Policy document


The aim of the school is to provide a broad balanced and differentiated curriculum extending each pupil to reach their true potential, operating within the guidelines laid down by the National Curriculum.

The aim is to equip our pupils with the necessary skills required on leaving school, enabling them to lead as independent a life as possible conversant with the necessary personal and social skills to allow them to take their place in the community as a good citizen, free of prejudice.

Curriculum Organisation

Certain restrictions are placed upon the school, which affect the balance of the curriculum.

The school’s catchment area is very large coupled with the LA’s policy of shared transport the length of the school day is set for pupils (9am - 3.15pm). The lunch hour has already been pared to a minimum, to facilitate pupil entitlement to the curriculum. The school caters for pupils from 7 to 16.

Within these constraints the curriculum is delivered. In Lower School mostly by class based teaching and in Middle and Upper Schools by subject specialists. There is a transition year in Year 6 where pupils are taught by more Specialists in preparation for Year 7.

Pupils are taught in groups appropriate to their ability and social needs wherever possible. The Lower School comprises four groups – years 3-6 are taught by a class teacherYear 3 and 4 are two mixed age and ability classes. These feed into years 5 and 6. These two classes are grouped to reflect their combination of ability and readiness to learn. They are, instead taught by a class teacher. With each of the Lower School groups some subjects such as Food Technology, Music and PE are taught by subject specialists.

The Middle School comprises four groups; three are mixed year 7 and 8 pupils, who follow a timetable taught by subject specialistsAnd one class for whom a secondary model is not appropriate. They are instead taught by a class teacher. The pupils move around the school as in a secondary school. Subjects are delivered through the ASDAN Personal Progress Diploma qualification.

The Upper School comprises six mixed 9, 10 and 11 groups 5 of whom follow the secondary curriculum model and one class for whom the secondary model is inappropriate, they are taught by a class teacher.

Maths, English, Science, PSHE, Technology, Information Technology, Geography, History, Music, MFL, Art and P.E. are taught in all Schools.

The teaching of R.E. follows the Agreed Norfolk Syllabus..

The following strands, run through the Personal, Social Education Curriculum:

Health Education, including Sex Education and Drugs Education, Economic and Industrial awareness, Environment Education, Careers Education and Guidance and Citizenship.

Aspects of Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Education run through the whole curriculum. Alongside the National Curriculum the school also teaches the lifeskills necessary for independent living. This is included in Citizenship Modules, the Food Technology Curriculum and the Upper School Personal and Social Development qualification.

The Nature of our Pupils

All of our pupils have a wide variety of learning difficulties and challenging behaviours which often lead to low self-esteem and a lack of confidence.

In accessing the curriculum, a balance must be maintained between reaching a pupils’ full potential and achievable and attainable outcomes. We aim to enable pupils to build upon their strengths and cope with their difficulties.

Additional Information

See: Equality of Regard and Opportunity in Learning Policy

Special Educational Needs Policy.


This policy will be reviewed and evaluated every two years and be undertaken by the Curriculum Co-ordinator, Deputy Head and Head Teacher. It will also be reviewed by the Senior Leadership Team.

Signed...... …………………………………………..

Dated...... …………………………………………………….

Date to be Reviewed Spring 2016

Reviewed Spring 2014

Parkside School 3

Aims and Objectives of the School and the Curriculum