Women’s Resource Center Accomplishments 2010-11

●  A stellar Year for events:

○  Social Sustainability Month- The WRC’s Sustainability Action Team collaborated with Take Back the Tap, the MCC, and the Sustainability Leadership Center to create a month with 13 events that highlighted social and environmental sustainability attended by 201 people.

○  Faculty Favorite Lecture Series- 11 faculty members accepted an invitation to give a lecture of their choice at the Women’s Recourse Center, bringing 292 attendants to the space.

○  Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) - SAAM 2011 included a successful National Day of Action, increased collaboration with the Healthy Campus Initiative and Campus Rec, and increased visibility via our first-ever SAAM story on the front page of the PSU website. Also hosted new events including a collaboration with Public Health Awareness Week, and one with CAPS staff focused on supporting male partners of survivors. The month culminated in a Take Back the Night event with approximately 300 in attendance despite the rain!

●  Increased Residence Life training from one 1.5 hour training in 2009-2010 to five separate training for professional and student staff in 2010-2011, including a new Certification Training: Interpersonal Violence Prevention (9/7/2010, 28 student staff chose to attend this workshop, which focused on skill building around stopping sexual violence before it occurs).

●  Leadership In Action Program develops leadership pathways programs, offering students more opportunities for increasingly richer forms of engagement. One highlight was the development of WRC’s action teams resulting in:

○  18% increase in student involvement

○  Increase in campus-wide collaborations reaching out to women student of color and women veterans. Women of Color and Women Veterans Outreach Action Teams developed rich collaborations with staff, faculty, and student leaders from across campus. Both groups meet consistently and continue to address outreach concerns.

●  Increased capacity to provide advocacy services through the addition of a new professional staff position. number of students receiving advocacy services increased from 110 in AY 09-10 to 162 in AY 10-11.

Women’s Resource Center Priorities 2010-11

●  Continue to work with Vicki Wise to develop a comprehensive Assessment Plan for the WRC and it’s programs AND put the plan into action. This will include a strategy for assessing outcomes and satisfaction of students involved in the Empowerment Project. Further utilization of Student voice and OrgSync to track usage, longevity, and outcomes of students involved with the WRC. development of a comprehensive plan to evaluate student outcomes and learning in IPV program

●  Partnership with The Learning Center to offer first two terms of Student Success for Returning Women Students (to replace the student-taught Returning Women’s Workshop) using a customized version of PSU’s On Course curriculum. This will present increased collaboration opportunities, generate revenue, and increase the visibility and the professionalism of the course.

●  Implement a plan to develop and sustain WRC alumni relations through use of Org Sync database, alumni invitations to events, featured alumni regular column on our blog, and the addition of an alumni section of our website.

●  Partner with the Office of Equity and Inclusion, the Dean of Student Life, and others to provide leadership in issues of sexual and domestic violence, and gender bias/Title IX compliance.

●  Continue to build partnerships and fundraise through our events, including the following new projects for this year:

○  Sex Money- A documentary about human trafficking scheduled to show October 6th, 2011. This event is co sponsored by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the QRC.

○  A Love Your Body Day Fashion Show Fundraiser to be held October 19th. We hope to partner with WRC, WGSS, SHAC, and the Healthy Campus Initiative.

○  Focus SAAM 2012 planning on collaboration with WGSS and QRC via co-hosting the NW Women’s Studies Association’s regional conference in April 2012