IOP Calendar


Ms. Powers

Logan—How does pop culture affect Marjane’s development as a character in Persepolis?
Claire—How does Islam and Marjane’s interpretation of God in Persepolis shape her identity? / Caroline J- What is the significance of racism in Othello as a trigger for Othello’s fall from grace?
Amber N—How does vampirism lead to self-actualization in Persepolis 2? / Necole—Do the main female voices represent the acceptance of female roles in society and feminism overall? (Note from Powers: Which work??)
Madi—How Marji’s age affects her interpretation of life events in Persepolis? / Joseph—how does the Iranian Revolution and the events of it affect Marjane and her character? (Note: her characterization or development?)
Hannah C—Comparison on the effects of religion in The Poisonwood Bible and Persepolis. / Emily—Analysis comparing Loki and Iago: the use of the common theme of jealousy
Shayli—a comparison between the use of the theme of western arrogance on The Poisonwood Bible and Perseplis

Mr. Moore-

Mercedes—comparison of the theme of love as a cause of death within Othello and Romeo and Juliet
Hayley—analysis of the significance and symbolism of cigarettes within the words Persepolis and The Poisonwood bible, specifically with the respect to Marj and Rachel / Lauren R—Psychological aspects of jealousy and how it shapes the plot and characters in Othello (could just examine characters)
Faye-analyzing uncle Anoosh’es death and its resemblance of a Christ figure / Andrew G—comparing how the Nathan Price and Ebi Satrapi treat rebellion from their daughters
Olivia—the significance of the influence of male characters on the characters Marjane in Persepolis and Leah in The Poisonwood Bible / Nathan—
Julian—compare the fall from grace and loss of innocence in The Poisonwod Bible and Persepolis (note: specific characters?) / Brandon Winters—Iago as a tragic hero
Molham—a comparison between Nathan Price and Orleanna and Romeo and Juliet’s opposing parents. How they also have an effect on their children


Ms. Powers

Chloe—does Iago really have such a strong hate for Othello, or do strong emotions of love and hate go hand in hand?
Tanjila—comparing the female characters in Othello (specifically?) / Alyssa—how does the homoerotic subtext in Othello provide and _____ motivations (aside from the ones bluntly given in text) for Iago?
Anne S.—examining the repeating structure of Shakespearian plays using Othello and Twelfth Night. / Luna—pyschological analysis as a method of character analysis: Shakespeare’s Iago
Carly—analyzing the affects of Western culture on Marji in Persepolis and her perception of identity / Joyce—what and how were Iago’s motivation in vamprisim that led him to believe that manipulating others would help him. How did his motive allow Othello to not investigate further?
Wiebke-- / Holly—how does Adah’s physical defects impact her perception of herself and those around her and support the themes of the novel? (specific theme)
Yenny-how do Marjane’s instances of education throughout her life and in the shaping of her character in Persepolis

Mr. Moore-

Racine—analyzing the theme of loss of innocence and rebirth in Persepolis 2
Elizabeth—how do Adah and Leaf from The Poisonwood Bible embody the lost and golden child or archetypes in comparison to ____ and ____ in Game of Thrones and how has this influenced their individual growth / Danielle—the similarities and differences in the effect of parental influence on Leah and Marji in The Poisonwood Bible and Persepolis
Jarrod—How do outside influences such as family and education shape one’s identity in The Poisonwood Bible and Perseplis 1? / Caroline S—contrast the motivations of Iago and Edmund, Coneril, and Regan, and their supposedly evil deeds. Clear motivation vs unclear, and how this can effect an audience
Quincy—how cultural stereotypes regarding gender roles and race during the Elizabethan Era contributed to the forward momentum of Iago’s plan in ruining Othello and displacing Cassio / Sabina—forms of non-violent rebellion used in Persepolis against the Iranian Government
Chelsea—the significance of religious fanaticism in Persepolis and The Poisonwood Bible anad how it affects the character development of Leah and Marjane / Sarah—forgiveness in The Poisonwood Bible
Elaine—formation of self-identity in Persepolis


Ms. Powers

Grover—a comparison between Iago and Frank Underwood from House of Cards
Curtis—comparing the general themes of Othello to his other works, analyzing similar trends in order to identify what makes his plays unique and interesting (pick a specific theme) / Aaron—the London of Venice: comparative analysis of the historical development of the 17th century English reformation and the Protestant singularity of the Elizabethan Era and the symbolic depiction of religious oppression and obscurity in Shakespeare’s plays Othello and the Merchant of Venice
AJ -- / Grace—the use of vision as a method of characterization Nathan in _____ of his view of the Congolese people. May contrast with the use of vision as symbolism with Leah
Maria-- / Andrew H—
Yara—how does Marjane Satrapi utilize her idea of opposing forces to show balances through the concepts of the symbolic meaning of black and white in her novel / Chandler—a comparison of the coming home stories of Persepolis ______
Lindsey—comparing the man vs man conflict in Persepolis 1 and 2, and its impact on the characters

Mr. Moore-

Brandon H.—how a harsh environment evokes growth in a characters maturity
2. / 1.
2. Sam Parmer—Othello / Matthew R—analyzing and comparing the treatment of outsiders entering a vastly different society in The Poisonwood Bible, Persepolis, and the warriors
Matt E—the comparison of how Perseoplis quest is like the greatest quest of all time: Lord of the Rings / Dana—The Joker vs Iago
Lizzy—color representation involving Persepolis and the imagery metaphor etc.
Or how an abusive/chaotic environment develops a character (needed one topic) / Tanner—how does one’s own cultural knowledge and bias reflect their own understanding of Persepolis?
Matt F—why was Shakespeare’s Othello a major turning point in the playwright history and Jacobian theatre by analyzing the characters, colors, and settings of Othello


Ms. Powers

Dina—comparing the role of influence on different cultures by discussing symbolism in The Poisonwood Bible and Persepolis 1
Chris—an examination on how the Iranian Revolution led to Marjane’s self-discovery / BethAnne Parra—a comparison of Adah’s character is that of Dr. Jekyll/Mr.Hyde
Ayumi—analyzing communist themes in the Communist Manifesto and Persepolis (using the graphic novel manifesto that Marj mentioned?) / Alex—analysis of Adah’s symbol as a minority figure in _____ culture
Madison—how does the characterization of Emilia in Othello show a model of an independent yet loving woman and is Shakespeare’s idea of how a woman should be / Hannah Z—how Marjane’s bias/perspective shapes the readers’ perception of the situation
Hung—comparing Iago from Othello to Machiavelli’s “The Prince” / Laurel—anatomy of a revolution/revolution plot pyramid and how it is played out and portrayed in Persepolis
Madeline—how Satrapi’s application of first person point of view effects the readers’ experience in a non-traditional way

Mr. Moore-

Ellie—analyzing/comparing the enforcement of fundamental religion (and the reactions to it) in Persepolis and The Poisonwood Bible
Khoi—comparing how does a family influence how a character develops in the case of Marj in Persepolis 2 and Adah in The Poisonwood Bible / Loren—how did exposition to different religions and the harsh society of Iran affect Marjane’s actions and decisions in Persepolis
Cody—analyzing the personality of Marjane in Persepolis based on environmental and _____ stimuli / Eva—examination of Marjane’s relationship with her country on a level of nationalism and frustration with the regime in Persepolis
Nadia—comparing the social and cultural differences between Iran and Austria and how it shapes the child-parent relationship / Trelenny—the comparison of Othello’s marriage vs Iago’s marriage and Shakespeare’s meaning behind it
Krisha—comparing how propaganda influenced the opinions of the characters in The Poisonwood Bible to Persepolis and how seeing thigns first hand affected their views (specific characters?) / Jett—compare and contrast Marj’s gradual and dynamic development in Persepolis


Ms. Powers

Lauren P—characterization of Adah in The Poisonwood Bible
Casie—what are the roles of the women in Othello and how are they restricted by their society / Rayana—compare and contrast the political conflicts in The Poisonwood Bible and Persepolis and how they affect the main characters growth and development
Thomas—how the Revolution ____ in Persepolis affect Marji’s actions in the ____ and the ways in which it ____ pays out / 1.
2. John—how revolutionary ideals and suffering portrayed in in Persepolis rivals that experienced by the United States following the Oklahoma City bombing / Luke—how does an author use literary and visual aids to convey his or her message in the context of Persepolis
Ian—analysis on how Marji’s admiration of Western ideals and Iranian culture influenced her poltical ideals and levels of activism / Edwin—analysis of how the graphic novel i.e. the illustrations format help one understand the novel better
Paolo—an analysis of the Iran-Iraq War and how it had an influence on Marji and her family

Mr. Moore-

Melody—how did her childhood in Iran affect her overall concept of the norm in behavior / Lauren S—an analysis of the mother figures in sons and lovers and The Poisonwood Bible
Alexis—to what extent do the graphic novels Maus and Persepolis portray war / Olivia Allen—analysis of Othello and Desdemona’s relationship and love: was it ever real?
Conor—use of black and white to represent opposing forces throughout Persepolis / Seyviana—vampirism in The Poisonwood Bible, evil in the beauty of it. The Congo is the vampire
Anne T—Othello operates on how honor/shame _____ which leads to his tragic downfall / Aidan—allusions in The Poisonwood Bible vs mythological Biblical allegories and the significance behind them (probably need to focus on a specific one)
Kate—the character Iago exhibits characteristics of Foster’s concept of vampirism. How does his vampirism bring out similar characteristics in other characters


Ms. Powers

Jane—how do the opinions of the characters in Persepolis affect Marjane’s principle morals?
Keenal—compare and contrast the characters Iago and _____as antagonist
Dominick—an analysis behind the history of the term Moor and its connotation in Othello / Annie K—compare and contrast of how family has shaped Leah and Adah’s identities
Jalyn—how Nathan shows signs of being an American vamire by Foster’s definitions and political allegory
Amber K—what qualities make Iago from Othello and Sebestian from Black Butler a demon / Michael H—the similarities ____ the development of rebellion in the main protagonists of Persepolis and 1984 and how they both serve as modern parallels to today’s society
Bailey—Persepolis quest for identity how it meets all Foster’s requirements
Mackenize—how Leah’s character contradicts the theme of western arrogance in The Poisonwood Bible / Bella—Persepolis
Analyze Marj’s relationship with God as a result of culture and personal experiences
Evan—ana analysis of false identity of Iago in Shakespeare’s Othello
Frances—how the contrasting societies of Iran and Vienna affected Marjane’s personality / Michael B—contrast and compare how Marji’s role as a woman and those in The Poisonwood Bible and Othello are being influenced by the role of men
Alex Allen—how color is used as a symbol/_____ in The Poisonwood Bible
Sassou—how family relations between Marji and her family as well as relationships between the Iranians in general are affected by the revolution