Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 11th February 2018.

(World Day of the Sick & Day of Prayer for Temperance)

Priest on duty this Sunday for the Corca Dhuibhne Pastoral Area:Fr. Jerry Keane, 0669157103 / 086 4563253

We pray for all who died recently.

Masses at Church of The Sacred Heart, Annascaul

Sat. 10th / 7pm Vigil / John & Nora Landers, Ballynahunt. Anniv.
Tues. 13th / 10am
Wed. 14th / 10am / Ash Wednesday Mass & Distribution of Ashes.
Fri. 16th / 7pm / Michael Rourke, Brackluin. Anniv.
Sat. 17th / 7pm Vigil / Sheila Ashe, Main Street. Anniv.

Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament: Friday from 6-7pm.


Masses at St. Mary’s Church, Camp

Sun. 11th / 12noon / Rachel Greensmyth & Clare O’Donnell, Camp. Anniv.
Mon. 12th / 7pm / Mary & Tim O’Brien, Kilteenbane. Anniv.
Tues. 13th / 10.40am / Mass at Oceanview Nursing Home.
Wed. 14th / 6.30pm / Ash Wednesday Mass & Distribution of Ashes
Sun. 18th / 12noon / Noreen O’Donnell, Derrymore. Anniv.

Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament: Thursday 7-8pm


Masses at St. Joseph’s Church, Inch

Sun. 11th / 10.45am / Paddy Joe & Mary Lenihan, Glenahera Patsy & Den Lenihan, South Pole Inn. Anniv. & Deceased Members of The Lenihan Family.
Wed. 14th / 11am / Ash Wednesday Mass & Distribution of Ashes.
Thurs.15th / 7pm
Sun. 18th / 10.45am

Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament: Thursday 3-4pm


  1. Next Wednesday, 14th February is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent& is a day of fast and abstinence; Masses & distribution of ashes as listed.
  2. Buiochas leat foryour contribution to the €1,425 offered at the Masses in the parish last weekend.
  3. Diocesan Collection at all Masses this weekend for Lourdes Helpers. This Fund also helps assisted pilgrims who would like to go to Lourdes & may not be able to afford to pay the full fare.
  4. Parish Pastoral Council – Meeting at the Presbytery on Mon. 12th at 7.45pm.
  5. Trocaire 2018: Trocaire is the overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland. The focus country this year is Sierra Leone, where Trocaire began working in the mid 1990s. Kumba, who is the face of the Trocaire Box this year, along with her family, is recovering from the terrifying mudslide which devastated her local community last August in Freetown. Trocaire is committed to helping Kumba, her family and the community in the aftermath of this humanitarian disaster. TrocaireBoxes are available in the 3 Churches; please take one for your home.
  6. Public Lenten Talks will take place in the Diocese over the next few weeks. The Talk for the Corca Dhuibhne Pastoral Areaentitled A Parish caring for all peoplewill take place in St. Mary’s Church, Dingle on Tues. 27th Feb. at 7.30pm. This year’s Speaker is Ger O’Donoghue. He is a native of Glenflesk. In 1975, he founded Rathmore Social Action Group which gives young people an opportunity to undertake community work and make a difference. Since 1983 the Social Action Group developed a Care programme for Older People. It also provides facilities for young people. Full Programme of Lenten Talks is available in the 3 Churches.


ANNASCAUL Readers Ministers of Eucharist Altar Servers

Vigil-7pm Jeannine Sheehy M. Falvey & Áine Knightly E. McCarthy & J. Lyne


10.45am Máire Ní Riain Pádraig Ó Fóghlú Lily Ashe


12noon Sheila O’Donnell Group 1

If you cannot attend as above, please arrange a substitute to take your place.


1.Inch Senior Citizens – Lunch at Community Centre on Tues. 13th Feb. at 1pm; all welcome.

2.Scoil Bhreac Chluain is having a fundraising clothing collection on Wed., 28th Feb. 2018 in support of NCBI (National Council for the Blind of Ireland). The school will receive €5.00 for each bag. Bags can be dropped to the school from now until 9am on 28th.

3.Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme - IRD Duhallow CLG, a Community Based Organisation based in Newmarket Co Cork, operates this scheme in North Cork, South Limerick and all of County Kerry. Info.: IRD 029 60633/

4.Have your voice heard in Mental Health Reform’s national consultation on mental health services. See

5.Survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer, their families and friends are welcome to a SURVIVORSHIP MEETING in the Clayton Hotel Cork City at 5.30pm on Thurs. 15th Feb. This meeting is to discuss the health concerns and long-term follow-up of survivors. Info.:Patricia McColgan at 086 2532819 or . /