ERYC LEADING TEACHERS – discussion paper for 15/9/03

Action planning

This is what I did:

  • Consultant visits school to discuss the teacher project plan.
  • Following the discussion, teacher modifies the teacher plan to fit the criteria:

10 days work

relate directly to the KS3 strategy with a primary aim of raising achievement

use principles set out in the KS3 strand documents

be capable of being used to support effective learning by teachers and/or managers

be trialled by the leading teacher/team and then disseminated to the department, prior to wider use

be made available to all secondary schools in the East Riding and contribute to KS3 strategy professional development in the LEA

(try to get electronic version)

  • Consultant produces a generic timeline plan (see later)
  • Teacher completes monitoring and evaluation sections after training (see next page)

The two training days

Some thoughts:

  • If the leading teachers are going to use coaching for dissemination, they need to be trained first.
  • This training should start in the Autumn term, otherwise it is too late.
  • The leading teacher year should run through to Dec ’04 for final evaluation
  • Possible structure is:

Day 1 (Oct/Nov)

Coaching training: theory, demonstration (video) (1/2 day) – generic (all in!)

Training on the key principles of the strategy (1/2 day) – separate strands

The second half day creates a major problem with rooming – would it need to be separate half days?


‘Expert’ Coaching cycle with consultant – high level teaching skills (thinking skills?) (three ~1 hr sessions on Preview, Observe and Review).

Peer Coaching cycle – high level teaching skills (three ~1 hr sessions on Preview, Observe and Review).

Day 2 (Jan)

Reflection and evaluation: protocols, questioning skills, effective coaching (1/2 day) – generic

Progress reports on projects: share experiences so far (e.g. hints & tips; issues; examples of work; future plans etc); Monitoring and evaluation training - separate strands

p. 1ACh 15/12/2018

ERYC SIS Leading Teacher Project

Teacher: School:

Key aim of the project: To raise standards in KS3 science through the explicit teaching of enquiry skills.

Objectives / Strategy / Personl / Resources / Timescale / Success Criteria / Monitoring / Evaluation
1. To produce teaching materials designed to teach the separate elements of scientific enquiry /
  • Attend the two Leading teacher training days
  • Write the materials which will be designed to develop at least one Sc1 skill for each of the QCA units in year 7
/ SH
SH, AC /
  • 2 days supply cover *
  • … days work and ½ day discussion with science consultant
/ May and Sep ‘03
May ’03 - Nov ’03 /
  • Materials produced by Nov’ ’03 which cover at least 1 activity per QCA unit to teach the Sc1 skills of Planning, Obtaining & presenting, Considering and Evaluating

2. To test and refine the materials /
  • Teach the materials and include one coaching cycle
  • Make any necessary changes
/ SH, AC /
  • …. days for coaching and refining materials
/ Sep ’03 – Mar ‘04 /
  • Materials have all been taught by SH and refined where necessary by Mar ‘04

3. To disseminate the project to the department /
  • Work with at least two other teachers on the materials using coaching
  • Make any necessary changes
  • Include the materials into the KS3 scheme of work
/ SH + ……… /
  • 2 days for coaching*
  • …. days for refining materials
/ Oct ’03 – Mar ‘04 /
  • At least two other teachers in the department have been coached in the materials by Mar ’04.
  • Materials have been included into the scheme of work by Mar ‘04
  • Materials have a positive effect on pupils’ understanding of enquiry skills by Apr ‘04

4. To disseminate the project to all East Riding schools. /
  • Launch materials at a Science Projects INSET day
  • Publish the materials on the eRiding website
/ SH
ERYC web designer /
  • 1 day supply cover *
/ May ‘04 /
  • Materials have been launched through an INSET day and the eRiding website by May ‘04

* these 5 days are in addition to the £1500 funding and the supply cover is paid directly to the school

p. 1ACh 15/12/2018