AAS Senate Meeting Minutes

Date: 1/30/12

Meeting begins: 8:30 PM

I. Attendance (Nathan Nash ‘12)

II. Call to Order (Geoff Ainslie ‘12)

III. Town Hall (Program Board)

Allyson Leach – Co-Chair

Melissa Aybar – Co-Chair

Danica Richards – Vice-Chair

Cathleen Villapudua – Spring Concert Chair

Romen Borsellino ‘12: Student body received an email last Monday saying that there’s a strong possibility that spring concert will not happen. I believe that we can still have a spring concert! Let’s talk about the possible steps we can take to still have one or discuss alternatives.

Cathleen: Certain events blind-sided us. Coachella is taking place in California the very same weekend of spring concert. The student body voted to have a concert that would cost between 45 to 60 grand. Some artists are unavailable because of the Coachellaweekend. We looked into moving the concert but a concert in March wouldn’t give us enough time to implement plans and April is busy with other college events. We have been working with AAS to potentially add extra money for the concert budget.

Melissa: Our agent lets us know who’s available and if artists actually want to come here. We always consider who the student body votes for. There’s a lot of interest in having local and student bands perform.

Cathleen: Our agent did not know that Coachella was happening. He realized over winter break and let us know. That’s how we were blind-sided.

Pete S.: Looking at Cocella list and I don’t see a lot of artists that were on the Amherst list.

Cathleen: Some artists included: J. Cole, Matt and Kim… many scheduled tours and changed availability.

Forrest Judies: We can use the freshman quad for local bands to play…

Matt Aizporu: I didn’t vote for anyone but J. Cole… but I think PB should be hesitant to judge the survey in terms of prices.

Danica: We must have a tent in case of weather (school policy), and we can’t get a tent big enough to house the entire student body.

Romen: May 4th is the last day of classes and the student activities office can’t schedule any activities during reading period.

Shanika: I hear that Coachella happens every year.

Cathleen: It usually happens in May… he noticed a lot of artists flocking to California. We’re also only allotted 65K. We’re working with AAS to add a possible 10 grand. It’s not that we’re not listening to student feedback, it’s that we cannot afford J. Cole.

Chris Friend: Can we get a new agent? Is there a more efficient way to do this besides a survey?

Melissa: Our meetings are open for anyone with planning suggestions. Meetings every Monday night at 7:30 PM in Keefe 203. We started planning in October. More people should voice their opinions.

Noah: There needs to be more publicity for these meetings because I didn’t know the meetings were open. None of my favorite artists were on that list! We may need a new way of asking the student body.

Meghna: Could we possibly combine with UMASS to make a huge event for artists to consider?

Danica: That’s a really messy and complicated thing. We’d rather not combine.

Amani: Is there a way to make a list of artists that are likely to come?

Danica: Not really, because we can’t really get dates confirmed earlier.

Melissa: The poll that students get have artists who PB has decided are available for students, until the artists change last minute.

Dan: What percentage of student body voted?

Melissa: 45%

Dan: There should be a way to get students involved during the early deliberations of PB. No one seems to care until a decision is made and then they pass a lot of judgment.

Alex Propp: Next year, we should completely abandon the poll. Elect people with good taste in music to form a board and make decisions?

Danica: That’s essentially the role of PB. If we had more voices from the beginning of the process, I think spring concert might have actually happened.

Melissa: We are considering having subcommittees.

Peter Crane: PB members are representatives and are here to listen. Next year, I want to get PB more involved and get the student body involved in open senate meetings and PB meetings.

Alex Hurst: We could possibly use money to buy tickets for artists in the area (such as Aviicii on February 19th). AAS used to pay 10K every year so Amherst College students could see plays and such at UMASS. Just an idea to get more funding.

Chris E.: Why don’t we vote on the most popular artist and then PB can go from there?Why can’t spring concert be outside? I’ve been to plenty at other colleges.

Melissa: Reasons for no outdoor concerts: recently 20 kids died at a recent outside concert, they are less safe and some artists are uncomfortable.

Sally: We could use 65K to fund transportation for one of the concerts happening at the 5 colleges.

Romen: Spring concert forges a sense of community. It’s rare to see that. Taking everyone somewhere else there isn’t really a sense of the Amherst College community. It’s not so much about the artist as it is about having an awesome event for students.

Peter: If anyone wants more than 10K, we need to put out a vote to the student body.

Noah: Maybe we can experiment this year: gather the campus together through a series of smaller concerts or such events.

Geoff: : e-mail the PB and go to meetings! Next week, we are running a meeting on Val! Come to the next Senate meeting.

IV. Funding Request for PB:

Cathleen: $9,950 for grammy-winning artist.

Peter: We can’t do a referendum because the artist we’re considering is on the fence. If the artist drops out, we won’t use the money. We need the money to bid.

Romen: The spring concert is very important to the student body. We either book a huge event or we run a series of smaller events.

Vote to fund PB:

YES: 24

NO: 0


Results: Passed.


  1. Committee Reports

George: Successful transfer student event at UMASS. Great food.

Noah: IT Policy Committee met today. Interviewed applicants for new chief officer position: looking for ways to improve IT.

Adam: CPR. We need to elect someone today.

Matt Debutts: Hybrid courses – lectures on online.

Dvij: Community Engagement Expo. Students came over to talk to us. Lots of agony over add/drop. This was discussed at the Trustee dinner as well. Students also weren’t too aware of clubs and events. The campus is said to look a little dead lately! Liven it up. Activities among dorms should occur so people can make friends from other dorms.

Jacob: Transportation council: we are going to maintain Boston shuttle. We’re going to put online immediate confirmation of orders and we’re going to limit the number of people.

  1. General Announcements

Romen Appoints Matt Echelman toCampus Community Coordinatorposition.

Matt Echelman: There’s a terrible lack of community among students, professors, athletes, drinkers, non-drinkers, etc. We need to improve the social scene.

All in favor of approving Echelman as the New Campus Community Coordinator.

Result: Passed.

VI. Plug-In Station Project (George & Ian)

Ian: General Electric has delayed intro of their charging station.Alternatives that are already on sale include Hubble, inc. It’s a charging station with a stainless steel top. You can charge two vehicles simultaneously. It’s maintained by the same company that runs the card-swiping system. We want to put this near Grosvenor House. Easily maintained by Classic Chevrolet which is located right next door. The charging station and the volt will last for about 8 years.

Matt Debutts: Do we have a plan for how/when each student gets to use the plug?

Ian: The only repeat user of the vehicle will be ACEMS. It’s connected to the internet, so there’s specific data about usage.

George: 3-hours parking limit spot. ACEMS will park their car at night.

Matt: Administration is paying all electricity for every vehicle for perpetuity. I don’t think we have the right to spend 40K of students’ money without a student poll.

George: We should amend Bylaw 7.

Alex Hurst: It’s not discretionary money (money paid by students who graduated Amherst College). So we shouldn’t worry about a referendum.

Geoff: Is insulation cost included in the price of buying? Is there a way for the AAS to own the old ACEMS car?

Ian: Yes to the insulation cost. Maybe to the ACEMS car.

Diwa: Why have we chosed the Chevy volt and not a better car that suits ACEMS needs? Under icy conditions, car doesn’t function well and in other circumstances, it has problems with air conditioning and heat.

Ian: 2-wheel drive is perfectly adequate for conditions at Amherst. The Chevy volt is designed to optimize battery life, so air conditioning will be conserved automatically.

George: This has trunk space and fits 4 people comfortably. This car is split 50/50 with the college. We’re not taking on any legal liability.

Geoff: Difference in voting structure?

George: We probably want to debate this!

Diwa: Who will pay for the car after two years are up?

Ian: It’s never crucial for ACEMS to have a top of the line vehicle. We expect them to use it until the end of service life.

Matt Debutts: Maybe we shouldn’t need to spend 40K. I think the students themselves need to decide. Not willing to vote for a motion without a referendum.

George: At the Trustee dinner, I was shocked about the negativity felt about sustainability at Amherst College. It’s believed that Amherst is way behind in going green. Ian and I have worked for 5 months contacting administration. Volt and plug in station will work for at least 5 years. This will cost 8K per year.

George: When President Martin came to our meeting, we stated the exact amount of money that we are requesting.

Noah: The students want us to handle certain things. They want us to make decisions for their well-being.

Christina: How much money is in reserves?

Diwa: $150.

Alex Southmayd: I’m worried that most people didn’t take the spring concert survey. If you send them a survey for this project, how many people are going to answer that survey?

Noah: More a matter of principle than practicality. Half of the student body votes in spring elections, but we still do it anyway.

Noah: Motion to straw poll.

Amani: If there’s a 2/3 vote for the car, we would fund it?

Geoff: Right. If it’s a YES vote, we’re funding it without a referendum.

Justin: What’s the meeting on Friday about?

Ian: The administration is looking at us closely now. On Friday, we present ourselves.

Diwa: I think we should put this to referendum. Many students are not aware of this. I think they have a right to know. I, like George, think many people are interested in sustainability.

Matt Debutts: The student body might be concerned because they may be shocked that we’re not getting J.Cole and instead we’re getting a plug-in station. We need to have a referendum to inform them.

Alex Hurst: This money does NOT belong to the Senate.

Alex Stein: AAS does not have the right to not let the student body know.

Amani: We need to explain the project and the research put into it. We need a presentation and we need to be talked to about it.

Jess Sidhu: Most discretionary goes to clubs. This is 40K going to one car that only ACEMS can use. Emergency medical treatment is an essential college service. 40K to go green is a decision for the student body.

Tania: A referendum is very redundant. As senators, we are supposed to represent the students. ACEMS is the intermediate step by which we are going to achieve sustainability.

Ian: We are not stealing away student funds. The bylaw was not part of our calculus. We should change the bylaw if everyone’s upset. 40K is for a vehicle and a charging station which is open to use for everybody, not just ACEMS. I want to make that clear.

Meghna: Is it our duty to educate the student body before and after a decision.

George: I propose we do a non-binding survey (to not break the bylaw) for the student body. Let’s give the senate time to reconsider.

Ian: The last thing I want to happen is where the senate is uncomfortable voting. My intention was to improve the college and not to steal money. We could vote intentionally in between 2/3 and the majority, coordinating who votes YES and who votes NO. I’m okay at this point with a referendum.

Noah: The bylaw is broken!!!

Friend: Motion to fund 40K (out of reserves)

Vote to Fund George and Ian’s Project

YES: 15

NO: 8


Result: Passed.

VII.Romen: Seeks to Elect a Diversity Officer

Cabinet position has more weight. Task force will be composed of senators, student body at large and some professors. The diversity officer will work to discuss inclusion and efforts to diversify the campus. I’d like to nominate Rohan.

Rohan: I accept. I think I could work with Matt Echelman.

Peter: How do you see yourself reaching out?

Rohan: Work with the administration and see what they can do.

Benyam: What’s the most challenging aspect that you will face?

Rohan: Getting everyone on board to do one thing.

Vote to Elect Rohan as Diversity Officer.

Result: Passed.

VII. BC Recs (Diwa)

Diwa: BSU- For the Black Solidarity Conference. $2,100 in their budget already. Asking for $3, 647. Under $150 for four rooms for three days. This is standard and I think we should vote YES.

Publicity Funding for next meetings (Geoff):

For the next two weeks, Charlie Thompson for a forum on Val and Dean O’Hara for the next meeting. $20 out of Senate fund.

Alex Hurst: Requesting $300 for mini-courses.

International Conference on Cultural Diplomacy in the UN Representative (Sally): (Feb 21st-24th) 247 dollars per person. Total 741 dollars. We’d only stay first two days. Come back on Wednesday night. Two nights of hotel. $75 to $90 a night per person, listed as single rooms.

Motion to fund Sally:

Motion Passed.

Two more people on Elections Committee with Noah:

Nominees: Christina Won ’15, Benyam Ashefani ‘15, Peter Crane ’15.

Benyam: Making decisions on behalf of my constituents.

Christina: It’s so interesting to see the behind the scenes of the senate project. I’m excited!

Peter: Elections are important and not enough people run! This is an important committee.

Results: Christina and Benyam are elected to the committee.

Diwa: Our policy is $150 per room per night. Max we can give you is $300.

VIII. Approve Minutes, 1-23-12 (Geoff)

Minutes approved.

IX.Adjournment: 11:04 PM