Regular Meeting – February 22, 2016
Report No. 15-126
MEETING Regular Meeting – February 08, 2016
ROLL CALL Present: Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Groters, Mr. Pomorski, Mrs. Sellers, Mr. Skinner, Jr., Mrs. Tanis and Mrs. Ward
Also present: Samuel L. Wright, Superintendent
Employees and Visitors
President Pomorski called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
The Board and Visitors recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
A moment of silence was observed, in memory of Isaiah Blue, KHS student who passed away on 01/27/16. The following statement was read by President Pomorski;
“Our deepest sympathy goes out to Isaiah’s family as well as our Kelloggsville family. As parents, we cannot imagine the pain and grief Isaiah’s family is dealing with. They shared an important message to our community at the candle lite vigil “Stop the violence and come together as a community. Love each other as brothers and sisters and be accepting of everyone.” Life and growing up is difficult enough for our young people but to have to worry about these types of senseless acts are devastating and should not be happening. We would like to commend our extremely caring staff, students, and community for the outpouring of caring support to Isaiah’s family. We are very grateful for how our staff and administration stepped up in a time of need for our community and students.”
The next regularly scheduled board meetings will be held:
February 22, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m. Board of Education Center
March 09, 2016 @ 5:30 p.m. Board of Education Center (possible add)
March 14, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m. Board of Education Center
March 28, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m. Board of Education Center
April 11, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m. Board of Education Center (possible delete)
April 25, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m. Board of Education Center
President Pomorski welcomed visitors.
Consent Agenda
It was moved by Mrs. Sellers, seconded by Mrs. Groters, to approve Consent Agenda items 15-117, 15-118, 15-119, and 15-120.
Yeas: 7 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED
15-117 Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes from 01/25/16
15-118 Approval of Personnel Report
15-119 Approval of Change Board of Education Schedule
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15-120 Approval of Schools of Choice Resolution
A. Approval of State Aid Note Resolution
It was moved by Mr. Skinner, seconded by Mrs. Sellers, to approve the State Aid Note Resolution and timelines as presented.
Yeas: 7 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED
A. High School Ground Breaking Ceremony
Details to begin the process of organizing a ground breaking ceremony for the high school construction are underway, with the assistance of TowerPinkster. The first order of organizing the event is to select a date and time. Two potential dates were discussed and it was proposed to select Monday, April 25, 2016 @ 4:30 p.m. Details of the ceremony and reception are yet to be determined but it was suggested that the regularly scheduled board meeting that is set to take place later in the evening, at 6:30 p.m., be held in the high school café. This proposal will be placed on the 02/22/16 agenda as a consent item.
A. 6th Grade Camp – Fall 2016
Mr. Alston shared that 6th grade camp has been scheduled for October 19-21, 2016 at Camp Manitou-Lin. Similar activities and events such as zip lines, high ropes course, canoeing, camp fires and a variety of other opportunities will be available for all incoming 6th grade students and cost for camp is expected to be similar as well.
B. Committee #2 (Board of Education) Goals
The Goal Committee #2 (Pomorski – Chair, Sellers, and Anderson) shared an update on their goal progress:
Board of Education - - Goal #1: Design a new Board of Education and Superintendent Evaluation Tool while implementing a plan for a Superintendent search.
Desired Results: Receive useful and honest data that fosters quality instruction and leads to a successful decision of the next Superintendent.
Mr. Pomorski shared an example of MASB’s (Michigan Association of School Boards) online board self-evaluation instrument. This tool has several areas to evaluate performance and produces productive feedback for self-improvement and greater effectiveness. Discussion took place and board members liked how the this tool’s questions more deeply reflect and measure their performance on categories such as leadership, academic performance/accountability, responsibilities, data-driven decision making, Board/Superintendent relation and community engagement/advocacy. This online survey tool will be placed on the 02/22/16 agenda as a consent item to begin the implementation process.
D. Committee #5 (Human Resources) Goals
The Goal Committee #5 (Gunn – Chair, Skinner, Savage, Schilthuis, Travis, Alcorn, Stevens, and Ricketson) shared an update on their goal progress:
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Human Resources - - Goal #1: Communicate clear expectations to all staff on evaluation tools and process.
Desired Results: Ongoing awareness by staff of state standards including student growth, professional development, and implementation.
Human Resources - - Goal #2: Continue to review staff safety training and policy compliance, including the training of all employee groups in the area of student bullying and aggression prevention.
Desired Results: Ensure that the district is a safe place to work and learn.
Human Resources - - Ongoing Goal #3: Review and revise staff handbooks for the following areas; teaching staff, bus drivers, and food service.
Desired Results: Clear and concise expectations and adherence to established standards.
Mr. Alcorn shared that as part of the committee’s first goal, state standards on student growth on staff evaluations was changed from 40% to 25%. This information was communicated to staff at the time of the change. As part of the committee’s second goal, staff have completed SafeSchools compliance training and have received training on bullying and aggression behavior, facilitated by Dr. Marcia McCovey. The last employee group to receive this training are bus drivers and that will take place on 02/19/16. Lastly, three sub-committees are drafting copies of handbooks for three (3) employee groups that will convey clear and concise information on expectations and established standards. These handbooks are on time to be completed as per the committee’s ongoing goal.
- Mrs. Ward – shared that the candle lite vigil for Isaiah Blue was very nicely handled and though it was an unfortunate event, it was nice to see the community come together in such a caring way. She referenced the perfectly timed fireball shooting through the sky that capped off the evening;
- Mr. Skinner – commended the high school staff for their efforts in handling the past weeks’ events and doing such a great job with the students at KHS;
- Mrs. Sellers – expressed appreciation to staff and administration for how they helped students work through such a difficult experience;
- Mr. Anderson – shared appreciation on how the entire situation was handled by administration and staff, including communicating and disseminating information. It was amazing to see how the staff and counselors came together and were there for each other and the students, demonstrating what a great district Kelloggsville is;
- Groters – thanked the staff for all they have done during Isaiah’s passing, adding that it was nice to see the community come together at the vigil;
- Tanis – shared that she is proud to be part of such a caring community and thanked the staff, even from other buildings, that came together for the Isaiah’s family, the students, and community.
- Pomorski – shared in agreement with all of the other board members’ statements;
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President Pomorski adjourned the meeting at 6:56p.m.
David Skinner, Jr., Secretary Beth A. Postma
Kelloggsville Board of Education Recorder
VISITORS: Jeff Owen, Jeremy Palmitier, Joyce Massey, Russ Hoorn, Kim Stevens, Eric Schilthuis, Terri Ricketson, Jim Alston, Beth Travis, Eric Alcorn, Brenda Jansen, Tammy Savage and Al Thompson.