These are the agreed minutes of Timberland and Thorpe Tilney Parish Council meeting held at Timberland Village Hall on Wednesday 12th July 2017.


Public Remarks/Questions: None

2 Parishioners were present - Recorded for minute purposes

Present: Cllrs Terry Audis, Andy Phillips, Glen Sharplin, Elizabeth Kornat, Ian Stirling, John Sharmanand Cheryl Burbidge, the Parish Clerk.

1. Apologies

Cllrs. Ogden,Matthan and Kendrick and PCSO Nic Page

PCSO Nic Page sent apologies with assurances that the promised community security packs would be delivered to the Clerk ASAP.

There were no crime figures to report with regard to the Parish.

2. Declaration of Interests


3. Minutes from the meeting on 22nd May and the 2nd June 2017.

The minutes were an accurate record of the meetings.

All agreed.

4. County and District Councillor Reports

None Present

5. New Councillor

5.1 Co-option Process

The Council agreed, having received written applications, to vote for a Councillor by indicating on the forms handed out by the Clerk. The Clerk will then inform the Council of the secret ballot.

Proposed: Cllr. Stirling Seconded: Cllr. Sharplin

All agreed

5.2 Co-option

Agreed: TomosHuw Williams was co-opted to the Council and joined the Council meeting at this point.

Cllr. Williams was welcomed to the council by the Chair and all the necessary forms to be completed in due course.

6. Planning

Agreed: Clerk to look further into the large caravan on Fen Road.

7. Highways

The clerk reported to the Council the process of reporting and the feedback received has improved and updates have been received.

7.1 Hedges

The hedge near the church has been cut back but the part of the hedge on Church Lane also needs cutting back.

Agreed: Cllr. Sharplin to call and have a chat with the resident. Cllr. Phillips offered some assistance if this was needed.

7.2 Potholes

Fen Road Pot Holes continue to cause problems particularly outside number 26 Fen Road.

The pothole has been repaired outside the village hall.

Agreed: Clerk to report the Fen Road Potholes again via the reporting system again and email highways in addition to this.

7.3 Grit Bin – Fen Road

Agreed: Clerk to request additional bin for Fen Road.

7.4 Speeding Sign on Fen Road

Agreed: Clerk to look into the report that a speeding sign has been knocked down on Fen Road

7.5 Damaged Sign

Agreed: Clerk to follow this up

8. Parish Council Documentation

8.1 Standing Orders

8.2 Financial Regulations

8.3 Code of Conduct

Agreed: A handbook to be prepared including all of the above documents. After final ‘tweeking’ the documents will be sent to Cllr. Kornat for formatting and forwarded to Cllr. Phillips for reproduction for all Councillors.

8.4 Asset List

Agreed: Clerk to forward to all the Councillors and Insurance Company

9. Parish Items

9.1 Timberland Green

9.1.1 ROSPA

Agreed: Inspection to take place in August 2017

Clerk to give Cllr. Phillips a copy of the 2016 report.

9.1.2 Bench Maintenance

Cllr. Stirling is continuing the maintenance of the benches including the picnic benches.

9.1.3 Timberland Green Wild Flower Garden

This garden has been very difficult to manage and very few flowers have returned this year despite considerable efforts.

Agreed: The Chair to meet with Parishioner originally involved in the project to explain that the Council will be replacing the space with a grassed area, additional climbing plants and some gravel.

This work would take place in September.

Proposed: Cllr. Kornat Seconded: Cllr. Sharplin

All agreed

9.1.4 Celebration Event 5th August 2017

Cllr. Kornat reported back on the work of the sub-group planning the event to celebrate the first year of the Timberland Green. The document presented by Cllr. Kornat explained that this will be a family event with something for everyone ensuring that the activity is in line with the original Lease. Poster and leaflets will be detailed and distributed as widely as possible including poster and school drop. Activities to include face painting, ballet display, photographs, music, BBQ, beverages, Lives, games and a bouncy pirate ship. There will be a porta-loo.

The planning group requested a donation of £250 to cover some of the costs although outside support has been offered.

A summary of costs will be kept and reported back to the Council.

Risk assessments will be undertaken for the events organised by the Council and others.

Best value estimates were undertaken.

Agreed: Clerk to inform Lincolnshire County Council of the activities involved, at the earliest possible opportunity, although it is not expected to be a problem.

AParishioner to produce the posters etc. and Cllr. Phillips to reproduce for distribution.

The poster/leaflet to be distributed house to house, school drop, in the notice boards and in the Pub.

Bottles of water to be supplied for the children

Cllr. Phillips to look into equipment for the children’s races and the equipment used last year.

The Parish Council to donate up to £250 to the event to cover some of the costs.

£20 donation to be made to the Church for use of the electricity supply to be included in the £250.

Proposed: Cllr. Sharman Seconded: Cllr. Phillips

All Agreed

Cllr. Sharman extended thanks on behalf of the Council to Cllrs. Kornat, Sharplin and Stirling involved in the planning group and also to the Penny Farthing for the support offered with the BBQ and the music.

9.2 Parish Website

Agreed: The Clerk will undertake some consultation on the day of the Timberland Green Celebration and include the website address on the poster.

9.3 Community Market Update

Cllr. Kornat reported that the police attended the last community market and had a stall.

Agreed: The next Community Market is planned for Thursday 20th July 2017

Clerk to invite the Police to attend the Timberland Green celebration.

9.4 Village Hall Footpath

Cllr. Kornat received 2 letters from a Parishioner with concerns about disabled access to the path which is proving difficult for wheelchair users. Cllr. Kornat passed these letters to the Parish Council Chair and the Village Hall Secretary.

A general discussion took place highlighting the health and safety concerns for wheelchair users which is a high priority for the Council.

The Council understands that quotes have been requested and the work may well have been agreed.

Agreed: Clerk to write to the Secretary of the Village Hall Committee for an update asking for a response within a month of the date of the letter.

9.5 Telephone Box

Agreed: Correspondence has been received from the lottery and a formal announcement will made in due course.

Cllr. Phillips to source a pin board and contact other councillors to put it up to enable use of the telephone as soon as possible.

9.6 Dog Barking

A general discussion took place with regard an email and the problems with dogs barking in the village.

It was acknowledged that on occasions various dogs raise concerns.

Agreed: The Clerk to write/speak to the Parishionerrecommending personal contact with the department in North Kesteven Council that deals with noise complaints who may be able to help.

It was agreed that in future if a number of parishioners had complained and these parishioners were unhappy with the response from NKDC at that stage it may be appropriate for the Parish Council to be involved to support parishioners.

In future all complaints via the telephone or in person on any matter must be formally recorded to enable the Council to make a decision on action.

9.7 Church Field

The chair informed the Council that the horse manure has not yet been moved.

Agreed: The Clerk to speak to the Warden to ask again for it to be moved or taken away and if necessary removed altogether.

9.8 Street Lighting

Agreed: Clerk to check whether the light reported has been repaired.

10. Clerk’s Report

10.1 Finance Report

10.1.1 Cheques for Payment


Clerk is still waiting for a new cheque book that had been ordered at the beginning of June.

The following payments were unable to be made.

Clerk and Litter Picker Salary

HMRC tax payment.

Details were available at the meeting.

10.1.2 Bank Statement Balances

Current Account: £15667.33

Business: 5700.38

A copy of the bank statement balances was distributed and is now on the website.

Agreed: Clerk to ensure that all information is as clear as possible for parishioners accessing the information.

Clerk to give the council the balance on the Transparency Fund.

Agreed: Cllr. Phillips to continue to explore the possibility of broadband access and the transparency fund can be used for this

10.1.3 Signatories/bank update

Agreed: This has now been completed and log-on details have been received for access to online statements.

10.1.4 Parishioner Review of the Accounts

Agreed: Parishioner meeting to take place the following Friday at 11am.

11. Agenda Items for the next meeting

Community Links – Good Neighbour Scheme – Feedback from the Meeting (TA)

Open Spaces Correspondence

12. Date of the Next Meeting

Wednesday 14th September 2017 Timberland Village Hall Meeting 7.30pm
