Ted Talks: Treats for Treatment

This presentation will focus on the use of TED Talks as a form of psychotherapy homework that may be useful in fostering therapeutic progress.

General benefits of homework assignments:

  • an acceleration of recovery
  • generalization of learning and experience
  • increased confidence in the ability to manage symptoms
  • facilitate patient’s ability to observe and describe when and where their problems occur, the

intensity of the symptoms, and the thoughts that are associated with the symptoms

  • opportunities for clients to test the accuracy of their beliefs about the problem areas
  • improvement in the therapeutic alliance
  • a sense of structure and purpose to treatment

What are TED Talks? (Quoted from the TED website)

TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. Meanwhile, independently run TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world.TED is owned by a nonprofit, nonpartisan foundation. Their agenda is to make great ideas accessible and spark conversation.

Sample references regarding benefits of homework in therapy

Kazantzis, N. & L’Abate, L. (Eds.) (2007).Handbook of Homework Assignments in Therapy: Research, Practice, and Prevention.

Lukens, E.P. & McFarlane, W. R. (2004).Psychoeducation as evidence-based practice: Considerations for Practice, research, and policy. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention, 4,205-225.doi: 10.1093/brief-treatment/mhh019

Norcross, J.C. (2006). Integrating self-help into psychotherapy: 16 practical suggestions.Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 37, 683-693.doi: 10.1037/0735-7028.37.6.683

Thompkins, Micheal A. (2004). Using Homework in Psychotherapy: Strategies, Guidelines, and Forms: Strategies, Guidelines, and Forms.

Wedding, D. & Niemiec, R.M (2003). The clinical use of films in psychotherapy.Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57, 207-215. doi: 10.1002/jclp.10142

Sample psychology-related TED talks

Amen, Daniel, Change your brain, change your life (2011). (psychiatrist)

Amen, Daniel, The most important lessonfrom 83,000 brain scans (2013). (psychiatrist)

Arutt, Cheryl, That good feeling of control: Self:-regulation, trauma and creativity (2012). (psychologist)

Borseynko, Joan, Resilience now (2012). (psychologist/ cell biologist)

Brown, Brene, Listening to shame (2012). (doctoral social worker/researcher)

Brown, Brene, The power of vulnerability (2010). (doctoral social worker/researcher)

Cain, Susan, The power of introverts (2012). (attorney/author)

Cacioppo, John, The lethality of loneliness (2013). (psychologist)

Cuddy, Amy, Your body language shapes who you are (2012). (psychologist)

Duckworth, Angela L., True grit: Can perseverance be taught (2009). (psychologist)

Geller, Scott, The psychology of self-motivation (2013). (psychologist)

Gilbert, Dan, The surprising science of happiness (2004). (psychologist)

Greenland, Susan K., Teaching the ABCs of attention, balance and compassion (2012). (lawyer, mindfulness


Hanson, Rick, Hardwiring happiness:The hidden power of everyday experiences on the modern brain (2013).


Lazar, Sarah, How meditation can reshape our brains (2011). (neuroscientist)

Ledgerwood, Alison, Getting stuck in the negatives (and how to get unstuck) (2013). (psychologist)

McElheran, Megan, Trauma change resilience (2011). (psychologist)

McGonigal, Jane, The game that can give you 10 extra years of life (posttraumatic growth/resilience)

(2012). (game developer)

McGonigal, Kelly, How to make stress your friend (2013). (psychologist)

McGonigal, Kelly, The science of willpower (2012) (psychologist)

Neff, Kristin,The space between self-esteem and self compassion (2013). (psychologist)

Nithy, Vik, Why we procrastinate (2012). (psychology student)

Palafox,Gwennyth, Attunement in the age of technology (2012). (psychologist)

Peeke, Pam, Hooked, hijacked: Reclaim your brain from addictive living (2013). (physician)

Ramachandran, Vilayanur, The neurons that shaped civilization (2009). (neurologist)

Ramachandran, Vilayanur,Three clues to understanding your brain (2007). (neurologist)

Reznick,Charlotte,The healing power of children's imagination (2012). (psychologist)

Schwartz, Barry, Our loss of wisdom (2009). (psychologist)

Schwartz, Barry, The paradox of choice (2005). (psychologist)

Schwartz, Barry, Using our practical wisdom (2011). (psychologist)

Segal, Zindel,The mindful way through depression (MBCT) (2014). (psychologist)

Seligman, Martin, The new era of positive psychology (2004). (psychologist)

Siegel, Daniel, Mindfulness and neural integration: Exploring relationships and reflection in the cultivation of

well-being (2012). (psychiatrist)

Turkle, Sherry, Alone together: Why we expect more from technology and less from each other(2011).


Weiner-Davis, Michele, The sex-starved marriage (2014). (social worker, LMFT)


Wollin, Erica L., Attachment and resilience -- the power of one(2013). (psychologist)

Zimbardo, Philip, The demise of guys (2011). (psychologist)

Zimbardo, Philip, The psychology of time (2009). (psychologist)