Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent Sessions I 1:30 – 3:15 Tuesday, April 10th
Concurrent Session I-A: People and Planning
Moderator: Bill Elmendorf
The Importance of Leaders' and Residents' Attitudes Towards Open Space Conservation in a Growing Pennsylvania Watershed - - Bill Elmendorf, School of Forest Resources, The Pennsylvania State University
Community Stakeholders’ Attitudes towards Ecosystem Restoration Goals and Programs in Southern Illinois’ Cache River Wetlands - - Christopher A. Bridges, Mae A. Davenport, Jean C. Mangun, and Andrew D. Carver, Department of Forestry, Southern Illinois University
People, Place and Politics: How Place Attachments Influence Natural Resource Disputes in an Urbanizing Environment - - Janean H. Creighton, Keith A. Blatner, and Matthew S. Carroll, Department of Natural Resource Sciences, Washington State University
Evaluating Place Attachment and Perceptions of Forest Management - - Jonathan Cohen, Jean Mangun and Mae Davenport, Southern Illinois University
Concurrent Session I-B: Symposium on the Cumberland Plateau
Moderator: Don Hodges
Modeling Land Use Change and Its Environmental Impacts on the Southern Cumberland Plateau - - Robert Gottfried, Robert, Christopher Butler, Nicholas Hollingshead, Matthew Lane, Brett Scheffers, and Douglass Williams, Sewanee Landscape Analysis Laboratory, The University of the South (RG, NH, BS, DW); Department of Biology, University of Central Oklahoma (CB); Tennessee Department of Transportation (ML)
Envisioning the Future of the Cumberland Plateau: Policy Proposals Emerging from Stakeholder Discussions - - Charles D. Brockett and Katharine Wilkinson, University of the South and Oxford University
Patterns of Change in Tennessee's Northern Cumberlands - - Cindy Longmire, Donald Hodges, and David Ostermeier, Department of Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries, University of Tennessee
Exurbanization of Forest and Farmland on Tennessee's Southern Cumberland Plateau: A Spatial Analysis of the Impact of Land Use on Water Quality - - Valerie Moye, Deborah McGrath, Nick Hollingshead and Ken Smith, University of the South
Concurrent Session I-C: Family Forest Owners
Moderator: Brett Butler
A Brief History of Forest Ownership in the United States - - Brett J. Butler, USDA Forest Service
Family Forest Owners: A Diverse Group with Diversified Objectives - - Indrajit Majumdar, Lawrence D. Teeter, and Brett Butler, Auburn University and USDA Forest Service
Understanding and Reaching Family Forest Owners: Lessons from Social Marketing Research - - Mary Tyrrell, Brett Butler, and Geoff Feinberg, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and Project Coordinator, Sustaining Family Forests
Future Forestland Owners: Brace for Change - - Catherine M. Mater, The Pinchot Institute for Conservation; President - Mater Engineering, Ltd.
Concurrent Session I-D: Case Studies I
Moderator: Laura Schmitt
Analyzing Growth and Migration Patterns in Metro Manila, Philippines - - Laura Schmitt and Maria Aileen Leah G. Guzman, SUNY-ESF
Analysis of Land Use Changes and Associated Socio-Economic Factors in Galaundu-Pokhare Khola Watershed in Mid-hills Region of Nepal - - Mohan K. Balla, Keshav D. Awasthi and B.M. Pradhan, Institute of Forestry, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Subsistence Agriculture and Pollution: Community Perspectives from Urban and Peri-urban VARANASI (Uttar Pradesh), India -- Some Lessons for Policy Review - - Neela Mukherjee and Amitava Mukherjee, Independent Researcher & Director, Development Tracks, New Delhi; Chief Technical Adviser, Poverty and Development UNESCAP, Bangkok
Livelihoods in the Peri-Urban Interface of Ibadan: Opportunities for Sustainable Development - - O.I. Akintayo and B.O. Lawal, University of Ibadan and Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, Nigeria
Concurrent Session I-E: Species Diversity
Moderator: Kristin Meehan
Economic Freedom, Corruption, and Species Imperilment: A Cross-Country Analysis - - Ram Pandit and David N. Laband, School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences and Center for Forest Sustainability, Auburn University
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Vegetative Diversity and Insect Diversity in Urban Residential Habitats in St. Louis, MO, USA - - Khrysti Smyth, Saint Louis University
Avian Species Diversity as Related to Black-Tailed Prairie Dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) Presence Within an Urban Matrix in Denver, Colorado - - Kristin Salamack, University of Denver, The Denver Zoo
Correlates of Fox Squirrel Presence on Coastal South Carolina Golf Courses - - Kristin Meehan and Patrick G. R. Jodice, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Clemson University; South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Concurrent Session I-F: Invasive Species I
Moderator: Kristen Baum
Ecological and Economic Determinants of Invasive Tree Species on Alabama Forestland - - Anwar Hussain, Changyou Sun, Ian A. Munn, and Xiaoping Zhou, Mississippi State University (AH, CS, IM); Pacific Northwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service (XZ)
Influence of Management History on Invasive Exotic Plants in Urban Forests - - Songlin Fei and Rachel Habig, Department of Forestry, University of Kentucky
An Urban Perspective on Africanized Honey Bees - - Kristen A. Baum, Maria D. Tchakerian, Steven C. Thoenes and Robert N. Coulson, Department of Zoology, Oklahoma State University (KAB); Knowledge Engineering Laboratory, Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University (MDT, RNC); BeeMaster, Inc., Tucson, AZ (SCT)
Concurrent Session I-G: Special Session: Keynoters and Students
Concurrent Sessions II 3:45 – 5:30 Tuesday, April 10th
Concurrent Session II-A: Water Issues
Moderator: Myrna Hall
Assessing Interactions Between Lake Shore Development and Water Quality - - Kathleen Bell and Katherine Webster, Department of Resource Economics and Policy, University of Maine
Predicting Future Water Quality from Land Use Change Projections in the New York City Watersheds - - Myrna Hall, René Germain, Charles Hall, Prajjwal Panday, Neil Sampson, and Mary Tyrrell, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (RG, CH, PP); Global Institute for Sustainable Forestry, Yale University (NS, MT)
Land Use Change in the Penobscot River Watershed - - Robert J. Lilieholm, David Hart, and Kathleen Bell, School of Forest Resources, University of Maine
Modeling the Impacts of Fire on Sediment Loading to Forest Streams of the South Carolina Piedmont - - Tyler Crumbley, Ge Sun, Steve McNulty, and Jim Vose, Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, North Carolina State University; USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station
Concurrent Session II-B: Timberland Management and Investments
Moderator: Richard Hall
Comparing Farmland, Timberland and Commercial Real Estate: An Investor's Perspective - -
Richard W. Hall, Bank of America and Auburn University
Managed Forests and Water Quality in Urbanizing Watersheds - - E.B. Schilling and G. Ice,
National Council for Air and Stream Improvement
Managed Forests and Biological Diversity in Urbanizing Areas - - T. Bently Wigley, National Council for Air and Stream Improvement
The Economic Basis for a Timberland Management Company to Transition Timberland into Real Estate Development - - Chung-Hong Fu, Timberland Investment Resources
Concurrent Session II-C: WUI Education
Moderator: Annie Hermansen-Baez
Changing Roles: WUI Professional Development Program - - L. Annie Hermansen-Baez, Martha C. Monroe, and Lauren McDonell, USDA Forest Service Southern Center for Wildland-Urban Interface Research and Information; University of Florida
Providing Targeted Education to Land-Use Decision-Makers: NEMO Nevada - - Susan Donaldson and Melody Hefner, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
Land Care Stewardship: A Train-the-Trainer Module for Urban/Rural Fire Prevention - - David D. Close, Frank Reilly, and Barbara Stewart, Virginia Tech Department of Horticulture and Virginia Cooperative Extension
Saving the Coast: A Lowcountry Preservationist's Perspective - - James L. Ward, Historic Preservation and Community Planning, College of Charleston
Concurrent Session II-D: Spatial/Scale Aspects I
Moderator: Tiffany Smythe
Developing a Statewide GIS to Monitor Coastal Land Use Change: A Tool for Coastal Policymakers - - Tiffany C. Smythe, Department of Marine Affairs, University of Rhode Island
Development of an Urban Forest Planning GIS Database for the Proposed City of Central, Louisiana - - Jason A. Preuett, Southern University
The Urban Realms of Knoxville, Tennessee: An Analysis of Intra-Metropolitan Commuter Patterns - - Andrew J. Baker, Department of Geography, University of Tennessee
Concurrent Session II-E: Wildlife Issues
Moderator: Heidi Kretser
Coexisting with Cougars: a Human Dimensions Study into Public Perceptions, Attitudes and Awareness of Cougars on the Urban-Rural Fringe of Calgary, Alberta - - Clarisse Thornton, Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary
Public Perceptions of Coyotes (Canis Latrans) in Suburnan and Rural Areas of Western Georgia - - Lauren E. Billodeaux, James B. Armstrong, and Joshua McDaniel, School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University
Cougar Movement Patterns and Behavior Along the Urban-Wildland Interface: Implications for Conflict and Conservation - - David C. Stoner and Michael L. Wolfe, Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University
Differences in Perceptions of Human-Wildlife Interactions Around a High-Amenity Natural Resource: Does a Social Exurbia Exist? - - Heidi Kretser and Barbara Knuth, Cornell University and Wildlife Conservation Society
Concurrent Session II-F: Evaluating Changes to Ecosystem Goods & Services
Moderator: Nejem Raheem
Impacts of Urbanization in Sediment Deposition of Riparian Forests - - Rachel L. Jolley and B. Graeme Lockaby, School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences and Center for Forest Sustainability, Auburn University
Variability of Urban Forest Ecosystem Services Along a Chilean Urban Gradient - - Francisco J Escobedo, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida
A Common Pool Resource Experiment in Acequia Communities in NM - - Nejem Raheem
Department of Economics, University of New Mexico
Measuring Effects of Urbanization and Land Use Change on Water Quality Using SWAT Model in the Cahaba River - - Yaoqi Zhang, Xianchun Liao, Youxin Ma, Phil-Shik Kim, Puneet Srivastava, Kyung H Yoo, and Sun Joo Kim, School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University (YZ, XL, YM); Department of Biosystems Engineering, Auburn University (P-SK, PS, KHK, SJK)
Concurrent Session II-G: Urbanization Impacts on Ecosystems
Moderator: Cameron Barrows
Boundary Processes Between a Desert Sand Dune Community and an Encroaching Suburban Landscape - - Cameron W. Barrows, Michael F. Allen, and John T. Rotenberry, Center for Conservation Biology, University of California at Riverside
Urbanization Effects on Maryland Stream Fish Assemblages - - R. P. Morgan II and S. F. Cushman, UMCES-AL
Influence of Land Cover on Riparian Forest Diversity and Structure in the Georgia Piedmont, USA - - Michele Burton and Lisa Samuelson, School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University
Using Ecoregional Assessments to Predict the Biodiversity Impacts of Major Transportation Corridors - - Eugene Kelly, Kathleen Freeman and Doria Gordon, The Nature Conservancy, Florida
Concurrent Sessions III 8:00 – 9:45 Wednesday, April 11th
Concurrent Session III-A: Ecosystem Impacts on Human Communities
Moderator: Ram Pandit
Estimation of Economics Sub-Centres and their Impact on the Health Derivate the Air Pollution in Mexico City - - Silvia Martinez Vasquez, Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo and Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona
Community Forestry Processes, Impacts, and Issues: An Analysis of Forest User Groups from Dhading District of Nepal - - Ram Pandit and Eddie Bevilacqua, Auburn University and SUNY-ESF
The Conflict Between Species and Water Management and its Affect on Human Communities - - Patricia Reed, CDM
Human Health Linkages to Disturbance in the Boreal Forest: Lessons form the Sustainable Forest Management Network - - Tee L. Guidotti, MD, MPH, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, School of Public Health and Health Services, George Washington University
Concurrent Session III-B: Public Involvement and Planning I
Moderator: Lauren McDonell
The Art of Environmental Communications: Top-Down, Bottom-up and Lateral - - Terry R. Gemmill, Cornell University
Power to the People: Public Engagement in Woody Biomass Discussions in Interface Communities - - Martha C. Monroe, Richard Plate, Annie Oxarart, and Lauren McDonell
School of Forest Resources & Conservation, University of Florida
Practicing What We Preach: Using Participatory Research Methods to Facilitate Multidirectional and Multilayered Information Exchange Along the Urban/Rural Fringe - - Leah Greden Mathews, Daniel O'Leary, Art Rex, and Anna Callahan, Department of Economics, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Negotiating the Rural-Urban Interface through Community Advocacy - - Colleen Hiner, University of California – Davis
Concurrent Session III-C: Urban Forest Aspects
Moderator: Matt Winn
Urban Tree Crown Health Assessment System: A Tool for Communities and Citizen Scientists - - Matthew F. Winn, Sang-Mook Lee, and Philip A. Araman, USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station
Relating Urban Forest Canopy Development to Municipal Expansion: The Development and Landuse/Landcover Change of the Western Lake Mendota Urban Forest Corridor - - Mark Wegner and John Harrington, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Comparative Anatomy of Ten Selected Urban Trees in the City of Baton Rouge, Louisiana - -
Vanessa A. Ferchaud, Yadong Qi, and James I. McNitt, Southern University Urban Forestry Program; Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center
An Urban Forestry Needs Assessment in Rapidly Urbanizing Florida - - Jennifer A. Seitz and Francisco J. Escobedo, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida
Concurrent Session III-D: Forest Fragmentation
Moderator: Xiaochun Liao
Factors Influencing the Size of Family Forest Holdings in the United States - - Xianchun Liao, Yaoqi Zhang, and Brett J. Butler, School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University (XL and YZ); USDA Forest Service (BJB)
The Changing Face of a Forested Watershed: Quantifying the Effects of Forestland Parcelization in the New York City Watershed - - René Germain, Nate Anderson, and Jennifer Caron, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State University of New York
Development of an Object-Oriented Framework for Classifying and Inventorying Human-Dominated Forest Ecosystems - - Weiqi Zhou and Austin Troy, University of Vermont
The Impacts of Urbanizing Woodsheds on the Sawmill Industry in the Northeast - - Nate Anderson, René Germain, and Eddie Bevilacqua, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State University of New York
Concurrent Session III-E: Symposium on Urbanization in China
Moderators: Hanqin Tian and Xiaoke Wang
Urbanization in China: Social-economic Causes and Consequences - - Shufen Pan and Hanqin Tian, School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences Building, Auburn University
Economic Growth and Urban Land Expansion in China - - Xiangzheng Deng, Scott Rozelle, Hanqin Tian and Jikun Huang, Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
What Kind of Urbanization Fits China —A Case Study on a 20 years Effort for Intensive Development - - Pingyang Liu, MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies, Yale University
Concurrent Session III-F: Fire Issues in the Wildland/Urban Interface I