Research Associate
Social Development
Overseas Development Institute
203 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NJ, UK
Woodstock Research Consulting Ltd. Tel:+44 7974180610Email:
Rachel Marcus has over twenty years' experience as a social development practitioner and researcher with a thematic focus in recent years on adolescent girls, children and youth, discriminatory gender norms and action to combat child and youth poverty. She has worked on systematic and rigorous evidence synthesis and evidence mapping for the past five years, and is currently leading the evidence synthesis workstream for the Gender and Adolescence Global Evidence programme. Recent assignments include: managing the production of a thematic evidence gap map on youth-led development initiatives; systematic or rigorous evidence reviews on: the impacts of behaviour change communication interventions on discriminatory norms on adolescent girls; on interventions to enhance girls’ learning and skill development in schools; the impact of anti-poverty- and behaviour-change communication-based approaches on child protection violations; the impact of anti-discrimination laws and policies on marginalised groups; and an in-depth review of ESRC-funded research on children and youth. She is currently leading rigorous reviews on gender-responsive youth livelihoods programming and the empowerment impacts of girls’ clubs and life skills programmes. She has conducted many other comprehensive literature reviews on issues related to children, youth and gender.
A second strand of Rachel’s work focuses on guidance and toolkits for social analysis and on particular thematic issues, and she is the co-author of an online World Bank toolkit on Country Social Analysis and a guidance note on integrating a child and youth focus into Poverty and Social Impact Analysis. She has undertaken consultancies for various clients including: the World Bank, UNICEF, DFID, Girl Effect and Oak Foundation, and is a co-author of Research for Development: a practical guide (2003, second edition 2013).
Country experience:
Longer or repeat assignments: Belize, Bosnia Herzegovina, Kyrgyzstan, India, Namibia, Pakistan, Tanzania
Shorter assignments: Honduras, Lao PDR, Mali, Mozambique
1993MA Gender and Development, University of Sussex, Brighton
1991 BA, First class (Social and Political Sciences), University of Cambridge
Languages:English (fluent), Spanish (intermediate), French (intermediate), German (intermediate)
August 2016 - present
/Theory of Change and Impact Monitoring Consultant, Girl Effect. Work to enhance and clarify Girl Effect Theory of Change, and advise on approaches to impact monitoring, in partnership with Calder consultants.
July 2016 - present
/Lead Researcher, Rigorous Review, Gender-Responsive Youth Livelihoods Programming in Africa, for Mastercard Foundation. Desk review using systematic principles.
April-October 2016
/Co-lead, Youth Agents and Advocates Evidence Mapping, ODI for DFID. Managing systematic search for and coding of evidence, and overseeing production of narrative report and searchable database.
November 2015 - present
/Evidence Synthesis Workstream Lead, Gender and Adolescence Global Evidence Programme, Overseas Development Institute for DFID. Strategic direction and team leader of evidence synthesis workstream, including managing country and thematic evidence gap mapping on adolescent girls’ wellbeing in various domains including voice and agency. Leading review of impact of girls’ clubs.
October 2015 – August 2016
/Lead researcher, Rigorous Review, Learning Environments and Girls’ Education and Empowerment Outcomes, for UNGEI. Tasks involved providing strategic inputs on review focus, management of research assistants and leading analysis and write-up.
August-November 2015
/Co-author, Review of theory and evidence on perceptions, norms and behaviour, Girl Effect. Review of literature plus recommendations for useful models to inform Girl Effect work in this area
July 2015 - present
/Lead researcher, Rigorous Review: Impact of Anti-Discrimination Measures on Poor and Marginalised Groups. Chronic Poverty Advisory Network. Providing strategic direction, overall management and leading analysis of evidence of impacts anti-discrimination measures in education.
July 2014 – May 2015
/Lead Researcher, Children and Young People Evidence Synthesis Research Award (ESRA), ESRC-DFID funded research programmes. Team leader for programme synthesising insights from ESRC-DFID funded research on children and young people across a range of wellbeing areas including voice and agency.
May 2013 – September 2015
/Lead Researcher, Evidence Synthesis Workstream, Discriminatory Social Norms Affecting Adolescent Girls and Young Women, Overseas Development Institute for DFID.
Led development of online Knowledge to Action resource series based on insights from ODI’s programme on gender and social norms; development of conceptual framework and paper on understanding social and gender norms; rigorous review of impact of communication initiatives on discriminatory gender norms affecting adolescent girls (related to early marriage, FGM/C, violence against women and girls, education, voice); led annotated bibliography on drivers of change of gender discriminatory norms
November 2011 – April 2013
/Lead Researcher, Review on Anti-Poverty Programmes and Child Protection, Overseas Development Institute for Oak Foundation. Led review based on systematic principles of interventions to combat early marriage, sexual and physical violence against children and inadequate care of children. Examined relative impacts of behaviour change communication, economic empowerment and other strategies for combating norms that underpin child protection violations. Outputs included 2 research papers and summary briefing note.
October 2012- April 2013
/Research Consultant, Background paper on processes of social inclusion and exclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa, World Bank. Comprehensive literature review focusing on processes that drive exclusion and their manifestation in different sectors; analysis of promising policies and practices to combat social exclusion. This paper informed the World Bank flagship Social Inclusion report.
December 2011 – August 2012
/Research Consultant, Country Social Analysis Web-Based Toolkit, World Bank. Developed web-based toolkit on Country Social Analysis, with topic guides on accountability, gender, social inclusion, social resilience and other issues. Part of a team developing online resource.
August 2011 – February 2012
/Researcher, Progress in Child Wellbeing, ODI for Save the Children. Literature review of progress in combating child deprivation in multiple sectors and regions.
February 2011 – October 2011
/Lead consultant, Guidance on Integrating A Child Focus into Poverty and Social Impact Analysis, World Bank and UNICEF. Guidance and resource pack on ex ante analysis of impacts of economic and social policy choices on children.
October 2010 - April 2011
/Children and Social Protection in the Middle East and North Africa, a mapping study, ODI for UNICEF MENARO. Involved literature review and key informant interviews.
April-October 2010
/Impacts of Economic Crisis on Youth, ODI for DFID. Literature review of the impacts of economic crisis on youth; one component of broader project, with advice on field research.
June – September 2009
/Researcher, Impact of Transition on Children in Kyrgyzstan and wider CEE/CIS region, ODI for UNICEF.
Aug 2009 – Sept2010 UK
/Lead Consultant, Child Rights Impact Assessment Tools, UNICEF, Brussels. Development of qualitative and quantitative ex ante Child Rights Impact Assessment Tools.
Aug 2005 – July 2007, Bosnia Herzegovina
/Lead Consultant, Child Rights Impact Assessment Tools, UNICEF and Save the Children, Sarajevo. Co-developed qualitative research tools and led research on potential impact on children of electricity price rises.
/Consultant, Chronic Poverty Research Centre, Led research on the treatment of chronic poverty in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers and wrote policy briefings on social pensions and broader policies for tackling chronic poverty
2005-2007 and 2009- present / Freelance Consultant, specialising in gender, social inclusion, children’s rights, and social analysis methodsJan 2007- Aug 2013 (with 5 year career break) / Social Development Advisor, DFID. Worked in Health Policy team (2007), with short assignments for Climate & Environment Team (2012-13)
Oct 2001 - May 2005 / Deputy Director, Childhood Poverty Research and Policy Centre, Save the Children. Co-managed research centre including global literature reviews, country partnerships, policy relationships and communication of outputs. Significant involvement in capacity building and mentoring.
May 1999 - Sept 2001 / Research and Policy Advisor, Save the Children UK, focusing on anti-poverty policy and social research methods
April 1996 - April 1999 / Research Officer, Save the Children UK, focusing on child labour and microfinance
October 1993 – August 1995 / Associate Professional Officer, DFID, Belize. Social development research and inputs to Forest Planning and Management Project.
October 1992- Sept 1993 and Oct- Dec 1995 / Research Assistant, BRIDGE, IDS. Research and analysis on gender issues.
Forthcoming with Page, E. Rigorous Review: School environments, pedagogy and girls’ learning and future wellbeing outcomes, New York: UNGEI
Forthcoming with Mdee, A. and Page, E., Do Anti-Discrimination Measures Reduce Poverty Among Marginalised Social Groups?, Stockholm: EBA
Forthcoming with Mdee, A. and Page, E., Anti-discrimination policies and programmes in low-and middle-income countries: Experiences in political participation, education and labour markets, Chronic Poverty Advisory Network
2015 with Calder, R. Perceptions, Behaviours and Norms, A Theory and Evidence Review, London: Girl Effect
2015. Series co-editor of Knowledge to Action Resource series on Adolescent Girls and Gender Norms:
2015 Marcus, R. and Harper, C. Social norms, gender norms and adolescent girls: a brief guide, Knowledge to Action Resource Series, London: ODI
2015 Marcus, R. and Harper, C. What are gender norms? London: ODI
2015, Marcus, R. and Brodbeck, S. Girls’ clubs and empowerment programmes, Knowledge to Action Resource Series, London: ODI
2015, Marcus, R, Page, E., Stephenson, J. and Walker, D. New Knowledge on Children and Young People. A Synthesis of Evidence from the ESRC-DFID Joint Fund for Poverty Alleviation Research, London: ODI/ Swindon: ESRC
2014 Calder, R., and Marcus, R. Girl Effect Theory of Change. Evidence Paper, London: Girl Effect
2014, Marcus, R. and Page, E. Changing discriminatory norms affecting adolescent girls through communication activities. A review of Evidence, London: ODI
2014, With Page, E. Calder, R. and Foley, C., 2014, Drivers of Change in Gender Norms: An annotated bibliography, London: ODI
2014, With Harper, C. 2014, Gender Justice for Adolescent Girls: Understanding Processes of Change in Discriminatory Gender Norms, ODI Report, London: ODI
2014, Background Note: the relationship between child protection violations and poverty in low and middle income countries, London: ODI for Oak Foundation
2014, with Page, E., Anti-poverty activities in child protection interventions: An adapted systematic review, London: ODI for Oak Foundation
2013, With Page, E., Draft Review Protocol: Communication Activities and Discriminatory Gender Norms Affecting Adolescent Girls in Low and Middle Income Countries
2012 World Bank Country Social Analysis external pages. Author of all topic guides.
2011, with Pereznieto, P. and Cullen, E., Children and Social Protection in the Middle East and North Africa: a mapping, UNICEF MENARO, Amman/ ODI London,
2011, Integrating a Child Focus into Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA), World Bank/ UNICEF Guidance Note and Resource Pack, New York & Washington, and
2010, with Birdi, A., Assessing the Impacts of Economic and Social Policy Reforms on Children: a Guide to Child Rights Impact Assessment (CRIA), UNICEF Brussels
2010, with Gavrilovic, M., The Impacts of Economic Crisis on Youth: Review of Evidence, ODI London, for DFID,
2003 (reissued 2012), with S. Laws, C. Harper and N. Jones, Research for Development: A Practical Guide, Sage and Save the Children, London
2009, with Gavrilovic, M., Harper, C., Jones, N., Pereznieto, P., Binazarova, K. and Mukhametov, I., Impact of the Economic Crisis and Food and Fuel Price Volatility on Children and Women in Kazakhstan, Report for UNICEF Kazakhstan Office, London: ODI,
2007, with Birdi, A., Memic, A and Maglajlic-Holicek, R., Child Rights Impact Assessment of Potential Electricity Price Rises in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Save the Children, DFID, UNICEF Sarajevo and DEP BiH,
2006, Why Social Pensions Are Needed Now, Helpage International
2004, with Ablezova, M, Botoeva, G., Jukusheva T. and Satybaldieva, E., A Generation at Risk? Childhood Poverty in Kyrgyzstan, CHIP Report 15, CHIP, London
2004, with Marshall, J., Tackling childhood poverty in Central and East Asia: Donor approaches in Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia, CHIP Report 13, CHIP, London
2004, The role of cash transfers in tackling childhood poverty, CHIP Briefing 2, CHIP, London
2004, Promoting Disadvantaged Young People's Employment - What Can be Done?,
CHIP Briefing 6, CHIP, London
2004, with Yarkova, T., Botoeva, G, Konokbaev, K., Yarkova, N, Satybaldieva, E. and Reeves, M., Childhood Poverty in Kyrgyzstan. Initial Literature Review, CHIP, Bishkek and London (editor).
Forthcoming, ‘What role for safety nets?’, in C. Simms, with A. Costello, R. Marcus and D.Woodward, Adjustment and Health, revision of 1994 ICH publication
2003, with S. Laws and C. Harper, Research for Development: A Practical Guide, Sage and Save the Children, London
2003, with C. Harper and K. Moore, ‘Enduring Poverty and the Conditions of Childhood. Lifecourse and Intergenerational Poverty Transmission’, World Development, March
2002, with J. Wilkinson and J. Marshall, ‘PRSPs - fulfilling their Potential for Children in Poverty?’ Journal of International Development, November
2002, ‘Social funds as instruments for reducing childhood poverty. Lessons from Save the Children’s experience’, Journal of International Development, May
2002, with J. Wilkinson, Whose Poverty Matters? Vulnerability and Social Protection in I-PRSPs and PRSPs, CHIP Working Paper 1, CHIP, London
2000, with F. King, Big Business, Small Hands. Responsible Approaches to Child Labour, Save the Children, London
2000, with C. Harper, ‘Mortgaging Africa’s future: the long-term costs of child poverty’, Development: journal of the society of international development, 43.1
1999, ‘Child Labour’ in Children’s Rights: Reality or Rhetoric? The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: the first ten years, International Save the Children Alliance, London, pp 64-82
1999, with B. Porter and C. Harper, Money Matters: understanding microfinance: Working Paper 19 Save the Children Fund, London
1998, ‘Child Labour and Socially Responsible Business’, Small Enterprise Development, 9 (3): 4-13
1998, ‘Promoting children’s participation in an international conference: what can we learn from the Save the Children Alliance experience in Oslo?’, in V. Johnson, E. Ivan-Smith, G.Gordon, P. Pridmore and P. Scott (eds) Stepping Forward. Children and young people’s participation in the development process, IT Publications, London, pp 241-242
1998, ‘Involving children and young people in policy and action: lessons from international experience’ in B. Pettitt (ed), Children and Work in the UK: refocusing the debate, CPAG/ SCF, London
1997, with B. Ali, A. Harper, D. Husselbee, and F.H. Shah, Football stitching: voices of children in Sialkot, Pakistan, Save the Children Fund (UK), London/ Islamabad
1996, with C. Harper, Small hands: children in the working world, Working Paper 16, Save the Children Fund (UK), London
1995, with B. Byrne, T. Power-Stevens and S. Baden, Gender, Conflict and Development, BRIDGE, IDS
1993, Gender and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa: the cases of Uganda and Malawi, prepared for BRIDGE, IDS, commissioned by Centre for Development Studies, Swansea
1993, Violence Against Women in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Senegal and Yemen, prepared for BRIDGE, IDS, commissioned by DGIS
1992, with S. Baden, Gender and Development in Namibia: a country survey, prepared for BRIDGE, IDS, commissioned by FINIDA and CEC
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