Dance Department Teachers
Daniels Nguyen, Tyler,Weiss
7th Grade Dance Timeline Project
Due: ______(200 points possible)
Now is the time for you to become a dance historian!You will create a timeline that represents a pictorial perspective of the development of concert dance from ballet to contemporary dance. Your timeline should include notable dancers and choreographers as well as the major world events that have shaped the various styles of dance we study in class. This work will becompleted outside of class. But if you have questions along the way, just ask!
What is a timeline?
A timeline is an actual picture of events that happened in history. These events are presented in chronological order and displayed along a line (usually drawn left to right or top to bottom).
Concert Dance Timeline Requirements:
- Three or morenotable dancers / choreographers (total of 15) for each style of dance: ballet, modern dance, tap, jazz, & hip-hop including brief descriptions of their movement styles, achievements, and/or famous works.
- Two or morehistorical events (total of 10) that influenced the development of each style of dance.
- Precise and accurate dates and information (arranged in chronological order) that correspond to each dancer/choreographer and historical event included on your timeline.
- Two or more pictures (total of 10) relevant to the significant dates, historical events, and/or notable dancers you include.
- Your first and last name, your teacher’s name, date, and period should be NEATLY written in the upper right hand corner on the backof your project.
- Your project should be clear, colorful, and well organized!
REMEMBER… You can't include everything that happened. Choose what's most important or interesting to you. Don't forget to list an event for every date on the timeline. You are the HISTORIAN - what you put on your timeline will affect how others view your subject.
Concert Dance Timeline Rubric
4(180-200 pts.) / Your project demonstrates a strong and detailed understanding of the development and diversity of concert dance. The information you include is clear, precise, and significant. Your pictures, drawings, or illustrations are relevant and effective. The design of your timeline is clear, creative, and neatly organized.
(160-179 pts.) / Your project demonstrates a clear understanding of the development and diversity of concert dance. The information you include is accurate and significant. Your pictures, drawings, or illustrations are relevant. The design of your timeline is clear and neatly organized.
(140-159 pts.) / Your project demonstrates some understanding of the development and diversity of dance. Most of the information you include is accurate. The design of your timeline includes some pictures, drawings, or illustrations.
(120-139 pts.) / Your project demonstrates an uncertain understanding of the development and diversity of dance. Much of the information you include is inaccurate or incomplete.
The 7th grade timeline project will impact your overall grade in this class. Please make sure you read all of the requirements. Do not lose this paper; there are no replacements.
Our goal as your teachers is to ensure that your dance curriculum includes the understanding and importance of the California Dance Standard of Historical & Cultural Context.
Please sign and return this to your teacher by: ______
Parent Signature
Student Signature
Teacher and period