Welcome to A-STEP!!!

We are so thrilled you are considering A-STEP as an after school program for your child. A-STEP is an After School Taekwondo Enrichment Program that is dedicated to helping you create healthy, active and educated children. At A-STEP we are committed to helping families have more free time with their kids when they get home. In our program your children will have the opportunity to make friends, have fun, make a healthy snack, get some exercise AND have structured time to work on school assignments!!!

During their time here we will ensure your child will receive adequate time for structured exercise. Studies have shown that not only does physical activity help children focus better, but structured martial arts activity helps even more because it strictly adheres to the practice of courtesy, integrity, self control, perseverance and indomitable spirit.

Your child will also get to choose a healthy snack while in A-STEP. This gives your child a chance to not only make healthy choices, but learn how healthy food makes a healthy child!

At A-STEP we are dedicated to giving your child appropriate time to study, support for their homework with teacher assistance, as well as offer online research and homework help resources so they can enhance their study skills and complete assignments before having play time.

By combining all these things into ONE program, it is our belief that we will be giving your child “A STEP” ahead in their futures!

A-STEP Enrollment

All children ages PreK-Grade 6 are eligible to attend A-STEP. It has an availability of fives day a week after school program that offers an alternative to traditional daycare. Enrollment in the program will be contracted on a week to week basis with all chosen days being contracted and paid for prior to said week of care.

Transportation from school to A-STEP is contracted by Rainbow Rider. Pick up from A-STEP will be the responsibility of the parent. Your child will only be released for pickup to authorized, pre-designated individuals listed on your registration form.

There will be an annual registration fee, per child, for each school year of $30.00 to enroll in the program.

A-STEP Hours and Weather policy

A-STEP doors will be open at 2:30 pm Monday through Friday and goes until 5:30 pm. Program days run year round. Day Camps will be offered periodically throughout the school year when there are full days off from school. A-STEP will be closed for all holidays unless noted on the enclosed A-STEP calendar.

On non-school days where camps may be offered children will need to bring their own lunch, appropriate clothing and shoes for the weather.

If District 206 schools close due to inclement weather, A-STEP will be closed. A full refund, in the amount of $10.00, will be credited to your account.

Tuition and Billing

A-Step requires a non-refundable $30 registration fee per child, per school year. Cost per child, during the school year, is $10 a day. This DOES include the transportation fee. Discounts ARE available for pre-payments according to the following schedule:

$90.00 for two weeks/10 days per child

$180.00 for one calendar month/20 days per child

Prepayment for each week will be due the Monday at 9:00 am PRIOR to the week your child will be attending.

Payments can be made by check, cash or debit/credit card at Schutz Martial Arts. (Online Payments are available at .) Payments can also be made in advance in order to avoid any extra charges or suspension from the program. Failure to pay by 9:00 am the Monday PRIOR to the week of A-STEP will result in a $20.00 late payment fee. If payment is not made by the end of that week, the account will be suspended and you will need to make other arrangements for care of your child. Once your account is up to date and past due payments have been made in full, reinstatement into the program will be accepted along with a re-registration fee of $30.00.

Drop off and Pickup Rules

A-STEP doors open to start drop offs at 2:30 pm. Parents will need to make arrangements to pick up their children promptly BY 5:30 pm which will require a authorized signature sign out and timestamp in order to leave. For each minute to 15 minutes that goes over 5:30, you will be charged $10.00.

Telephone authorizations for pickups will not be accepted.

Drop In’s will not be accepted. A-STEP needs to be scheduled and paid for prior to attendance.


Attendance in the program is contracted on a weekly schedule with a “Choose your days” option. We have discounts available for bi-weekly and monthly advanced payments. If your child will be absent or unable to attend contracted days for any reason please contact A-STEP staff immediately. (Phone numbers are listed on each page of this handbook as well as on our Schutz Martial Arts Facebook page.) You will not receive a discount or refund for absent days. In the event that you do not notify A-STEP staff that your child will be absent, you will be charged a $10.00 Absentee Fee.


We will adhere to the same policies that School District 206 and most Alexandria daycares adhere to. Your child should not attend A-STEP if they have missed school because of illness, diarrhea, vomiting or fever over 100 degrees or higher in the last 24 hours.

We want all our kids to stay healthy and not bring home any flu bugs, common colds or lice. So please, don’t send your kids and spread that to other homes. If we suspect your child is ill we will separate them from the others, care for them as needed, and contact you or your emergency contact to come and pick them up.

Expectations of A-STEP Students

We at A-STEP fully believe that ALL people should practice respect, honesty, courtesy, fairness, kindness, encouragement and speaking words that BUILD one another up. This starts at home and can be reinforced at school and by others who influence our children.

We will enforce this Expectation of A-STEP students by encouraging ALL our students and their families to practice the same while in our program.

If there is a disruption or deviation away from our Expectations of A-STEP students your child will receive a verbal warning. If Expectations are still disregarded, a time away from the group or irritant will be allowed. Followed by a phone call to parent or guardian if needed.

Personal Belongings

All personal belongings your child brings to A-STEP will be stored in their own cubby space provided in the classroom. Please do not allow your child to bring valuables to A-STEP. We will not be held responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal property.


We want your child to be comfortable during their structured exercise time. Please make sure we have appropriate clothing for them to do activity in. NO flip flops or sandals. All exercise clothing CAN be left with us for the week if in a separate bag that is labeled with their name.


Child’s Name:______

Parent’s Name:______


Phone Number:______



Child’s Age and DOB:______

Authorized People who can pick up your child:



Phone Number:______



Phone Number:______



Phone Number:______

Please list any behavioral or family issues you would like us to know about:______


Payment Information

Payments can be made by check, cash or debit/credit cards AT Schutz Martial Arts. Online payments are available at Please refer to payment policies in your A-STEP Handbook.

Health Information

Please list any health information we need to know regarding your child and if any of them are life threatening. (ie., Allergies, treatment, medical bracelets worn, medicines they are currently taking, etc.):







I have read through the A-STEP Handbook and understand that I am responsible to read and understand the policies and procedures set forth in it and not only follow those myself, but help teach my child to as well. I accept the responsibility of paying for all damages to any equipment or A-STEP property my child may cause while participating in A-STEP. By signing this contract, I am giving permission for my child to participate in all A-STEP activities and hereby waive all rights and claims for damages I may have against A-STEP or Schutz Martial Arts including personal injury, damage or loss to property while participating in this program. I understand that the Expectations of A-STEP Students will be enforced while participating in A-STEP.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Schutz Martial Arts Association - 1910 Aga Drive - Alexandria, MN 56308 - - 320-469-0630