
Measuring In Science

The International System of Measurement is used all over the world. You will use SI measurements in biology. Check your knowledge by completing the table below and answering the questions.

Read each question carefully to determine if you are writing the Measurement, Unit or Symbol.

Measurement / Unit / Symbol
Length / Meter
Time / s

1.  Scientists measure temperature in what unit? ______

2.  A microscope slide is 2 centimeters wide. What measurement is being taken? ______

3.  You are measuring the amount of heat in something. What measurement are you taking? ______

4.  Jerry pours water into a graduated cylinder. What measurement is Jerry taking? ______

5.  The basic unit of mass is ______

6.  The basic unit of length is ______

7.  The basic unit of volume is ______

8.  Vicki reads her prescription and finds she is supposed to take 400 mg every 4 hours. Milligram is a unit of what measurement? ______

9.  Which metric unit would you use to measure the following?

a.  The length of your pinky finger ______

b.  The volume of liquid in a kitchen sink ______

c.  The distance to a city in another state ______

d.  Mass of a vitamin pill ______

e.  The height of your best friend ______

f.  The time it takes you to run the 100 yard dash ______

Use the thermometers as a guide to help answer the following questions

10.  In each space, write one of the following phrases that best matches the temperature given. Phrases: water for bath, snowy day, human with a fever, a fall day

a.  130 ______c. 50 ______

b.  400______d. 550 ______

Look at the graduated cylinders below. Note the lines and numbers printed on the sides. Determine the scale between each of the large values written on the graduate. To read the volume of liquid in a graduated cylinder you must read from the bottom of the curve in the liquid. This curve is called the meniscus. You must be at eye level to take an accurate reading.

11.  Write the correct volume on the line beside each graduated cylinder. Units are in mL