To All Councillors,
You are summoned to attend a Meeting of Tirley Parish Council to be held on
Tuesday 20th September 2016 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Miss K Noble 14th September 2016
Clerk to the Council
Recording of Meetings – The law allows the Councils public meetings to be recorded, which includes filming as well as audio-recording. Photography is also permitted. As a matter of courtesy, if you intend to record any part of the proceedings please let the Clerk know before the start of the meeting.
PUBLIC SESSION Members of the Public are welcome to attend Meetings of the Council. Questions may be put to the Council during the Public Session, before the start of the meeting
1. To note apologies for absence
2. Declaration of interests: on any items on the agenda
3. To approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 19th July 2016 and the extraordinary meetings held on 3rd August 2016 and 25th August 2016
4. Matters arising from the minutes: Review outstanding items
5. Reports
5.1 Invited speakers (District/County Councillor, Village Agent, Police)
5.2 Representative
5.3 Neighbourhood Watch update
6. Roads/other public rights of way and public utilities
6.1 Community Speed Campaign/Speeding issues
6.2 Maintenance and signage of Rights of Way
7. Flooding
7.1 Update on flood measures
7.2 Potential installation of flood warning sign on B4213
8. Planning matters
8.1 Planning applications
16/00241/FUL – Land Parcels 7946 and 9067 300087 Walton Cardiff Road to Newtown Farm Ashchurch. Erection of biomass-based anaerobic digestion facility and associated works. Potential traffic impact on Tirley
8.2 Acknowledgement of planning decisions
8.3 Enforcement issues
9. Minibus report
9.1 To note report and agree any actions and expenditure
9.2 Update on management arrangements of the minibus
10. Finance:
10.1 Budget update
10.2 Make payments, sign cheques and acknowledge receipts
11. External Audit report
12. To review and approve Code of Conduct, Financial Regulations and Standing Orders
13. To review and update Asset Register
14. To consider use of Cloud storage
15. To consider use of the GRCC Emergency Plan Tookit
16. Correspondence and consultations
a. Tewkesbury Borough Council – Housing Strategy 2017-2021 consultation
b. Multi-Agency Meeting on 26th September 2016 at 11am
c. Tirley Elms Trust – To approve appointment of Amanda Quiney as a Trustee
d. GAPTC – Survey on local council engagement with planning authorities