For effective and efficient implementation of the AWDP Program the following recommended staffing structure is presented for adoption by AWDP implementers.
The National Technical Assistant (NTA) salary scale:
Based on the presidential decree No. 852 the NTA salary scale was developed and approved to harmonize the salary scales of national staff who work for the Afghan government inside or outside of Tashkeel including externally funded Staff (EFS) who are being funded by international donors.
Effective July 29, 2016 the compensation of newly hired CCN staff of U.S. based implementing partners and non-US based recipients and sub-recipients of assistance awards must be aligned with the NTA scale.
For more information and guidelines please visit ( pdf)
1) Project Manager – Only in Main Offices with specific responsibilities to support the four pillars of the model. The four pillars are Demand Assessment, Curriculum Design or Adaptation, Training and Placement. Staff supervision and coordination with AWDP is part of the ProgramManager JD. Job Description to be submitted to AWDP for approval. Typically this would be one staff for the project.
1)Provincial Coordinator: Only allowed to be hired in cities, other than the main office in which the project manager will manage all activities, where the applicant has at least 120 or more trainees to train. The incumbent will be responsible for all management and coordination tasks related to the training and placement and/or promotion of mid-career/semi-professional Afghans in that city.
2)Master Trainer – Onlyin main offices, AWDP allows hiring of only one (1) Master Trainer per grantee. The Master Trainer is hired from the start of the grant activity and continues to the end.
In order to design and deliver an effective participatory and competency based training program that will build the skills required by private/semi-public sector entities in the ICT Sector, competent and skilled trainers are required to be hired. Trainers are the most important technical staff for AWDP grants who are responsible for design and delivery of the training programs in accordance with AWDP training model’s requirements (participatory and competency-based). AWDP will be part of the interview panel for this position after the award of the grant to the selected applicants. Following criteria should be considered while hiring Master Trainer and regular trainers for AWDP ICT technical training programs.
Master Trainers must be budgeted as full time staff. Part time Master Trainers are not allowed.
In addition to the requirements listed under number 3) Trainers below, Master Trainers must have at least two years of experience in ToT development, delivery and evaluation.
3)Trainers – With responsibilities to help with the demand assessment, curriculum adaptation, training and pre-employment training (such as Employment Related Services). This position(s) can be supported between 4 to 5 months in the budget. The number will depend on the number of cities the applicant covers and the number people trained/placed per city. The optimum ratio would be one trainer to train 100 people in the lifetime of the grant in a province- including support to demand assessment and curriculum adaptation. If the applicant proposes to hire the Trainers on part time basis, the budget and the accompanying notes must clearly demonstrate and detail the calculation ofTrainer (s) time budgeted for the number of hours per day, and total of days per month.
Below are the criteria/requirements for Trainers:
- Mastersdegree in a field relevant to the RFA sector with two years’ experience in training design and delivery – preferably short term, participatory and competency-based training programs.
- Bachelor degree in a field relevant with four years of experience (preferable).
- Preferably international or regional certification in the relevant training program.
- Must demonstrate the ability to design and deliver participatory and competency-based training programs.
- Possesses good communication skills.
- Experience and ability of designing and delivery of adult learning principles.
- Must have training evaluation skills and experience and be able to provide feedback for improvement.
- Must be aware with Afghan work culture and society and preferably speak two official languages with excellent English language skills both written and spoken.
- For international, must have valid work permit to be presented to AWDP.
- One of the Trainers must have substantial ERS/HR experience that has a degree in a business related discipline and two years of experience in career counselling and HR management.
- At least one female trainer on the team is must.
4)M&E – One full time M&E Officer will be required to enter all M&E forms including Registration, Attendance sheet and Exit questionnaire forms into AWDP developed database. The M&E Officer will be checking the quality of data regularly on each M&E form, keep update the tracking of hard and soft copy of M&E forms from provinces, delivering of M&E forms to AWDP M&E unit when regular trainings are completed . The M&E Officer will verify entered data with the hard copy. The officer will establish and maintain an update M&E filing system with the help of AWDP unit staff and checking the M&E data quality. Attending in AWDP M&E trainings in order to properly fill out the M&E forms based on their protocols and do the data entry of M&E forms. The M&E Officer will periodically travel to the targeted provinces in order to train the Job Placement Officers on how to do the data entry of M&E forms and to train the trainers how to fill out the M&E forms.
M&E officer will start working from month 2 of the grant and continue to the end of the grant.AWDP will provide the M&E system, forms and database training.
5)Job Development Officer (JDO) – This position will identify vacancies and match job seekers with it. This is one position per location (province/city) in which the project is being implemented. JDO will be hired from the beginning of month 2 andcontinue to the end.
6)Job Placement Officer (JPO) – This position will facilitate placements of both job seekers and employees. The recommended ratio is 1 Job Placement Officer per 100 target placements. JPO will be hired from the beginning of month 2 and continue to the end.
7)Cleaner – Guard – Depending on the office set up and project implementation design staffing for these positions can be 100% or a percentage of the LOE charged to AWDP.
8)All indirect costs for the Organization’s Governance or Corporate Leadership should not exceed 10% to the extent that the role is justified in the project.