If you would like to be included on the Ashfield Council Artist Register, please complete and submit the form below. Information will be placed on Council’s website unless otherwise stated:

Please tick one of the boxes

1. Please print.

First name


Last name

Postal address
Suburb / Postcode
Telephone / Mobile / Fax


Website address (If you have a website that displays your work, please enter the address)

2. Please tick your preferred practice. You may select more than one.

Visual art / Performing Arts
Music/audio / Literature
Video, film and photography / Multimedia
Craft / Other

3. In the box below, please provide information about your experience and qualifications.

4. In the box below, please provide information about the medium, style and subject matter that you prefer to work with.

5.  Do you have experience working with, or teaching any of the following target groups?:

(Please tick one or more)

Children Young people

Older people People with disabilities

People from Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Women Men

6. Would you like to receive information about Council related arts programs or events? Please tick

Yes No

Please return completed form by post or email to:

Post: Attention: ‘Artist Register’

Ashfield Municipal Council

PO Box 1145

Ashfield 1800


Please write ‘Artist Register’ in the subject line

If you would like to include images of your work please submit no more than four (4) images by post or email. Attention to ‘Artist Register’. If you would like photographs returned, clearly state this on the back of the photographs. You should include your full name and the titles of your works. You may also include other details of the works such as date, size, medium, materials or event.

For more information about this register please phone Anthia Hart on 02 9716 1866 or email