Academic sessions

  1. Internationalised luxury & leisure

Puig Nuria, Madrid University / The making of an international business: Spanish perfumery, 1900-2000
Soria Audrey, Lyon University / The Lyon silk industrial firms and internationalisation in the 19th century
Vernus Pierre, Lyon University / The export policy of Lyon silk firm Bianchini-Ferier, 1890s-1970s
Bakker Gerben, European University Institute and New York University / Selling French films on foreign markets. The international strategy of a medium-sized French company, 1921-1939
  1. Electricity & internationalisation

Dalmasso Anne, Grenoble University, France / Regional firms in front of internationalisation: hydroelectricity companies in the French Alps (1900s-1960s)
Davids Mila, Technical University Eindhoven, Pays-Bas / Multinational enterprises and the organisation of industrial production abroad: the case of Philips
Beltran Alain, Ecole normale supérieure de Cachan, France; with VaraschinAndré (Artois University) / The internationalisation of EDF and GDF, the two French State electricity and gaz utilities, in the years 1960/1980;The international policy of French electricity firm EDF
Vuillermot Catherine, Lyon University / The international extensions of the electricy Durand group in the first half of the 20th century

3. Internationalised telecommunications (Technology transfers and entrepreneurship: a driving force of the internationalisation (1850-2000)

Griset Pascal, Paris University / Submarine cables, international competition & technological transfers: a long terme perspective (1850-2000)
Haikio Martti, Nokia group / The globalisation of telecommunication firm Nokia since the 1980s
Jacobsen Phil Kurt, Copenhagen University / The Great Northern Telegraph company and Japan, 1930-1943: in struggle for control over the Far Eastern Telegraphs
Yang Daqing, Washington University / The Japanese struggle to resist the Great Northern Telegraph company imperialism
  1. International technology transfers

Bouneau Christophe, Bordeaux University / French railway companies and international technlogical transfers in electrification systems (1895-1970)
Polese Francesca, Bocconi University, Milan / International transfer of technologies: the training trip through Europe of the Italian engineer G.B. Pirelli in 1870-1871
Mounier-Kuhn Pierre, Paris University / Technology transfers and reception in the French computer industry, 1948-1964
Le Roux Muriel, Paris University / Aluminium firms Pechiney and Alcoa innovation relationship. A complexe challenge for technological monopoly in the 20th century

5. Geopolitics challenges

Kuisma Markku & Jensen-Eriksen Niklas, Department of History, Helsinki University, Finland / British government, Anglo-American oil companies & the case of the Finnish oil market during the Cold War
Segreto Luciano, Dipartimento di studi sullo stato, Universita degli studi du Firenze / Western strategic interests versus national economic interests: oil, NATO and Italy (1958-1965)
Eloranta Jari, European University Institute / Small states in the international arms transfer system in the interwar period
Gemelli Giulana, Bologna University / Private foundations as scientific multinationals: strategic issues and historical trends (1920s-1980s)
Berneron-Couvenhes Marie-Françoise, Paris-Sorbonne University / The internationalisation of Messageries Maritimes company, 1851-1914: the defence or French pavillion overseas

6. International entreprises in Latin America

Fernandez Domingo Enrique, University of Lorient (France) / French and German competition in Chile: the electrification of the first section of State railways, 1908-1920
Guimaraes Carlos-Gabriel, Rio de Janeiro / The London & Brazilian Bank (1862-1871): a British overseas bank in Brazil during the 2th half of the 19th century
Delanghe Henri, Leuven University, Belgique / Business strategies of Japanese textile firms in Brazil, from 1955
Escudier Jean-Louis, Montpellier University / Firms’ development strategy between internal and international markets; the case of French public works firm Bartissol, 1841-1916
  1. The internationalisation of car industry: American & Japanese firms

Bordenave Gérard Lung Yannick, Bordeaux University / Twin strategies of internationalisation of the US carmakers: Ford and General Motors in the 20th century
Loubet Jean-Louis, Evry University, and Hatzfeld Nicolas / An American car maker in France: Ford (1908-1952)
Garcia-RuizJose-Luis, Complutense University of Madrid / Barreiros Diesel Chrysler Corporation, 1963-1969: causes of a failed internationalisation
Estapé-Triay Salvador, Barcelona University / Adaptation and survival in a changing environment: the case of Nissan Spain in the 1980-1990s
  1. The internationalisation of car industry: Europeans firms

Freyssenet Michel (Evry and Paris Universities) / The internationalisation of Renault during the second half of the 20th century
Fridenson Patrick, EHESS Paris University / Internationalisation and finance in the automobile industry: Renault
Hernandez-Marco Jose-Luiz / International import prices and demand for private motorcars in Spain during the 1920s
Volpato Giuseppe, Venezia University / The Fiat Case: strength and weakness of on obliged internationalisation

9. Internationalised agrobusiness

Côte Sébastien, Paris University / A French beverages firm in front of world wide expansion: Pernod-Ricard, 1974-2000
Grosbois Thierry, Arras University / The European strategy of Dutch brewery firm Heineken in the 20th century
Knaap Dorien, University of Groningen, Faculty of economics, The Netherlands / The first Dutch multinational firm, the agrobusiness company: WA Scholten, 1840-1940
Pedersen Kurt, Aarhus school of business, Danemark; Strandskov JesperSorensen P. / International strategies of Danish margarine firms (especially Monsted-Fennia)
  1. Small countries’ firms & internationalisation

Fletcher Scott, Reading University / The European policy of shoemaker Bata in the interwar
Heinrich Thomas, Baruch College, New York / Multinational corporations in the North American paper industry: International paper and the rise of Candian newsprint, 1920-1941
Müller Margrit, Zurich University / Coping with changing barriers to trade: strategies of Swiss firms on the interwar
Pedersen Kai, Norwegian school of management / ‘Globalist’ and ‘localist’ perspectives on European Economic integration: Norwegian industry and national policy toward international competitition, 1945-1960
Rajaniemi Niko, European Parliament / Forest industry, key to the reintegration of Finland in world economy after the Second World War

11. Wines & alcohols on international markets

[president: Terry Gourvish, London school of economics]

Da Silva Lopes Teresa, Reading University / Brands and multinational growth in the alcoholic beverages industry
Duguid Paul, Berkeley California University / The international structure of the port wine trade: a historical
Jones Steve, Dundee University / Global marketing & industrial concentration in the scotch whisky industry since 1970

12. Wines & alcohols on international markets

Desbois-Thibault Claire, Paris Sorbonne University / The international policy of champagne firm Moët & Chandon in the 19th century
Simpson James, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid / Controlled appellation, brand names and cooperatives: the demand and supply for wine quality control systems for Sapnish wines, 1860-1970
Wegener-Sleeswijk Anne, Paris & Amsterdam Universities / Brands, quality and reputation of French wines on the Dutch market at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century

13. Means of transportation & internationalised strategies

Channon Geoffrey, University of the West of England, Bristol / The international scope of railway companies in the 19th century
Vidal-Olivares Javier, Alicante University, & Ortunez-Goicolea Pedro Pablo, Valladolid University / The internationalisation of the ownership in European Railways entreprises; the case of Spain
Voogd (de) Cees, Lecturer Economic History, Historical Institute, Leiden University, PO Box 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands / The globalisation of the shipbuilding industry since the 1960s
Yuzawa Takeshi, Tokyo University / Rivalries of Western firms in the Far east: locomotive exports to Japan in the latter part of the 19th century

14. International managing

[president: Riitta Hjerrpe, Helsinki University]

Amdam Rolv Peter, Norwegian school of management,Sandvika / The introduction of the M-form in the Scandinavian countries
Cailluet Ludovic, ESUG, Toulouse University / ‘La forme en M’, complete imitation or hybridation of a management mode, or sheer pragmatism?
Larsen Eirinn, Norwegian school of Management, Sandvika, and ESSEC Paris University;LauferJacqueline, Département des ressources humaines, H.E.C. / The impact of formal and informal institution in the construction of HRM pratices: Norway and France in the 1980s and 1990s
Piluso GiandomenicoToninelli Pier Angelo, Milano University / Managing a multinational network: organisation, training and accountancy in Italian multinational banking in the 1900s-1930s (Credito Italiano and COMIT)

15. Heavy industries’ international developpment

D’Angio Agnès, Paris University / The development of Schneider abroad, 1897-1955: the export of the Creusot factory
Becker Susan, Bonn University / More than just foreign direct investment: Metallgesellschaft & Vieille Montagne before 1914; the different facets of multinationality
Moine Jean-Marie, Tours University / The internationalisation of French tubes firm Pont-à-Mousson
Wale Judith, Warwick business school, Université de Warwick, Royaume-Uni / Internationalisation of company marketing stategies: the boom in coal exports from UK North Sea ports, 1906-1913
Witschke Tobias, Firenze European University Institute / The rise of August Thyssen Hütte in the European Coal & Steel Community, 1950-1965: a case of non-globalisation

16. Evolution of international risks assessmentby international bank and companies in the new global economy

Bouchet Michel-Henry, professeur, chaire Global Finance, CERAM, Sophia-Antipolis; ING-Barings & World Bank consultant / The rising importance of governance in country risk assessment
Chapparo E. or Viellecaszes Pierre, World Bank / The role of international organisations in providing financing data, intelligence and risk cover: the World Bank
Fallon Tom or Terrier J.L., bankers / Country risk analysis in European banks: the learning curve (1980-2000)
Groslambert B., CERAM professor / Investing in emerging markets: the shortcoming of traditional analytical tools

17. From local to global: the internationalisation of small & middle-sized entreprises and of industrial regions

Amatori Franco, Bocconi Milan University / From villages of Central Italy to around the world: the shoemaking industry of the Marches
Joly Hervé (Lyon University) / The limited internationalisation of the economic control of the big industrial and commercial establishments: the case of the Rhone-Alpes region in the first part of the 20th century
Lamard Pierre (Université technologique de Belfort-Montbéliard, rue du Château, Sévenans, 90010 Belfort CEDEX / A case of the internationalisation of a smal & medium sizes enterprise: the French mechanics firm Viellard-Migeon (1980-1990s)
Soler Raimon (Barcelona University) & Prat Marc (Firenze University) / Weaving the network: the international marketing of Catalan cotton textiles (1850-1930)

18. French economy & internationalisation

Bok-Rae Kim, Seoul University / Foreign French-Japanese investments in the years 1980-1990
Park Rang-Ri, Paris University / The internationalisation of the French mechanics and public works firm, Gouin-Batignolles, 1846-1914
Sanchez Esther, Université de Paris 4 & Dipartimento de historia economica, Centro de estudios historicos, 6 Duque de Medinaceli, 28014 Madrid / The French firms and the Spanish economic development since the 1950s
Touchelay Béatrice, Paris-Créteil University / The CNPF (National organisation of French businessmen) between 1946 and 1962: a brake or a motor to the internationalisation of French enterprises?

19. Internationalised banking up to World War II

D’Alessandro Michele, Terni University / Managing multinational banking networks. The case of two leading Italian banks (Banca commerciale italiana & Credito Italiano) in the 1910s-1930s
Brambilla Carlo, Milano University / Italian multinational banking: Banca Commerciale Italiana and Credito Italiano between 1930s and 1940s
Ludlow Leonor, Mexico University / The internationalisation of Mexican banking system at the end of the 19th century: the case of Banco National de Mexico (1880-1920)
Minoglou Ioanna, Athens University of economics & business, 76 Patission Street, Athènes 104-34 Grèce / The rise and fall of the merchant bank Hambros in Greece (1864-1940): mercantile capital and internationalisation

20. Internationalised bankingsince World War II

Battilossi Stephano, European University Institute / International banking in the 1960-1970s: a continental way?
Knutsen Sverre, associate professor, Norwegian school of management, Sandvika, Norway / The internationalisation of Norwegian banks, 1960-1995
Tzeng Ruey-ling, Intitute of European & American Studies, AcademiaSinica, Taiwan / Dutch multinational banking in Taïwan

21. Foreign investments in utilities and infrastructures

[president: Andrea Guintini, Firenze University]

Berthonnet Arnaud, Paris University / French road companies in the internationalisation of markets (from 1945)
Doria Marco & Hertner Peter(Halle University) / Urban infrastructure, foreign capital and foreign technology: Genoa and Barcelona in a comparative perspective from the 1880s until the First World War
Fernandez Alexandre, Bordeaux University / The French investments in utilities in Spain
Ferreira da Silva Alvaro, Lisbon University / Water supply as a global business in the 19thcentury: from Lisbon to Southern Europa (1850-1915)
Mates Barco Juan Manuel, Jaen University, Spain / Strategies of foreign firms and the sector of water supply in Spain (1850-1990)

22. Big business internationalisation

Carreras Albert & Tafunell Xavier (Barcelona University) / International competitiveness of Spanish big firms: the long view
Cassis Youssef (Grenoble University) / Lessons from France, Germany & Great Britain about internationalised big business

Colli Andrea, Milano Bocconi University

/ ‘Pocket multinationals’: some reflections on ‘new’ actors in Italian industrial capitalism
Wardley Peter, University of Bristol (UK) / The emergence of large corporations in the first half of the 20th century

23. The internationalisation of French big firms

Barjot Dominique, Paris Sorbonne University / The successful internationalisation of French cement firm Lafarge, 1945-1974
Daviet Jean-Pierre, Caen University / The international policy of Saint-Gobain
Hara Terushi, Waseda University of Tokyo / The French gas firm Air Liquide in Japan, 1907-2000

24. Chemical & pharmaceutical firms on international markets

Chauveau Sophie, Arras University / Internationalisation as a challenge: a study of French pharmaceutical industry since Second World War
Corley Peter, Reading University, UK / Steps towards globalisation in the world pharmaceutical industry: SmithKline Beecham, 1989-1999
Hilger Susanne, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg / Tendencies of internationalisation in the German consumer chemical industries since the Second World War: the case of the Henkel group