SEPTEMBER 17, 2012



Attendance: Daniel Lusher, Pat Wild, Shane Sullivan, Jules O’Herron, Ryan DeJoe, Tony Nacewicz, Gail Langley, Sharon Honecker, Dan Habinek, Bob Byrne, Patricia Moreno, Dana Kane

Dana reviewed board meeting minutes from August 20, 2012

Motion to approve minutes by Ryan, seconded by Jules, motion passed.


Make sure to turn in all receipts to Jules

Balance as of 9/17/12 from Wells Fargo account $4343.57 checking balance, $5933.75 savings



Pat Wilde, new Committee Chair for Sponsorships for the WYHA, inquired about past history of sponsorship within the organization to gather ideas for this season. There was discussion about potential businesses and entities to target. He is eager to work on this project. He will be having business cards made for his marketing efforts.

6:25pm:Coaching report


Coaching Director: Ryan Dejoe

Coaches meeting will be held once a month

Chain of command:

Parents go to the team manager first (mini mites and mites have managers already)

Next is the coach after following the 24 hour rule

If they do not feel comfortable going to the coach they go to Ryan

Next in line is the President/Board

Team lists/coaches presented

Expectations for the coaches in the WYHA

Your assigned team, is your team for the year. (teams have been assigned, teams are still being assigned players)

Be there on time, advise coaches, coaching director when you will not be available,ahead of time,this is very important

Wear your WYHA jacket to all practices, scrimmages, games

Get to know your kids by name, build a relationship with the parents on your team

Everyone has to get dressed in locker rooms, coaches and players.

Utilize your team manager, they are the go between. Team Manager goes through the Team Representative , Team Representative brings all questions to the board

Come to practice with a coaching plan. Remember we only have one hour.....

After awhile know what each kid needs individually (mini mites, mites, squirts), inform parent, i.e. Johnny needs to work on hockey stops, Sally needs to work on backwards skating, and give the parents avenues to help with those suggestions. We need to build good skaters to have a successful program. The WYHA will have to work harder and build stronger relationships with the community and parents than most hockey association. Remember we are a starting from the ground up, without an ice rink.

Ryan proposed that we have scrimmages towards the end of the sessions. (in-house games) Patty to see if we can get extra ice to hold scrimmages.

Forms and background checks

Gleason: no background check as of today

Crane: Need all info except background check

Ferre: Coaching App, Fair Play Act, Photo Release

Kane: Coaching App, Fair Play Act, Photo Release

Patterson: Coaching App, Fair Play Act, Photo Release

Nacewicz: Need all info except background check

Team Managers

Ellwanger: Mites

Elliopoulos: Mini Mites

Learn to Skate

Learn to Skate Representative: Mike Schwartz

Instructors: 1 instruction per level plus an assistant on the ice at all times. If there is no level four, those assigned instructors will not be on the ice.

All skaters who have paid: have their registration number. They will get badges. The paw prints tell which level they are in. One paw is level 1, two paws is level 2, etc.. The paws also indicate which session they are registered for.

Expectations for the instructors:

Be there on time

Set up cones designating levels of classes

Greet kids at gate for the beginning of class,

Make sure they have a learn to skate badge on

Know the curriculum for the level they are teaching, DO NOT teach outside of that level.

No unauthorized skaters on the ice

Forms and background checks

Hinjos: no background check as of today, Photo release

Accetta:USAHockey, Fair Play Act, Photo Release

7:15pm:Opening Day

9 new pairs of skates: Ryan to get them sharpened

Sign in/Sheet/Volunteers

Sign up: have forms ready for hockey and learn to skate

What is needed to get on the ice that day

Equipment room: need 2 people assigned to that room

Locker rooms: separate learn to skate and hockey: signs on doors

Helping the kids/parents

Coaches to meet with families of their teams: Hockey

Learn to skate: cones, signs for designated areas, until the kids get used to where they need to go. List of kids and their levels, introduce yourself to the parents.

7:30pm:CPK Fundraiserw/UA Men’s Hockey Team (20% of the bill goes to our team with the flyer)

September 30, 2-6pm

Volunteers needed

Flyers needed to be posted, handed out

7:35pm:New business

Wildcat Logo: we are having issues with our logo. Need to make changes to our logo. Someone is working on redesigning our logo to not have copyright/trademark infringement issues.

Oct 8 first school visit: Garrett Kane’s school (TanqueVerdeElementary School)

Sponsorships: Meet and Greet for families and their sponsors

Pregame meals: has been taken over by Amber Barber with the help of Michelle Gardner

Website: is Kristen Hanson, who has it all spiffy and up to date! Teams are listed online.

Responsible Sports: $2,500 grant. People need to take the challenge to enter our group.

Discussed how to handle injuries on the ice. Forms need to be filled out in the event of an injury. The binder with the forms will be in the equipment room. Report injuries to Patty first unless she is not present.

7:45pm:Meeting adjourned