Subject: Complaint/InquiryPolicy Number: A-5-00
Approved By: City CouncilLast Update: New
Effective Date:July 15, 2003Page Number: 1 of 1
It is the policy of the City of Spring Grove to treat each resident, contractor and others who come in contact with the City in a fair and consistent manner. In order to provide this continuity the City hereby establishes the complaint/inquiry process.
This policy applies to all inquiries, requests and/or complaints received by the City against any employee, policy or procedure and any resident who is viewed to be in violation of any ordinance.
For the purposes of this policy the following definitions apply:
- Complaint:Any formal allegation, expression of dissatisfaction or protest
against a policy, procedure or employee of the City, or concerning a resident in violation of a particular ordinance.
- Inquiry:A question by a resident, contractor or other person about a
policy or procedure in the City.
- Request:Asking for a service provided by the city or inquiring about
the city employees doing specific work.
- If any employee, council person or representative of the City receives or is approached by a resident, contractor or other person who wishes to complain about an employee, policy or procedure of the City, or about a resident in violation of an ordinance, the employee, council person or representative may listen then shall refer the individual to city hall.
- When a resident, contractor or other person comes to city hall with a complaint, the employee talking with the individual shall request that the individual complete a Complaint/Inquiry/Request form.
- When a resident, contractor or other person comes to city hall with an inquiry or request (defined above), the employee talking with the individual shall first attempt to satisfy the individual by answering appropriate questions. It the employee cannot respond to the individual’s satisfaction, they will then request that the individual complete a Complaint/Inquiry/Request form.
- Once the form is completed, city staff will investigate and take appropriate action based on the findings of fact. Such action may include bringing the Complaint/Inquiry/Request to the council, provided that after findings of fact it rises to the level requiring City Council action.
- If the person filling out the form wishes to be notified, city staff will notify said person as soon as practicable after completion of the investigation.
- All completed Complaint/Inquiry/Request forms will be kept on file at city hall.
Pearl Holland