


I. Topic / Title
II. Introduction of Essay
A. Write a few sentences that lead into the main point of your essay
B. End the paragraph with your thesis statement (3 main points you are going to support)
1. First point in thesis
2. Second point in thesis
3. Third point in thesis
III. Body of Essay
A. Topic One - First Point in Thesis
1. Support your point with either quotations or solid evidence
2. Have at least three-five sentences
B. Topic Two - Second Point in Thesis
1. Support your point with either quotations or solid evidence
2. Have at least three-five sentences
C. Topic Three - Third Point in Thesis
1. Support your point with either quotations or solid evidence
2. Have at least three-five sentences
IV. Conclusion
A. Write a few sentences summarizing your essay
B. Restate your thesis and how you proved your point or what you informed the reader with.
Make sure to check your spelling and punctuation, and then you're good to go!


Students will research sources via library or internet to create a5 paragraph essay based on the Reconstruction Period.

I) You will start your essay with an introduction explaining the definition of Reconstruction and a brief 1-2 sentence highlight of how the South undergone major changes after the Civil War.

II) The first bodyparagraph will focus on the question ofhow former slaves in society (the South) were restricted from having rights as prescribed by law. You will answer this question based on yournotes and research. Use the following questions to help guide your writing for the first paragraph.

1. What are two Acts, Plans, or Amendments passed by the North in order to rejoin the South with the Northwithout giving the South too much power? (i.e., Amnesty, Ten-Percent Plan, Wade-Davis, 13th, 14th, 15th)

2. What was the Freedmen's Bureau and what was the purpose?

3. What were the Jim Crow Laws?

4. What are three examples of Jim Crow Laws restricting poor southerners from voting? What did they mean?

III) The second bodyparagraph will explain why the Dred Scot Casewas alandmark civil rights case.

1. What was the decision upheld by the supreme court?

2. What changes were made in the U.S. as a result of the decision?

3. What event(s) or controversey did thedecision lead to?

IV) Thethird bodyparagraph will explain why thePlessy V FergusonCasewas alandmark civil rights case.

1. What was the decision upheld by the supreme court?

2. What changes were made in the U.S. as a result of the decision?

3. What event(s) or controversey did thedecision lead to?

V) The concluding paragraph will explain how the U.S. changed after theReconstruction period. Include the following information:

1. What adaptations did the South have to make?

2.What were two effects on freedmen or ex-slaves?

3.Do you believe Reconstruction in the U.S. was successful or unsuccessful? Why?