Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Financial Aid Office


To:Roger Miller, Dennis Bertch, Carol Mallinson, Michael McCall, Steve Doherty, Mike Collins, Mary Lawrence, Erick Martin, Carol Heeter, Makida Coulter, Laura Cosby, Nicole Peckins

From: Sue Newington

C: Institutional Effectiveness Council, Nancy Young (archives)

Date: 09/16/2018

Re: Financial Aid Advisory Council Minutes – October 15, 2009

Present: Miller, Coulter, McCall, Bertch, Doherty, Martin, Mallinson, Heeter, Newington

Absent: Lawrence, Collins, Cosby, Peckins

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from April 16, 2009 were approved as submitted.

Welcome and Introductions


Miller distributed updated membership list. Nicole Peckins is the new student representative.

Financial Aid Advisory Council Charge

Miller distributed copy of Financial aid Advisory Council charge.

Old Business

Federal Title IV Program Review from September 3-6, 1996 update

Miller reported this program review continues to remain outstanding

2007 Final Cohort Default Rate

Miller reported our 2007 cohort default rate is 9%. He reported that more information regarding the national average and national community college average default rate will be provided at the next meeting.


Miller reported that upper management approved the purchase of the UC4 Appworx software product. This product handles our daily dataloads, tracking and award letters, verification and loan holds, and loan certifications. Miller reported in 08/09, 22,880 FAFSA records were downloaded, compared to 23,387 for 09/10 as of October 15, 2009. He thanked the IT folks and upper management for this wonderful product. It has greatly assisted the Financial Aid Office.

Miller extended his thanks to all financial aid staff, including Makida, for all their hard work these last few months. He reported, as of September 30, 2009, we had 13,529 financial aid applicants compared to 9,811 during this same time period in 08/09. That’s 3,718 more applicants (38% increase). As of September 30, 2009, we have 6,225 students who have received some type of financial aid for 09/10 compared to 4,495 during this same time last year. This means we have an increase of 1,730 more recipients (38% increase).

As of October 2, 2009, funds disbursed totaled $18,332,786.

As of September 30, 2009, the financial aid office has responded to 6,886 student emails, compared to 5,750 emails for all of 08/09. Makida has been very helpful with this task. She reviews student financial aid emails once a week. We are very appreciative of her assistance.

Miller also thanked the financial aid staff for all their many extra hours of work they have put in over the last few months. He also acknowledged thanks to Financial Services and Admissions, Records and Registration Office.

New Business

Tuition Delay Update – Summer 2009

Miller reported the Financial Aid Office approved 118 tuition delays for the 2009 summer semester, compared to 56 tuition delays from the previous 2008 summer semester. All delays for this time period have been closed.

Scholarship Update

Newington reported that she is waiting to hear from Louise Anderson regarding the amount of endowed scholarships that will be available to promote for 09/10. We should have notification by the end of this month (October).

2008-2009 FISAP

Miller reported the annual FISAP report was submitted prior to the October 1 due date.

Customer Satisfaction Survey – Winter 2009 and Summer 2009

Newington distributed the financial aid office customer satisfaction surveys that were conducted during the 2009 winter and 2009 summer semesters.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Update – Winter 2009 and Summer 2009

Newington distributed the financial aid office satisfactory academic progress summary for the 2009 winter and 2009 summer semesters. Even though the financial aid students reviewed increased, the percentage of students in good standing, probation, terminated, etc. have remained pretty constant over this same time period in year’s past.

Kalamazoo Promise Update

Newington reported 347 students received Kalamazoo Promise funds for the 2009 fall semester. This was 69 more students than last fall semester (approximately 20% increase).

2009 Constitution Day Compliance

Miller reported Constitution Day was September 17, 2009 and there were many activities scheduled for this day. He stated that Federal title IV Student Financial Aid regulations require observance of Constitution Day. Miller extended his thanks to faculty and instructional administrators for their oversight of these activities to ensure compliance.

Independent Audit (A-133)

Miller reported that the A-133 Independent Audit is near completion and there areand no findings from Financial Aid.

Fall 2009 Financial Aid Credit Balance/Refund

Beginning with the 2009 fall semester, students received their credit balance/refund using their Valley OneCard.

2009 Fall Semester Bookstore Authorizations and Vouchers

Newington distributed a summary reflecting the number of book vouchers that were used during the 2009 fall semester. The book and supply cap (maximum amount available from financial aid) was increased $100 to $600 beginning with the 2009 fall semester.

Verification Holds

Miller reported that verification activity has increased significantly for the 2009 fall semester. Approximately 40% of our FAFSA filers are selected for verification. The 38 plus percent increase in FAFSA filers for 2009/10 influenced the huge increase in our verification business. Verification is a time-consuming process and one that must be accurate to prevent over-awards or loss of aid to eligible students.

This increase coupled with increased activity in all aspects of the financial aid process, created a 2-3 week backlog in verification processing during the months of August and September. To prevent cancellation of classes, beginning on August 7, 2009, financial aid applicants selected for verification with all requested documentation filed, were given a verification hold, which prevented their classes from being dropped.

State Funding

Miller reported that none of the following state programs: Michigan Competitive Scholarship, Michigan Work Study, Michigan Education Opportunity Grant and Michigan Adult Part Time Grant were awarded for the fall semester due to the uncertainty surrounding Michigan’s state budget crisis.

However, the decision was made over the summer to award the Michigan Promise and Michigan Merit programs because the State continued to send us rosters showing those students who were eligible for these programs.

Financial Services made the decision to not refund Michigan Promise funds if a credit/balance occurred on a student’s account for the fall semester. We are making the decision to void the Michigan Promise and Merit funds for the 2010 winter semester. We will be sending a letter to the students informing them of this adjustment. We may also be adjusting their fall awards.


Miller reported that a number of financial aid related issues are in varying stages of review. Those items are as follows:

-Tap financial aid award for bus passes/tokens

-Increase book authorization cap to cover course-related instruments, tools, equipment, supplies, etc.

-Tap financial aid award to purchase course-related materials only available via the internet.

-Are financial aid eligible students disadvantaged when course-related equipment/supplies are not available in the KVCC Bookstore?

Financial aid eligible students’ financial aid credit balance refund is being adjusted by the amount of any tuition and fee payment by credit card. Discussion followed.

Agenda Items Next Meeting

Next Meetings

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

All meetings will be held at 2:00 pm in room 4370.

Meeting Adjourned

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