For Graduate Committee use only. Document ID #: 1617-053 Date Received: 4/20/2017
A. Cover page Scroll over blue text to see further instructions
A.1. Course or program / ECL 506: SUPERVISING EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHERSReplacing /
A.2. Proposal type / Program: creation of new course
A.3. Originator / Mary Ellen McGuire-Schwartz and Christine Kunkel / Home departments / Elementary Education and
Counseling, Educational Leadership, and School Psychology
A.4. Rationale / Rationale for ECL 506
This course deepens Early Childhood Leaders’ understanding of instructional leadership, supervision and evaluation. The course's academic and field-based activities will allow students to examine current instructional leadership practices and to collaboratively (with the teacher) develop ways to expand and improve upon instructional practices. Special attention will be given to building a learning community though the establishment of collaborative teacher teams, professional development and systemic awareness of indicators of engagement and learning in students and adults. This course specifically addresses the Rhode Island Workforce Knowledge and Competencies for Early Childhood Administrators and Education Coordinators domains of Leadership, Program Management, Continuous Quality Improvement, Staff Support, Community Partnerships, Family Engagement and Development and Learning. Use of Technology in the school leaders’ role enhances participants’ knowledge and practice.
A.5. Date submitted / 4/19/17 / A.6. Semester effective / Fall 2017
A.7. Resource impact / Faculty PT & FT: / There may be a need for additional faculty to teach courses in the future.
Library: / Existing library and information technology resources are sufficient for supporting the program at this time.
Technology / Existing technology resources are sufficient for supporting the program at this time.
Facilities: / Classrooms in the evening or on weekends will be needed.
A.8. Program impact / No other program will be impacted.
A.9. Student impact / New course. No negative impact on students.
A.10. The following screen tips are for information on what to do about catalog copy until the new CMS is in place: Check the “Forms and Information” page for updates. Catalog page. Where are the catalog pages? Several related proposals? Do not list catalog pages here. All catalog copy for a proposal must be contained within a single file; put page breaks between sections. Make sure affected program totals are correct if adding/deleting course credits.
/Old (for revisions only)
/B.1. Course prefix and number / ECL 506
B.2. Cross listing number if any
B.3. Course title / Supervising Early Childhood Teachers
B.4. Course description / Students explore early childhood leadership, supervision and evaluation. Through field-based experiences, strategies are developed to improve teacher practices. Building a learning community with empowered, collaborative teacher teams is emphasized.
B.5. Prerequisite(s) / Admission into the CGS in Early Childhood Leadership program, ECL 501, ECL 502, ECL 503, ECL 504, and concurrent enrollment in ECL 505, OR
Graduate status and consent of course instructor
B.6. Offered / Annually
B.7. Contact hours / 3
B.8. Credit hours / 3
B.9. Justify differences if any
B.10. Grading system / Letter grade
B.11. Instructional methods / Fieldwork Lecture | Practicum | Seminar | Small group | 50 % Online
B.12.Categories / Required for program
B.13. How will student performance be evaluated? / Attendance | Class participation | Presentations | Papers |
Class Work | Interviews |
Performance Protocols | Projects | Portfolio
B.14. Redundancy statement / NA
B. 15. Other changes, if any
B.16. Course learning outcomes / Standard(s) / How will they be measured? /
Define collaboration, collaborative goal setting and shared leadership. / Knowledge influenced by Diversity and Professionalism, Practice; NAEYC Standards 6; RI WKC LE 1, 2, 3, 4; PM 1,3;
CI 1, 2, 3; CP 1;
RISEL 1B, 1C / Classroom activity and assessment
Professional Learning Community Paper
Describe goals and strategies to enable a vision to be realized. / Knowledge influenced by Diversity and Professionalism, NAEYC Standards 6; RI WKC LE 2, 3; PM 3; CI 1;
RISEL 1A, 1B / Scheduling Assignment
Identify supervision/evaluation practices that reflect cultural bias. / Knowledge influenced by Diversity and Professionalism, NAEYC Standards 6; RI WKC LE 1, 3, 4; CI 1,2; SS 2, 3;
RISEL 1B, 1C, 3B, 5B / Classroom activity and assessment
Use data to strengthen learning – interpret EC Program data to improve practices. Use of technology to complete evaluations are emphasized. / Knowledge influenced by Diversity and Professionalism, Practice informed by Diversity and Professionalism Reflective Practice NAEYC Standards 6; RI WKC LE 1, 4, 5; PM 1, 3;CI 1, 2, 3; SS 2,3;
RISEL 2A, 2B, 2C, 3B. / Supervision Assignment
Evaluation Assignment
Field experience will inform supervision/evaluation practices. Use of appropriate administrative technology is emphasized. / Knowledge influenced by Diversity and Professionalism, Practice informed by Diversity and Professionalism Reflective Practice; NAEYC Standards 6,7; RI WKC LE 1,3, 4, 5; PM 1,3;
CI 1, 2, 3;
SS 2, 3;
RISEL 3B, 5B, 5C / Classroom workshop activity and assessment
Supervision assignment
Evaluation Assignment
Identify strategies to enhance teacher capacity and commitment; demonstrate mentoring and coaching strategies to develop proficiencies and practices of all faculty and staff. / Knowledge influenced by Diversity and Professionalism,; NAEYC Standard 6; RI WKC LE 1, 3, 4, 5; PM 1, 3;
CI 1, 2, 3; SS 2, 3; DL 1, 2
RISEL 1B, 3B, 5B, 5C / Modeling assignment
Supervision assignment
Evaluation assignment
Demonstrate ability to optimize learning environments or all students by applying appropriate models and principles of org. development and management through field experiences using research and data-driven decision-making. / Knowledge influenced by Diversity and Professionalism, Practice informed by Diversity and Professionalism Reflective Practice; NAEYC Standard 6, 7; RI WKC LE 1, 2, 3, 4; PM 1 3;
CI 1, 2, 3;
RISEL 3A, 3D / Classroom activity and assessment
Scheduling Assignment
Apply ethical concepts in developing programs for students with diverse needs. / Practice informed by Diversity and Professionalism; Reflective Practice; NAEYC Standard 6, 7; RI WKC LE 1, 2, 3, 4; PM 3; CI 1, 2, 3,; CP 2;
RISEL 1C, 5A, 5B / Scheduling Assignment
Investigate/model strategies for developing a professional learning community. / Practice informed by Diversity and Professionalism; Reflective Practice; NAEYC Standards 2,4,6;
RI WKC: LE 1,2,3,5; PM 1,3;
CI 1,2,3; SS 2;
RISEL 1B, 1C, 2A, 2C, 3A, 4A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 6C / PLC Final Paper/Presentation with technology
B.17. Topical outline
I. Effective Communication and Collaboration
a. Strategies and Practice
b. Difficult/Crucial Conversations
c. Using Technology
d. Implications for Early Childhood Programs
II. The Professional Learning Community
a. Developing Trust
b. Dialogue as a Practice
c. Fostering Learning Community Culture
d. Shared Vision and Shared Leadership
e. Including students, parents, community
III. Observation and Analysis
a. Approaches, Methods and Guidelines
b. Special Concerns
c. Implications for Early Childhood Programs
d. Field Experiences
IV. Instructional Supervision
a. Theory and Research
b. Roles and Responsibilities
c. The Caring and Developmental Piece
d. Pre-Observation Conference, Post-Observation Conference Field Experiences
e. Reflection and Professional Development
f. Confronting Marginal Teaching
g. Implications for Early Childhood
V. Summative Evaluation
a. Intents and Purposes of Teacher Evaluation
b. RIDE Model, and Alternative Formats
c. Evidence-Based Analysis
d. Using EPSS and other Important Technology Resources
e. Special Issues Affecting Early Childhood Evaluation
D. Signatures
D.1. Approvals
· Changes that directly impact more than one department/program MUST have the signatures of all relevant department chairs, program directors, and relevant dean (e.g. when creating/revising a program using courses from other departments/programs).
· Proposals that do not have appropriate approval signatures will not be considered.
· Type in name of person signing and their position/affiliation.
· Send electronic files of this proposal and accompanying catalog copy to and a printed or electronic signature copy of this form to the current Chair of UCC. Check UCC website for due dates.
/Patricia Cordeiro / Chair of Elementary Education
Monica Darcy / Chair of Counseling, Educational Leadership, and School Psychology
Donald Halquist / Dean of FSHED
D.2. Acknowledgements
/Tab to add rows
Form 7/22/15 Page 2 of 7