Seasonal CampsiteRental Agreement

Our Vision

A family and church retreat facility providing biblical teaching for spiritual growth while enjoying Christian fellowship, relaxation, and recreation.

Jesus said: Come ye apart and rest a while. Mark 6:31

VIOLATIONS of this agreement are to be reported to the Administrator for further action. Campers are NOT to take it upon themselves to correct or rebuke other campers.


1.1Registered Seasonal Campers: single adults or married couples and their immediate families who have rented campsites for the season. All Registered Seasonal Campers must sign a Rental Agreement with Triple C.

1.2Visitor: Anyone who comes to Triple C with the permission of a Registered Camper.

1.3User: Anyone who has permission to use the facilities of a Registered Camperwhen that camper is absent without financial obligation to the Registered Camper. All users must receive permission from the Administrator before taking up residence.

1.4Renter: Anyone who rents the facilities of a Registered Camper. All Renters must sign a Rental Agreement with Triple C.


2.1It is the responsibility of each Seasonal Camper to ensure that all Visitors, Users and Renters at their site are aware of the pertinent points in this document, that they have access to a copy of this document and that they agree to comply with all Campground regulations.

2.1.1If, in the opinion of the Administrator or the Board of Directors, a camper has deliberately contravened any of these regulations,they may take action to remove the offender from the Campground as well as the camper’s trailer, RV andany other property.


3.1It is the responsibility of each Seasonal Camper to ensure that all visitors, guests and renters at their site have checked in at the officeupon arrival and that they check out when leaving.

3.2All renters must declare that they are renters and must sign a copy of this Rental Agreementbefore taking up residence.

4.0Vehicles and Personal Belongings

4.1Observe and obey all street signs and road safety rules applying to cars, bicycles and pedestrians. The Administrator shall have the right to confiscate or impound any vehicle that is operated in an unsafe manner.

4.2Not more than two vehicles may be parked on a site. Any additional vehicles are to be parked in designated locations or the area west of the swimming pool.

4.3Boats and any vehicles not legal to be driven on public roads may not be kept on campsites (with the obvious exception of powered wheel chairs and other devices used by those with physical disabilities). At the discretion of the Administrator, such a vehicle may be stored elsewhere at a designated location in the Park.

4.4 Any boat, trailer, vehicle etc. left in the Park without specific approval of the Administrator will be removed from the Park at the owner’s expense. An application form is available in the office.

4.5No personal belongings may be stored in camp buildings.

5.0Prohibited Substances

5.1The use or consumption of the following is strictly prohibited anywhere on the property:

a)alcoholic beverages


c)non-medicinal drugs or any other substance that is illegal to be consumed in Ontario

5.1.1Anyone who is discovered consuming or using such substance(s) or found to be intoxicated shall be removed from the campground and/or reported to the Ontario Provincial Police.


6.1No pets are permitted in the Campground.

7.0Noise and Activities

7.1The quiet time in the Campground is from 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.

7.2At all times, the volume of radios, TVs, etc. is to be kept low enough that it does not disturb others on neighbouring campsites.

7.3All sports activities shall cease and the swimming pool closed during Sunday Chapel Services.

8.0Advertising and Publications

8.1Distribution or posting of any material is not permitted unless authorized by the Administrator.

9.0Campsite Occupants

9.1No one under the age of 18 shall occupy a campsite without a responsible adult chaperone.

9.2No adult mixed singles (with the exception of immediate family members) shall occupy a campsite without a responsible adult chaperone.

9.3Occupancy must not exceed the sleeping capacity of the RV.

9.4Tents are not permitted unless cleared by the Administrator. An extra fee will be charged for tent occupancy on a seasonal site.

10.0Routine Campsite Operations

10.1No lawn watering is permitted. Watering of flower beds is normally permitted except in times of extreme water shortage.

10.2In the interest of energy conservation, lights, fans, air conditioners and water heaters are not to be left on when the trailer is unoccupied for a period of time. An extra fee will be charged to a camper’s account in the case of a serious violation.

10.3Unattended garbage attracts animal pests and therefore is not to be left outside the trailer.

10.4Do not flush insoluble substances such as grease, paper towel etc.

10.5Use single-ply toilet paper, biodegradable dish soap and hand soap if possible.


11.1Every open fire is to be tended by a responsible adult at all times.

11.2Campfire flames may not be maintained at more than two feet in height.

11.3Campfires must be doused before campers retire in the evening or leave the campsite at any time.

12.0Landscaping and Campsite Maintenance

12.1It is the responsibility of each seasonal camper to clean up the campsite at the beginning of the season and to maintain it throughout the season. This includes the raking of leaves, cutting of grass and general tidiness.

12.2In the event that a tree or shrub needs significant trimming, a seasonal camper must obtain permission from the Campground Administrator before doing the work. Alternatively, a camper may request that the Campground staff look after the trimming.

12.3Seasonal Campers are encouraged to landscape their lots (flowers, small shrubs, etc.). Any site work done for or by a Camper becomes Campground property.

12.4Major projects (boundary markers, fences, gates, hedges, etc.) are not to be undertaken unless approved by the Administrator. Any site work done for or by a camper becomes Campground property.

12.5All patios are poured concrete. New patios and modifications to existing patios must be installed by the campground staff and only after approved by the Administrator. A fee will be charged to cover the cost of installation.

12.6The size of a landing on outside stairs is 4 feet x6 feet maximum; one per door. Pictures of some examples of acceptable stairs are posted in office.

12.7It is the responsibility of each seasonal camper to keep the exterior of their trailer clean and in good repair and to properly maintain the heating, lighting and plumbing equipment.

12.8Not permitted: decks, screened awnings, closed awnings, trailer extensions, outside fridges, freezers or coolers.

12.9TV antennas and satellite dishes are not to be installed unless approved by the Administrator.

12.10Umbrella-type clothes lines are permitted.

12.11Dining tents, screened tents and gazebosare not to be installed unless approved by the Administrator.

12.12Storage units must be factory built of vinyl or resin. The maximum dimensions of a storage unit on a standard lot: 4 feet high by 4 feet by 2 feet; on a large lot: 8 feet wide by 8 feet deep. Approval must be obtained from the Administrator prior to the placement of a storage unit.

12.13All structures must be readily removable from the site.

12.14No changes are to be made towater, hydro or sewer receptacles owned by Triple C.

12.15Campers are responsible to provide their own connection equipment for water, hydro and sewer.

13.0Insurance and Legal Responsibilities

13.1Every Seasonal Camper has the responsibility to maintain adequate property and public liability insurance for their trailer, RV etc. A copy of your insurance policy or proof of insurance is to be filed in the office.

13.2Triple C Bible Camp Inc. is not responsible forpersonal loss or injury to site occupants or property from any cause whatsoever, including, but not limited to: fire, wind, falling trees, lightning, flood, hail, theft, collision, vandalism, etc.

13.3In the event of an emergency, any vehicle, trailer, RV or other personal items may be relocated or removed by a Triple C staff member.

13.3.1It is strongly recommended that duplicate keys to all trailers etc. be left in the care of the Administrator. These keys will be stored in a secure location and will not be used except in the case of an emergency or with specific permission from the owner.

14.0Campground Operations

14.1Staff: The primary function of the campground staff is to conduct the day-to-day operations of the campground. Although the staff members will assist individuals as the need arises, campers are requested to not take advantage of them. Except for unusual circumstances, please do not ask them to relay telephone messages, provide courier service, do work on your campsite or RV, etc.

14.1.1Concerns and complaints should be directed to the Administrator, preferably in writing. Please do not complain to other staff, board members or other campers. Be aware that everyone at Triple C is dedicated to make your stay as pleasant and enjoyable as possible.

14.2Ownership of Campground: It is understood and agreed by all parties that all of the grounds, including seasonal campsites, are the property of Triple C Bible Camp Inc. and operated under the authority of the Board of Directors.

15.0Site Occupancy

15.1Primary Occupant: The Registered Seasonal Camper(s) shall be the primary occupant(s) of the site. Other family members or close friends of a Registered Seasonal Camper may be permitted to occupy the site for a limited time, but only with the express permission of the Administrator.

15.2Occupancy of a site shall be for the furtherance of the outreach ministry of Triple C Camp and shall not be used as a business venture.

15.3Seasonal Campers may own no more than one trailer in the campground. The trailer owner may be permitted to rent out their trailer for alimited length of time during the season, keeping in mind, paragraph 15.1 that the owner of the trailer shall be the primary occupant and paragraphs 2.0 to 3.2 that all renters are subject to the same rules as are trailer owners.

15.3Normally, anyone who rents a seasonal site can expect to have first right of refusal to rent the same site in successive years. However, the Corporation, at its discretion, retains the right not to renew any rental agreement at the end of the annual camping season for just cause. That site may then be rented to another party. The deadline for site renewal and first payment for the succeeding year is October 1. If the site occupant has not made payment nor contacted the office by October 31, to make satisfactory financial arrangements, the trailer is to be removed.

15.4the Corporation reserves the right to evict a seasonal camper from a site at any time during the camping season if, after being given fair warning, both verbally and in writing, in the opinion of a majority of the members of the Corporation, the renter has neglected to properly maintain the site or has deliberately broken one or more campground rule(s) as set out in the rental agreement. Any deliberate action that jeopardizes the safety of an individual or group while on the premises is grounds for eviction.

15.5Transfer of Rental Agreement: A Seasonal Camper may not transfer a rental agreement to another person.

16.0Site Assignment

16.1Request for a Specific Site: Some campsites are in greater demand than others, due to size or location. As a result, there is often a “waiting list” of people who would like to move to a particular site. The Camp Administrator keeps a record of names of campers who wish to move their trailers to specific sites if/when they become available.

16.1.1Under normal circumstances, when it becomes available, a site will be offered to the person who requested it first. However, the Corporation reserves the right to select a different applicant if the first-named applicant has demonstrated that they do not properly maintain their campsite or trailer or have deliberately and repeatedly broken campground rules.

16.1.2If the assistance of campground staff is required for trailer re-location, a fee may be charged.

17.0Site Vacancy

17.1Termination of Occupancy: When a Seasonal Camper decides to terminate occupancy of a site, the Camper must notify the Administrator in writing.

17.2Refund: No refund for money already paid for a season can be guaranteed if notification is not made prior to September 30. Any refund will be reduced by an administration fee, off-season storage fee, and any portion of the season remaining while the trailer remains anywhere on the Campground (even if removed from a campsite) and any other outstanding amounts.

17.3A site clean-up feewill be charged if the site being vacated is not left in a tidy condition ready to be re-occupied.

18.0Sale of a Trailer

18.1Private Sale: Trailer sales are private only. Site and pad are not included.

18.2Sale Listing: When a seasonal camper places their trailer for sale, they must notify the Campground Director immediately. At that time, they may post an advertisement on the bulletin board in the Campground office, subject to the approval of the Administrator.

18.3Signs: A small “for sale” sign may be placed in the window of a trailer. In the interest of campground appearance, yard signs are not permitted.

18.4Trailer Vacancy: If the owner of a trailer ceases to occupy the trailer and shows little or no interest in the on-going work of the camp during the regular camping season while the trailer is for sale, the Administrator may require, after a reasonable period of time, that the trailer be moved from the site to another location in the park or that it be removed from the park at the owner’s expense. In either case, the Administrator may assign the campsite to another party. The time allowance shall be at the discretion of the members of the Corporation, butwill not normally carry forward into the next camping season.

19.0Purchase or modification of Trailer

19.1Site “Ownership”: The purchase of a trailer that is currently located on a campsite does not entitle the new owner to rent that particular, or any other, campsite in the park. The assignment of a particular site is made at the discretion of the Administrator and the Board of Directors.

19.2When a trailer is sold to someone who intends to keep the trailer in the Camp, the trailer mayremain on its present site at the request of the new owner provided that either:

a)the trailer is a “park-model” i.e. a trailer that is not designed to be towed by the owner for travel-camping, provided that it is in satisfactory condition (in the opinion of the Board of Directors).


b)no other seasonal camper at Triple C has made a request for the site before the seller notifies the office of their intention to sell their trailer and specifically makes a request in writing (dated and signed)that the site be available to the next owner. This permission, if granted by the Administrator, can remain in place for a maximum of one year from the date on which the letter is submitted to the office, after which time there will be no assurance that the next owner will be permitted to have the site.

19.3Trailer Inspection: Any trailer that is posted for sale with the expectation that the new owner will want to keep it in the park must be inspected and signed by a licensed RV Technician. If the trailer does not measure up to acceptable safety and appearance standards, any prospective purchaser must be so informed and any advertisement posted in the office or the Camp website must make this point clear.

19.4Transfer of Ownership: Any trailer that is sold and that is to be kept in the park by the new owner, and any trailer that is brought into the park for the purpose of seasonal camping,must be inspected and signed by a licensed RV Technician. If the trailer does not meet acceptable safety and appearance standards, the owner will be required to remove it from the park or take immediate corrective measures.

19.5Permit to Locate a Seasonal Trailer: No trailer that is brought/delivered to Triple C for seasonal occupancy will be permitted entrance to the grounds unless a “Permit to Locate Seasonal Trailer” has been issued by the Administrator.

19.5.1Any significant subsequent modificationsto be made toa trailer must be pre-approved by the administrator.

Every Registered Camper is required to read this document carefully, sign a copy to be kept in the Campground Office and to keep a copy of it on their site.

I, ______, have read carefully this entire Rental Agreement

(please print your name clearly)

of Triple C Bible Camp Inc. and agree to comply with all regulations.



Seasonal Campsite Rental Agreement Revised 2015Page 1 of 6