You will complete the three internet activities attached to this sheet…

Learning question: Why do states cooperate with each other? (Key Issue 3)

International Relations Investigation

United Nations Investigation

The European Union.

Please do the three activities above in the order in which they are listed. You can either write your findings on a sheet of notebook paper, or you can type out your answers. If you type your answers you MUST have a hard copy printed out before you come to class! When you are finished with the three activities you will staple them together into a packet ready to hand in at the beginning of class

Friday, March 28th.

Please take your time answering the questions completely and looking at the websites… this information is key to understanding the unit. Below is a checklist

*Please note: this is an individual project*


International Relations Investigation

¨  List of reasons for alliances.

¨  Chart/table with researched information on the six organizations.

United Nations Investigation

¨  Answers to questions 1-10. Complete this on your own paper… either write the questions or put them in the answer (The UN official languages are…)

¨  Question 14 requires you to look at info on your adopted country. Be sure to add this information now to your adopted country project so you don’t have to go back later.

¨  After you look at the games, keep in mind…how could this help you with the content for your adopted country portfolio?”

The European Union Internet Investigation

¨  Answers to questions 1-10. Be sure you read the question carefully and answer all parts… for example you need to create a timeline for question #4.

***WARNING: Not all questions have directions to the answers, you WILL have to browse the websites!***

International Relations

Key Issue # 3 – Why do states cooperate with each other?

p. 274 - 280

1.) Read pg. 274-280 about why countries would be interested in forming alliances with each other. (hints: economics, security)

2.) Create a chart with the following four headings:

Ø  Name of organization

Ø  Origins (when and why it was formed)

Ø  Location of headquarters

Ø  Region (what area of the world does this organization cover—some are world-wide)

Ø  Mission and functions (what are the goals of this organization and what does it do)

Here are the organizations for your chart. Visit the web sites for the organizations to complete the chart.

o  World Trade Organization

o  North Atlantic Treaty Organization

o  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

o  Association of Southeast Asian Nations

o  Organization of American States

o  African Union

United Nations Investigation

Go to the UN website. Using the info from the site answer the following questions. You will need to figure out where the answers are by browsing through the site.

1.  Go to UN at a Glance. What are the 4 main purposes of the UN?

2.  What are the official languages of the UN?

3.  Click Main Bodies under Structure and Organization. How is the UN organized? What are the principle “organs” of the UN?

4.  What is the Security Council? How does it operate and what is its function?

5.  Go to Member States. How many member states are in the UN? Which is the newest? Go to About UN Membership. How does a state become a member?

6.  Click Secretary General. Who is the Secretary-General? What is his role? How did he assume this position?

7.  What are the UN topics around the world that are “In Focus?”

8.  Search on the site the Millennium Development Initiative. What are their 8 goals?

9.  Go to back to the UN homepage and click Humanitarian Affairs then click The UN and…Civil Society at the bottom. What are CSO’s and NGO’s? How does the UN work with them?

10. Check on your adopted country. Is it a member state? What other “bodies” of the UN is it a member of?

*** Check out the cyber school bus and play a few of the games. Check out the web casts, etc.***

The European Union: Internet Investigation

Go to Answer the following questions

1. Click Countries. How many members are there?

2. Click Joining the EU. Explain how a country joins the EU.

3. 4. Click The Economy unfder Fact and figures and give 3 economic advantages of being in the EU.

4. What is the history of the EU? Create a small timeline to show this.

5. Click Institutions and Bodies. Briefly explain the law-making body and list 2 other EU Institutions.

6. List and explain 3 EU symbols

7. What is the Euro?

8.  Which members of the EU have chosen not to be a part of the Euro Zone?

9.  The Principality of Monaco, the Republic of San Marino and the Vatican City have a special right under the Euro agreements. What can they do that all other nations cannot?

10.  List 2 interesting facts or statistics about the EU.