AP Euro – CH.15 ID’s & Study Guide– Building European Supremacy

I. Complete reading notes for ALL of the following terms. Know the definition AND significance of each (60 Points):

2nd Industrial Revolution

  1. Henry Bessemer
  2. Gottlieb Daimler
  3. Henry Ford
  4. Consumerism

The Middle Class

  1. Petite Bourgeoisie

Late 19th C. Urban Life

  1. Urbanization
  2. Georges Haussmann
  1. EiffelTower
  1. Suburbs
  2. Cholera
  3. Miasmas
  4. Public Health Act 1848
  5. Melun Act 1851
  6. Louis Pasteur
  7. Robert Koch
  8. Joseph Lister
  9. A.V. Huber
  10. Jules Simon

Women’s Experiences

  1. Married Woman’s Property Act
  2. Cult of Domesticity
  3. Feminism
  4. Millicent Fawcett
  5. Emmeline Pankhurst
  6. Divorce Laws
  7. Suffragettes

Jewish Emancipation

  1. Pogrom
  2. Lionel Rothschild
  3. Zionism

Labor, Socialism & Politics

  1. Trade unionism
  2. First International
  1. Taff Vale decision
  2. Labour Party
  3. Fabian Society
  4. Jules Guesde
  5. Jean J. Jaures
  6. 2nd International
  7. SPD
  8. Erfurt Program
  9. Revisionism
  10. Sergei Witte
  11. Kulak
  12. Zemstvos
  13. V.I. Lenin
  14. Bolshevik
  15. Menshevik
  16. Bloody Sunday
  17. Soviet
  18. Duma
  19. Nicholas II
  20. Rasputin

II. Short Answer Essay Response

  1. What factors led to the “Europeanization” of the world?
  2. How did the 2nd Industrial Revolution differ from the 1st? What developments led this change?
  3. Why can it be said that “the middle class drives economic growth?”
  4. What factors led to economic difficulties in Europe in the last quarter of the 19th c.?
  5. Why and how were many European cities redesigned in the late 1800s? What affect did these changes have on the population?
  6. Describe the three areas of inequality and difficulty women faces in the late 19th c.and how did growing economic development affect women?
  7. What was the chief responsibility of middle class women in the late 19th c.?
  8. How did the British women’s suffrage movement differ from that of continental Europe?
  9. How did the status and experience of Jewish people differ in western / central Europe vs. that in Russia during the 1800s?
  10. In what ways are unionism and the democratization of European politics linked? What was the result of this occurrence?
  11. Compare and contrast the beliefs and actions of British, French, German and Russian socialist movements.