Running Time: 1hr 30 mins
Session Aims: By the end of this workshop students will:
·  Understand what UCAS is and how to go about applying for university
·  Be aware of the key dates in the university application process
·  Feel more confident about the different options available to them on results day should they get or not get their expected grades
Session Summary:
This workshop has been designed to introduce students to UCAS and the university application process as a whole. Students also get to grips with the different options and services that are available to them on exam results day, should they exceed, achieve or miss out on their expected grades.
Advance Preparation:
·  Assign students into groups
·  Layout tables into groups
·  Prepare resources for the session
·  Computer/ Laptop with PowerPoint
·  Projector
·  Flipchart paper and markers
·  Post-it notes
Resources Provided:
·  ‘UCAS and the University Application Process’ PowerPoint Slides (including ‘UCAS Quiz’ slides)

·  ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ letters

·  ‘Extra-Curricular Activities’ list

·  ‘UCAS Key Dates’ worksheet (includes student action cards)
·  ‘UCAS Key Dates’ answer sheet
·  ‘Results Day Scenario’ sheets

·  ‘UCAS Terms Explained’ handout / Notes:
·  If PowerPoint facilities are not available please see session script for alternative activities
·  To be printed individually on A4 so students can hold them up during the quiz. One set of letters for each team
·  To be printed and each activity should be cut out to hand to different groups
·  Cards to be cut out (and laminated if possible)
·  1 set of cards per group
·  Each scenario to be printed
·  Each group to get one scenario
·  1 hand out per student
Action Points:
-  Activities may take longer than planned, be sure to keep a close eye on the time.
-  Organise groups to avoid individuals who struggle working together are in the same team.
-  Students to work at their own pace

**If PowerPoint facilities not available please see session script for alternative activities**

Learning Activity/ Task / Time / Teaching Strategies/ Actions:
Introduction to the session and the learning outcomes / 10 mins / Get students to sit down in their teams, inform them that they will be working in their teams throughout the session.
Introduce students to the session- inform students that this session is all about UCAS and the application process for university.
Get them to write down on a post it note one thing that they would like to learn by the end of the session, and put it up on the flip chart paper that has been put up in a visible place (normally at the front of the classroom)
UCAS Quiz / 20 mins / This quiz interactively introduces students to UCAS and the university application process. The questions go over some of the key information and terms that students will come across during the application process. The multiple choice answers allow students who know very little about the application process to still engage and take part.
Students work in their teams to answer the questions, holding up the ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ letters to show what they think the answer is after each question is asked.
The facilitator will give a brief explanation after each answer to ensure students fully understand. Please see the Facilitator Session Script for explanations.
Introduction to personal statements / 15 mins / Once the students get to grips with what UCAS is, it is important that they are introduced to the idea of personal statements as they are a big part of the application process. Facilitator to explain what a personal statement is and why it is important.
Give each group 2 extra- curricular activities from the extra-curricular activity list. Get each of them to brainstorm some of the skills that someone who does these activities would gain and might make a positive impact on a personal statement.
Facilitator to give an example to set the students off. Please see the Facilitator Session Script for example.
Key Dates Race / 15 mins / In their groups, students must use the ‘UCAS Key Dates’ handout to place the student action cards in the correct order on the timeline. The student action cards get students to realise what they should be doing at a particular time in the university application process, starting from Year 12.
Facilitator must then use the ‘UCAS Key Dates’ answer sheet to go over the correct order of the student action cards.
Results Day Scenario- Presentations / 20 mins / It’s important that students know that they have options on results day no matter what the outcome is.
Each group is to be assigned a results day scenario sheet. They have 10 mins to design a creative poster on flipchart paper detailing the situation that they have been given and the opportunities available in that situation. They will then present these posters back to the rest of the class.
If the class wants to be more creative, they can come up with a sketch/ performance too.
Scenario 1: Student gets their expected grades- what next?
Scenario 2: Student exceeds their grades and is rethinking their university choice- adjustment
Scenario 3: Student doesn’t get their grades and they still really want to go to university in September- clearing
Plenary / 10 mins / Wrap up the session by going over any questions that may have not been answered on the post it notes.
Hand out the ‘UCAS Key Dates’ handout and the ‘UCAS Terms Explained’ handout which has a link to a step by step guide to the UCAS application process.

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