Minutes of the EES VEPR Pilot Working Group Meeting 240915

Action needed / Responsibility
Attending: Pam Oliver (chair); Derek Poate; Maria Gutknecht-Gmeiner; Dione Hills; Claudine Voyadzis; Aida El-Khoury de Paula
Apologies: Kari Hadjivassiliou; Weronika Felcis
  • Development of core documents - anything missing?
  • Workshop discussion in October
  • A 'pre-pilot' process - format and timing
  • Plans for the pilot with volunteers
  • Funding the pilot
  • Time for next Skype meeting

  • Everyone to make sure that they update the Documents register in Drop Box as they add or remove documents
/ All Working Group membersto check and update regularly
Status of systems and documents developed
  • Majority of systems that are needed for a pilot have been completed; now need to be tested
  • Reviewer applicant information sheet still to be developed
/ Pam to develop reviewer applicant information
Pam and Maria to liaise by Skype to test the reviewer application processes
Dione to liaise with Maria to finalise reviewer training materials / 7 Oct
7 Oct
7 Oct
Testing the applications systems
  • Agreed that Derek will arrange and convene a meeting of WG and Steering Committee (SC) members, before the middle of October if possible, to look thoroughly at the application systems and process as drafted, to assess their feasibility and appropriateness
/ Derek to communicate with WG members to arrange the meeting / 30 Sept
  • Agreed that we should run a ‘mock’ pilot to test the draft systems with WG and SC members before running a pilot with volunteers from each society; this can be done using email, phone and Skype (reflecting the reality of the proposed VEPR process)
  • Pam will draft and distributed a plan for the pre-pilot, detailing steps, roles, tasks and proposed dates
  • No funds needed for the pre-pilot
/ Pam to draft and disseminate a proposed pre-pilot plan / 5 Oct
Pilot funding
  • Some funds are likely to be needed for the pilot, e.g. to cover travel, venue, catering
  • A draft budget was provided to Claudine earlier this year
/ Claudine to liaise with Bob P and Maria to seek funding from Eval Partners or elsewhere / 30 Sept
Pilot communications
  • These need to be finalise before the end of October
/ Claudine to develop draft pilot communications and disseminate for input / 7 Oct
Next meeting/s
Time:Thursday 8 Octoberat 09.00 CET (to be confirmed)
  • Finalise meeting plan
  • Discuss pre-pilot plan and determine roles and tasks
  • Pilot communications and promotion
  • Time for next Skype meeting
  • Evaluation of the pilot?
  • Other business
/ Derekto call in others by teleconference
Table 1: Task allocation (adjusted 220815) – systems development
System component
Documents to be developed
VEPR systems and roles / VEPR systems and roles matrix / PO
Job descriptions – all roles /
  • JDs
  • Systems for keeping administrative records
/ PO
Review application systems /
  • Application information for applicants
  • Application form
  • Template for applicant portfolio
  • Guidelines for applying
/ DP, AdeP & DH
Reviewer application and selection systems /
  • Application information for reviewer applicants
  • Reviewer application form
  • Template for reviewer applicant portfolio
  • Guidelines for applying
  • Guidelines for selectors (VEPR Committee)
  • Approval or decline communications
  • Written instructions for selecting reviewers, including (1) draft communications for each step and (2) Conflict of Interest statement
/ MGG & WF (collaborating with DP)
Reviewer training /
  • Training information for reviewers
/ DH
Review process – from initial set-up to reporting, including guidelines and complaints system /
  • Set of instructions for: setting the review schedule; compiling and finalising the portfolio, in negotiation with the reviewers; setting a time for the review meeting; undertaking the review meeting
  • Guidelines for the review meeting, e.g. ‘hosting’ Skype call-in; who chairs the meeting; time-keeping; debriefing; audio-recording; closing the meeting; checking all meeting requirements completed [e.g. next steps agreed]; disseminating the MP3; notifying the Administrator/Coordinator; etc.)
  • Set of instructions for submitting and finalising the report and advising the Administrator/Coordinator, including timeline
  • Review completion checklist
  • Guidelines for reporting
  • Reporting template
/ DP, DH + PO
Review outcomes –listing and report referral to VEPR Committee /
  • Listing process and guidelines for Administrator/Coordinator
  • Protocol for obtaining applicant agreement to make Index listing and upload CV and review report
  • Index structure (headings etc)
/ PO
VEPR Committee - ToR /
  • Draft ToR
/ PO
Pilot funding /
  • Calculation of:
Costs of pre-pilot and pilot activities
Stipend for reviewers
Likely Administrator/Coordinator workload and pay rate
Committee costs
  • Funding plan
/ CV & KV
Pilot promotion /
  • Plan for promoting the pilot and seeking volunteers
  • Volunteer communications
/ CV, KV & MGG