Graduation Project Requirements
At North Penn High School the components of the Graduation Project will include:
• a project contract
• a visual aide
• a written component
• an oral component
• an evaluation
Graduation Project Requirements (Descriptions)
All North Penn students are required to pass the Graduation Project to graduate. This requirement is a state mandate for all students in Pennsylvania. The Graduation Project reflects in-depth learning on a self-selected topic.
Students have two options to fulfill this graduation requirement. Students will designate their choice of option on the course selection card.
Option A
Students selecting this option will complete their project as an independent study project following the current guidelines. Students who have already begun their project should select this option. Forms and a Student Manual are available on through the link to North Penn High School. Students may also pick up copies of the Graduation Project Portfolio in the Graduation Project Coordinator’s Office, A6, during their lunch periods. The Graduation Project Coordinator approves and oversees all independent projects. Students submit all completed portfolio requirements to the Graduation Project Coordinator.
Option B
Students selecting this option will complete the Graduation Project within the designated courses in the Program of Studies booklet. Look for the graduation cap symbol next to a course’s name to determine that it offers a project that can be used for Graduation Project credit. Once the student is enrolled in the course, the instructor will offer him an opportunity to sign up to receive Graduation Project credit for the project. This sign up period occurs in the first five weeks of the class. All sign ups are then submitted to the Graduation Project Coordinator, who oversees the courses that offer Graduation Project credit. For a student to receive Graduation Project credit, he must pass the project with a 70% or better, as well as pass the course. Graduation Project credit will be revoked if the student fails the course in which he was signed up to complete the project. Students enrolled in a course that offers Graduation Project credit do not fill out a Graduation Project Portfolio. The instructor of that course will provide the appropriate documentation, including a Graduation Project Evaluation Rubric, to the Graduation Project Coordinator in a timely manner.
Graduation Project Contract
The Graduation Project contract will be submitted as a proposal which describes goals, procedures, and final product of the Graduation Project. Once signed by the student, parent(s) or guardian, and Graduation Project Coordinator, the contract will be approved, and the student will continue work on the project.
Graduation Project Preparation
Graduation Project preparation involves the identification of resources and the gathering of information to be presented. Depending on the nature of the project, students may interview, complete scientific investigation, perform community service learning, or research related topics. Students will maintain a log of resources used and activities. This required preparation represents the on-going progress of the project.
Written Component
The written component, may be completed in a variety of forms, with the approval of the Graduation Project Coordinator. Students will select the form most appropriate for their specific project. If formal research is presented, the MLA standards for citation and documentation must be followed. The written component may be
• a research paper
• a student journal
• a creative writing
• an essay or other expository writing
• a narrative report
• a reflection paper
Oral or Performance Component
After a student has submitted a complete Graduation Project Portfolio to the Graduation Project Coordinator, he/she will be scheduled to present the project to an evaluation team. The dates of presentation are listed on the Graduation Project Portfolio Cover Page and Checklist. On that date, students will demonstrate their work and product. They will deliver an organized presentation, performance, or demonstration to the evaluators using visual material to enhance the presentation. Students will answer questions posed by evaluators.
Evaluation of the Graduation Project will be based on the Evaluation Rubric. Students must achieve the rating of “Satisfactory” in all components to pass the graduation project. A rating of “Satisfactory” indicates a C or better. Students will submit a student log, a written component, a source summary, and a self-evaluation. An evaluation team consisting of NPHS teachers will observe the presentation and assess each of the project components. Students who receive “Unsatisfactory” in any area will be obligated to repeat that specific component of the project.
*Upon completion of the Graduation Project, a letter is sent home indicating pass/fail. A passing grade designates completion of the Graduation Project and will be recorded on the student’s transcript.