Name of the post / Number of post / Classification / Pay Band and Grade Pay/Pay Scale / Whether selection post or non selection post1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Assistant Engineer / 20* (2018) subject to variation dependent on work load / General Central Service, Group ‘B’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial. / Level-8 (Rs 47600/-) and Level-9 (Rs53100/-) in the Pay Matrix on completion of 4 years regular service. / Selection
Age limit for direct recruits. / Educational and other qualifications required for direct recruits.
6 / 7
Not Applicable / Not Applicable
Whether age and educational qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promotees / Period of probation, if any. / Method of recruitment, whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption and percentage of the vacancies to be filled by various methods
8 / 9 / 10
No / Not Applicable / By Promotion :
(i)33.33% from Senior Technical Assistant (Mechanical) failing which from Foreman.
(ii)66.67% from Foreman failing which from Senior Technical Assistant (Mechanical)
In case of recruitment by promotion / deputation / absorption, grades from which promotion / deputation / absorption is to be made / If a Departmental Promotion Committee exists, what is its composition / Circumstances in which Union Public Service Commission is to be consulted in making recruitment
11 / 12 / 13
(i)33.33% from Senior Technical Assistant (Mechanical) (Level 7 in the Pay Matrix) in Central Ground Water Board with two years regular service in the grade possessing Diploma in Drilling or Mining or Mechanical or Civil or Electrical Engineering or Petroleum Technology from a recognized University failing which Foreman (Level 6 in the Pay Matrix) with six years regular service in the grade possessing Diploma in Drilling or Mining or Mechanical or Civil or Electrical Engineering or Petroleum Technology from a recognized University or Institute
(ii)66.67% from Foreman (Level 6 in the Pay Matrix) with six years regular service in the grade possessing Diploma in Drilling or Mining or Mechanical or Civil or Electrical Engineering or Petroleum Technology from a recognized Institute /University failing which Senior Technical Assistant (Mechanical) (Level 7 in the Pay Matrix) in Central Ground Water Board with two years regular service in the grade possessing Diploma in Drilling or Mining or Mechanical or Civil or Electrical Engineering or Petroleum Technology from a recognized University or Institute.
(iii)Training: Two weeks training on Water well construction technology and management, Materials Management and Maintenance Management from Rajiv Gandhi National Ground Water Training & Research Institute.
Note 1. Where Juniors who have completed their qualifying or eligibility service are being considered for promotion, their seniors shall also be considered provided they are not short of the requisite qualifying / eligibility service by more than half of such qualifying /eligibility service or two years whichever is less, and have successfully completed their probation period of promotion to the next higher grade alongwith their juniors who have already completed such qualifying / eligibility service.
Note 2: The eligibility list for promotion shall be prepared with reference to the date of completion of the officers of the prescribed qualifying service in their respective grade / post. / Group ‘B’ Departmental Promotion Committee consisting of :
1. Chairman, Central Ground Water Board - Chairman
2. Director or Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation - Member.
3. Director (Administration), Central Ground Water Board – Member / Consultation with Union Public Service Commission not necessary.
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Form to be filled by the Ministry/Department while forwarding proposals to the Department of Personnel and Training and the Union Public Service Commission for amendment of approved Recruitment Rules
1.(a)(b) / Name of the post / Assistant Engineer
Name of the Ministry / Department / Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation/ Central Ground Water Board
2. / Ref. No. by which Commission’s advice on Recruitment Rules was conveyed / Ministry of Water Resources, Notification F. No. 21/12/1998-GW.I dated 13.10.07
3. / Date of Notification of the original rules and subsequent amendments / (1)GSR- 297 dated 4.09.2004 (Principal Rule)
(2)GSR No. 212 dated 13.10.07 (Amended Rule)
Col. No of Schedule / Provision in the existing Rules / Revised provision proposed / Reasons for revision proposed
2. / Number of Post
26* (2007)
*subject to variation dependent on work load / Number of Post
20* (2018)
*subject to variation dependent on work load / Existing posts decreased due to abolition of 6 posts vide MOWR, RD & GR Letter No. 25/73/2014-CGWB dated 17.4.2017 (Copy enclosed).
3. / Classification
General Central Service, Group ‘B’ Gazetted, Non-Ministerial / Classification
General Central Service, Group ‘B’ Gazetted, Non-Ministerial / No change
4. / Pay Scale : -
7500-2500-12000/- / Level in the Pay Matrix/Pay Scale : -
Level-8 (Rs 47600/-) and level-9 (Rs53100/-) in the Pay Matrix on completion of 4 years regular service. / In terms of recommendations of 7th CPC and as per MOWR, RD & GR letter No. 22/48/2012-CGWB dated 20.5.2014
5. / Whether Selection post or Non selection post
Selection / Whether Selection post or Non selection post : -
Selection / No change
6. / Age limit for direct recruits
Not exceeding 35 years.
(Relaxable for Government servants’ upto five years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government.)
Note: The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of applications from candidates in India (and not the closing date prescribed for those in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu and Kashmir State, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands or Lakshadweep) / Age limit for direct recruits
Not Applicable / There is no provision for Direct Recruitment in the proposed amendment.
7 / Educational and other qualifications required for direct recruits.
Essential : -
1. Bachelors Degree in Drilling or Mining or Mechanical or Civil or Electrical Engineering or Petroleum Technology from a recognized Institute or University or equivalent; and
(2) One year’s experience in repair and maintenance of Automobile machines and equipment; or one years experience in operation and maintenance of drilling rigs
Note 1. The qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
Note 2. The qualification(s) regarding experience is relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission in case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, if at any stage of selection, the Union Public Service Commission is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidates from these communities possessing the requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancies reserved for them / Educational and other qualifications required for direct recruits:-
Not Applicable / There is no provision for Direct Recruitment in the proposed amendment.
8. / Whether age and educational qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promotees
No / Whether age and educational qualifications prescribed for direct recruits will apply in the case of promotees
No / No Change
9. / Period of Probation, if any
Two years for direct recruits / Period of Probation, if any
Not Applicable / Direct Recruitment provision is deleted
10. / Method of Recruitment whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation / absorption and percentage of the posts to be filled by various methods
Fifty percent by promotion
Fifty percent by Direct Recruitment. / By Promotion:-
(i)33.33% from Senior Technical Assistant (Mechanical) failing which from Foreman.
(ii)66.67% from Foreman failing which from Senior Technical Assistant (Mechanical) / Since there are two feeder grades and sanctioned strength of the post of Foreman is much more than STA(M), percentage in promotion quota is included.
11 / In case of recruitment by promotion/deputation/ absorption, grades from which promotion/ deputation/ absorption is to be made
Senior Technical Assistant (Mechanical) (Level 7) in Central Ground Water Board with three years regular service in the grade possessing Diploma in Drilling/Mining/Mechanical/Civil/Electrical Engineering/Petroleum Technology from a recognized University or equivalent and Foreman (Rs. Level 6)) with seven years regular service in the grade possessing Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical / Automobile Engineering from a recognized Institute /University or equivalent
Note 1. Where Juniors who have completed their qualifying or eligibility service are being considered for promotion, their seniors shall also be considered provided they are not short of the requisite qualifying / eligibility service by more than half of such qualifying or eligibility service or two years whichever is less, and have successfully completed their probation period of promotion to the next higher grade alongwith their juniors who have already completed such qualifying / eligibility service.
Note 2: The eligibility list for promotion shall be prepared with reference to the date of completion of the officers of the prescribed qualifying service in their respective grade / post. / In case of recruitment by promotion/deputation/ absorption, grades from which promotion/deputation/absorption is to be made
(i)33.33% from Senior Technical Assistant (Mechanical) (Level 7 in the Pay Matrix) in Central Ground Water Board with two years regular service in the grade possessing Diploma in Drilling or Mining or Mechanical or Civil or Electrical Engineering or Petroleum Technology from a recognized University failing which Foreman (Level 6 in the Pay Matrix) with six years regular service in the grade possessing Diploma in Drilling or Mining or Mechanical or Civil or Electrical Engineering or Petroleum Technology from a recognized University or Institute
(ii)66.67% from Foreman (Level 6 in the Pay Matrix) with six years regular service in the grade possessing Diploma in Drilling or Mining or Mechanical or Civil or Electrical Engineering or Petroleum Technology from a recognized Institute /University failing which Senior Technical Assistant (Mechanical) (Level 7 in the Pay Matrix) in Central Ground Water Board with two years regular service in the grade possessing Diploma in Drilling or Mining or Mechanical or Civil or Electrical Engineering or Petroleum Technology from a recognized University or Institute.
(iii)Training: Two weeks training on Water well construction technology and management, Materials Management and Maintenance Management from Rajiv Gandhi National Ground Water Training & Research Institute.
Note 1. Where Juniors who have completed their qualifying or eligibility service are being considered for promotion, their seniors shall also be considered provided they are not short of the requisite qualifying / eligibility service by more than half of such qualifying /eligibility service or two years whichever is less, and have successfully completed their probation period of promotion to the next higher grade alongwith their juniors who have already completed such qualifying / eligibility service.
Note 2: The eligibility list for promotion shall be prepared with reference to the date of completion of the officers of the prescribed qualifying service in their respective grade / post. / Since there are two feeder gradesi.e STA(M)- 11 posts and Foreman – 48 posts, change is proposed to keep the ratio of 1:3.
12. / If Departmental Promotion Committee for exists for DPC, what is its composition.
Group ‘B’ Departmental Promotion Committee for considering the cases of promotion/ confirmation) and consisting of :
- Chairman, Central Ground Water Board - Chairman
- Member, Central Ground Water Board – Member
- Director or Deputy Secretary concerned with Central Ground Water Board in the Ministry of Water Resources - Member
- Director (Administration), Central Ground Water Board - Member
- Chairman, Central Ground Water Board - Chairman
- Member, Central Ground Water Board – Member
- Director or Deputy Secretary concerned with Central Ground Water Board in the Ministry of Water Resources, RD & GR - Member
13. / Circumstances in which the Union Public Service Commission is to be consulted in making recruitment.
Consultation with Union Public Service Commission necessary while making direct recruitment. / Circumstances in which the Union Public Service Commission is to be consulted in making recruitment.
Consultation with Union Public Service Commission not necessary / Provision of Direct Recruitment is deleted in the proposal.
Name, addresses and telephone numbers of the Ministry’s representatives with whom these proposals may be discussed, if necessary, for clarification/early decision. : Under Secretary to the Govt. of India, MOWR, RD & GR, Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi.
Date: (Sreekantan V)
Place: - Faridabad Sr. Administrative Officer
Signature of the Officer sending the proposal