Liberal Arts Council
18 November 2015, 2:00 pm, FH 230
Presiding: Dean Michael Hennessy
Recording: Associate Dean Lucy Harney
Council Members: Bill Kelemen, Dennis Dunn, Mary Brennan, Beth Erhart, Bob Fischer, Alberto Giordano, Peter Hutcheson (for Craig Hanks), Chad Smith, Dan Lochman, Ken Grasso, Associate Dean Britt Bousman, and Associate Dean Nancy Grayson
Guests: John E. McBride, Heather Steed, LynnAnn Brewer, Jeff Lund, Marsha Moore
1. Approve LAC minutes:
Council members unanimously approved the minutes of the Liberal Arts Council meeting of October 28, 2015.
2. Human Resources presentation:
The following representatives from Texas State’s Office of Human Resources updated Council members on procedures and policies affecting Texas State employees:
--John E. McBride – Assistant VP, Human Resources
--Heather Steed – Manager, Benefits and Retirement
--LynnAnn Brewer – Manager, Employment
--Jeff Lund – Manager, Compensation
--Marsha Moore – Director, Professional Development
The presentation included issues related to annual staff evaluation and performance appraisal, classification and compensation of part-time faculty and graduate assistants, electronic completion and submission of GOJAs, and E-Verify procedures for applicants for staff positions. Council members discussed possible complications for the compensation of grant-supported employees, as well as concerns over the implementation and tentative timeline for the new staff evaluation system.
3. CAD items:
Dean Hennessy briefed Council members on items from the 11/17 CAD meeting:
· Dean Hennessy distributed information on Cats Caravan and Visioning Sessions planned for spring 2016, designed to promote Texas State among potential students and donors. Chairs are encouraged to nominate outstanding faculty to take part as speakers for these events.
· Chairs and center directors are urged to bring remarkable stories involving their faculty, students, and alumni to the attention of Leslie Garrett, Liberal Arts Outreach and Communications officer, for possible inclusion in upcoming editions of Hillviews.
· Dean Hennessy conveyed recommendations from the Provost’s office regarding the wording of position postings for mixed- and open-rank faculty searches.
· Dean Hennessy distributed and discussed the most recent draft of UPPS 8.01, which governs the development and evaluation of tenure-track faculty.
· Dean Hennessey reported on the current Texas State requirement that those taking final action on non-written student complaints maintain a written log of the interactions.
· Early enrollment projections for fall 2016 are stronger than originally projected.
4. Other business:
Lucy Harney reviewed the procedures and timeline for requesting course changes, additions, and deletions in the upcoming cycle.
Around the table:
Alberto Giordano distributed a draft statement to be voted on by Geography faculty and staff in response to the Campus Carry Law (Senate Bill 11). Council members made recommendations for minor revisions.
The meeting was adjourned.