possible.
3.4 SAS Specialty Leads
·  It would be beneficial to have regional speciality leads and specialist CESR unit for SAS doctors. The specialty lead could advise SAS doctors within their specialty on career progression and CESR (if possible). Emergency Medicine already has a SAS Specialty Lead, AK who has made significant progress within the specialty.
·  Volunteers identified and required are as follows;
-  Paediatrics – To be identified.
-  Medicine – To be identified.
-  Pathology – To be identified (if required?)
-  Anaesthetics, Suman Raj Bandela
-  Emergency Medicine, Aman Khan
-  Surgery, Vamsi Velchuru
-  Ophthalmology, Rupal Shenoy
-  Psychiatry, Rachna Bansal. RB to confirm if she has the capacity to take on this role.
-  Sexual Health and O&G? – Caroline Cooper
·  RS to contact Tutors and confirm specialty leads outlined above. RS to also contact Alex Baxter (Deputy PG Dean for Dentists) and clarify whether a lead is required for SAS dentists. A lead for Radiology is not required.
·  Specialty leads to contact the relevant Head of School to introduce themselves and identify any planned training/courses for the SAS doctors to tap into. / VV
4 / Courses and Providers
·  It was discussed that commercial course providers are not a good use of the SAS development fund. In the first instance, when running a course, organisers should consider whether the course could be facilitated internally before booking a speaker through an external company.
·  Some thoughts around this identified that commercial providers can be ‘pushy’
·  Tutors to identify good in house course providers on generic skills and to provide names to HEE to be included on HEE website. / TUTORS
5 / SAS Development Day
·  Unfortunately the recent SAS Development Day was cancelled on 2 occasions. Firstly on the 10th February and then again on 10th March due to the industrial action taken by the BMA junior doctors.
·  The next SAS Development Day TBC
6 / Any other business
6.1 Survey summary
·  The survey results summary was discussed during the meeting. This information was disseminated to the committee prior to the meeting. RS ran through the results from each question that was asked.
·  The number of responses highlighted the lack of engagement from SAS Doctors within the region. RS emphasised the importance of targeting the less active SAS doctors and encourage them to become more engaged.
·  RS asked all Tutors to inform her of any doctors what have applied and been accepted for CESR and those who are applying for consultant posts
·  The survey summary identified the importance of having sufficient inductions for new SAS doctors. RS asked for all SAS Tutors to ensure induction packs are produced and distributed to all new SAS doctors.
·  An issue was raised that when SAS Doctors are applying for CESR or consultant post, educational supervisors and Tutors and Consultants ask for additional time to be allocated in order to support these doctors by signing off documents and mentoring. Supporting doctors applying for CESR requires additional time however the Trusts seem to not be prepared to allocate any extra time.
·  SAS Tutors to ensure all their SAS Doctors have a proper job plan in place, not just a time table, as the survey summary suggests that a big proportion of SAS doctors do not actually have a job plan in place.
·  As the response to the survey was very low, it was suggested that the survey completion could be made mandatory to increase responses and engagement from SAS Doctors. Local trusts to formulate their own survey on a similar template to improve participation rates and produce at the steering Group meetings in future.
6.2 SAS PA allocation
·  The allocation of PAs for SAS Tutors is the same as that for specialty Training Programme Directors. This must remain fair and consistent.
·  The guidance available regarding PA allocation for SAS Tutors is not clear. It would be useful to have guidance on the SAS page of the HEE, EoE website
·  The SPA time for SAS Doctors varied between specialties and trusts and was not necessarily reflective of the requirements of more senior SAS Doctors for example. This could be negotiated at the time of job planning based on a weekly diary of extended SPA time if spent on additional SPA activities. RS advised Tutors to contact the BMA for guidance and present the idea of a minimum of 1.5PAs to the BMA. The BMA would be able to take this idea forward if required. The national SAS contract on the NHS Employers website and the BMA website states a minimum of 1 SPA.
·  The NHS Employers website and BMA website had very useful information on SAS Contracts, appraisals, difficulties and innovative ideas to support SAS Doctors. Tutors to refer please.
·  Tutors to email RS with the number of SAS doctors at their Trust and average PA allocations. Tutors view on whether this is the right amount to be allocated for the role would also be helpful. RS can then raise this at the HoS meeting. This could be made part of the local surveys to make it easier to collect the information.
·  The PA allocation for SAS Tutors that are paid by the fund is not guaranteed. KR suggested that SAS Tutors speak with their Trusts on a Trust level regarding their PA allocations over the next year to negotiate the Trust paying their PAs for future years.
·  KR confirmed that for this year the SAS tutor PA allocation will be honoured based on the number of SAS doctors at their Trust. / TUTORS
7 / Date and Time of Next Meeting
·  29th September 2016 9:30 – 12:30.

Action Log: