OD Leads 12th October 2016 – Action Points



Anne Lumsden Gillian Strachan Jenny Copeland Joanne Rafferty

Scott Dunn Tom Power Tuija Tengvall Karen Lawson

Tricia Boyle (facilitating)Sharon Millar (facilitating)

Agenda Item / Actions / Owner
Update from HRDs and horizon scanning / Morag explained she attended two HRD sessions since the last OD Leads meeting on 24th August.
The first session included a discussion with Shirley Rogers about the horizon for HR/OD. SR role has expanded to Director of Workforce and Director of Strategic Transformation. The remit includes Health Board reform and enables the merger of workforce, performance improvement and transformational change in the NHS agenda. SR will be working directly with HRDs and CE on performance. One of the primary aims is to align HR agenda with CEs.
Morag pointed out this is a particularly good time for OD to join the HRD’s group.
Next moves around NHS reform – There will be reform but no decisions about what reforms and configurations. Several options will be set out in a paper for Cabinet Ministers to consider (e.g. regional, functional board mergers). CEs will continue to be appointed as required. There might be attention given to Director level appointments to support the national reform agenda. In any case, reform will be over months and probably years.
HRD challenged to work together and deliver aspects of shared services.
Draft strategic priorities for 2016-2018 were shared with OD Leads:
  1. Championing and supporting transformational servicechangewith Boards and across Boards at regional and national level.
  2. Leading, driving and implementing HR transformational change; initial priorities being Eess and the HR Shared Service programme.(OD might have a key role in facilitating the programme initiation and service change).
  3. Leading workforce sustainability and resilience strategies to enable service sustainability (also explicitly includes: Driving the development of an effective National and Regional Workforce Plan).
  4. Shaping, influencing and developing a modern reward strategy or NHSScotland, covering pay, terms & conditions and employment policies.
  5. Shaping, championing and driving an innovative approach to leadership and development.(key OD contribution in the form of evidence based research and preparation work to support HRDs)
  6. Championing and driving improved staff engagement and staff experience, linked directly to patient experience and quality data. (significant OD contribution, particularly in connecting and aligning QI and patient experience with staff experience)
  7. Driving and supporting a values-based culture with particular focus on positive employee relations and partnership. (OD specifically contributing to culture development and supporting enhanced employee relationship discussions)
The specific draft priorities where OD are particularly expected to contribute significantly are given in bold.
The second - discussion at HRDs focused on the desire to function more as strategic leadership group. on Draft priorities will be taken into an intense facilitated session in December to shape a new HRDs work plan and different ways of working together – as HRDs strategic group, with the Workforce Directorate in S Gov. Morag has been asked to facilitate the December HRDs meeting. The Associate HRDs Group are taking on operational management and strategic thinking and preparedness to support HRDs.
Lot of change in HRDs cohort therefore great opportunities to demonstrate the value of the HR and OD function in leading change. / Morag McLaren
Update from Head of Organisational & Leadership Development, NES / Tom explained NES has pulled together 4 teams into a new Organisational & Leadership Development function with a national and internal NES remit. Tom, as Head of O&LD is a formal member of the HRD’s group, thus extending the OD contribution to national priorities.
Current attention is on bringing the new team together: putting in place the management structure and distributing work across the four elements of organisational development, leadership and management, learning and development and business support, quality and improvement. Phase one getting the SMT in place with Principle Leads is complete. Phase two commenced and realistically will take until new financial year to establish the new operational model.
Areas of specific focus:
Executive talent and succession - locus of the work guided by Chairs and CE – tied up with board reform and national performance management arrangements – high stakes and Colin Brown responsible for facilitating the new regime.
Leadership and management development framework. Building on the work Graham Paxton shared at the last OD leads meeting (engagement and commitment)
Not through baby out with bath water – continue with some national programmes of leadership and management development into 17/18 (transition year). Process of planning and establishing the capacity around the edge to do new things and new ways of delivery.
Drafting strategic objectives and work plan and Tom will be seeking the opinion of OD Leads on NES portfolio and work priorities. / Tom Power
National Work Stream Updates / Each of the nine OD Work streams were discussed and each of the work stream leads/members were asked to reflect on the alignment with the HRDs draft priorities.
The recording and updating of the work streams on the OD Community site on the Knowledge Network was also discussed.
The OD Leads concluded the nine OD Work streams were matters of political and strategic importance to OD but OD Leads were not responsible or being held accountable for specific outcomes. The work streams should be edited to clearly stipulate what the OD Leads actions will be to deliver specific outcomes, taking account of the HRDs priorities. The following conclusions were reached by those in attendance:
The following work streams should continue but edited to specifically set out the scope of the OD contribution and OD deliverables
1 - Executive Talent and Succession Planning
2 - Management Development Framework
4 - Team Development /iMatter Action: Sharon Millar and Kris Aitken to link up. Susan Dunn taking role to lead for update. Erica Stewart-Jones and Jenny Copeland volunteered to work on this work stream.
5 - Public Sector Reform (Integration) Consider switching title around to emphasize Integration more through the work.
6 - Development of Digital resources
9 - Performance and Improvement
8 - Medical Engagement – collapse and include in other work streams
7 - Values driven approaches – either define it more (e.g. values based recruitment) or remove it as a work stream and keep it as a community of interest.
3 – Board Development – Resting – Boards approached to participate, should. No new collective OD contribution necessary for now.
  1. Morag will contact the work stream leads about the conclusions reached following mid-year review. For continuing work streams, clear outcomes, specific actions by OD and progress and next steps are required to be forwarded to Morag before the December HRDs meeting.
  2. Updates to toe work streams need to be made to the OD community site, including updating the Work streams component of the Charter of Affiliation on the site.
/ Morag McLaren/Work stream Leads
Nursing 2030 Vision / Unfortunately, Gillian Stocks was unwell and unable to join OD Leads to explain the consultation about the vision for nursing 2030. Action: OD Leads are asked to read the briefing Gillian shared which is on the OD Community site and contact their Directors of Nursing to establish if OD can support local engagement arrangements. / All
Public Sector Reform / Sharon Millar positioned the public sector reform (Integration) and three topics for the afternoon:
1 – results of the OD survey on the NHSScotland OD Leads workforce and professional development needs – Kris Aitken led the discussion on the survey findings – slides on the OD Community website
2 – Public Sector Reform – hearing from our colleague Karen Lawson, Ingage Team, S Gov, Workforce Scotland. Karen presented some of the OD work to support public bodies and build OD capacity. Presentation on OD Community website.
3 – Briefing on the implications for the NHS of the Community Empowerment Act. Sharon prepared a briefing for OD Leads and led a discussion on the Community Empowerment Act – Briefing on the OD Community site.
Action: OD Leads are asked to look at the material relating to these three points and forward any comments to Isla Hyslop. / All
Dates and Facilitation of future OD Leads meetings / The intention is to synchronise as best as possible with the timing of the HRDs meetings. Diary dates for HRDs only available until December. The following arrangements were made:
Next OD Leads meeting Wednesday 7th December, Beardmore, Jenny Copeland and Morag |McLaren facilitating
Thursday 16th February, Tom Power and Ann Lumsdenfacilitating (possible NES Edinburgh office?)
Wednesday 12th April, Erica Stewart-Jones and Doug Mann facilitating (possibly HIS Glasgow office?)
Commendation / The OD Leads took the opportunity to recognise the significant contribution Tricia Boyle has made at OD Leads, giving the right combination of challenge and support at OD Leads and on specific issues and areas. OD Leads wish her every success in her new role with The Kings Fund.