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Document location:>Resources

eGY enquiries:

This document lists possible activities for consideration by persons who wish to participate in the Electronic Geophysical Year, 2007-2008 (eGY). Activities do not necessarily have to be completed before the official end of eGY in December 2008. For example, you may choose to initiate some activity during eGY with a completion date much later.

Learn about eGY

·  Explore the website:

·  Review recent eGY presentations and posters:>Resources>Presentations

·  Receive eGY News (sign up via the eGY home page)

·  Subscribe to the eGY email list of your choice: eGYTeam (for management correspondence), eGY_Participants (for most people), or eGY_Observers (main notices only). Send your request to

·  Attend eGY meetings and workshops.

·  Participate in eGY conference events in 2007-2008, including celebrations of the 50-year anniversary of IGY and its legacy.

·  Ask the eGY Secretary: .

eGY in your work place

·  Identify and undertake activities that relate to the eGY themes and the eGY Declaration, and which contribute to your work objectives.

·  Consider creating a virtual observatory or an equivalent distributed system for sharing data, information, and services.

·  Use eGY 2007-2008 as a target date or milestone for action.

·  Access expertise through the eGY networks and Working Groups.

·  Use eGY to support bids for funding and influence decision makers.

·  Tell your community about eGY and invite others to become active.

·  Use the eGY showcase demonstrations to expand awareness of what others are doing and seed ideas about what might be done in your own community.

·  Encourage your community to adopt eGY principles and contribute to development of an Earth and Space Science Information Commons.

·  Form a local Task Group or Committee to handle eGY-related efforts.

·  Report worldwide eGY developments and opportunities to your community.

·  Arrange workshops, symposia and activities at conferences on eGY-related themes

·  Publicise your work through eGY News and links from the eGY website.

·  Participate in eGY meetings and eGY events at conferences.

Support eGY

·  Sign the eGY Declaration for an Earth and Space Science Information Commons.

·  Tell national and international organizations/networks about eGY.

·  Display posters and distribute eGY literature at meetings.

·  Use the eGY logo and brand name to mark activities, events, publications, communications, and so on.

·  Join a Working Group (Virtual Observatories, Best Practice, Education and Public Outreach, Data Rescue and Preservation, Data Integration and Knowledge Discovery).

·  Create a new working group of interest to you.

·  Serve on the International Committee; contribute to developing eGY policy.

·  Identify new opportunities for eGY; notify the eGY Secretary of conference and meetings relevant to eGY.

·  Arrange for a resolution supporting eGY to be passed by authoritative bodies.


06 January 2006