Topic 1: The Nature and Perspectives of Geography

Geography is everything…and everything is geography

WEEK 1 (8/24-8/31):

Mon./Tues. (8/24-8/25):

I.  Introduction to Course PPT

a.  Review Syllabus/Website

b.  Where in the World?

H.L.: 1. Acquire any needed supplies and the AP Barron’s Review book for AP Human Geography.

2. Read ‘Forget Nature. Even Eden is Engineered’ from class website @

Wed./Thur. (8/26-8/27):

I. The Science of Space and Place

a.  Discuss ‘Forget Nature.’

b.  Textbook distribution

c.  PPT Lecture/discussion

d.  Do Maps Lie?

H.L.: Read ‘Development of Geographic Thought’ from class website (Quiz on Fri./Mon.)

Fri./Mon. (8/28-8/31):

I. The History of Geography

a.  QUIZ (history of geography)

b.  PPT Lecture/discussion

c.  Intro. to Map Quizzes (North America Quiz on 9/10-9/11)

H.L.: Read pp. 7-18 (from Core Geographic Concepts to Maps) & answer The Regional Approach questions from class website.

WEEK 2 (9/1-9/4):

Tues./Wed. (9/1-9/2):

I. Spatial Interaction and Distribution

a.  Collect H.L. (The Regional Approach questions)

b.  PPT Lecture/discussion: location, size, and scale

H.L. Read pp. 18-28 (Maps) & answer 5 ‘Reading Questions

Thur. (Early Release)/Fri. (9/3-9/4):

I. Understanding Maps and Geo. Data

a.  Collect ‘Reading Questions’

b.  PPT Lecture/discussion

c.  Map the School! (in groups of 2-3 map various spatial data;

i.e.: locations of vending machines, bathrooms, location of security guards, population density, etc.)

H.L.: Review Ch. 1 notes for AP Practice Essay on regions and the “Regional Approach”


WEEK 3 (9/8-9/11):

Tues./Wed. (9/8-9/9):

I. The Regional Approach

a. AP Practice Essay

b. Lab: Regional Mapping Analysis


Thur./Fri. (9/10-9/11):

I. The New Global Order

a.  MAP QUIZ #1: North America

b.  PPT Lecture/discussion: The Regional Approach Pt. II

H.L.: Knox ‘Globalization’ reading from class website; QUIZ next class)


WEEK 4 (9/15-9/18):

Tues./Wed. (9/15-9/16):

I. Globalization and the World Toilet Organization

a.  ‘Globalization’ QUIZ

b.  PPT Lecture/discussion: The Coca-Colaization and McDonaldization of Your Soul

Thur./Fri. (9/17-9/18):

I. Computer Lab: Google Earth Research Assignment

H.L.: READ p. 57-62 & complete 4 Reading Questions (due Mon./Tues. 9/21-9/22)