Names: Date: Class:

The Case of the Missing Candy Bag and the Mystery Rocks


Someone has come into my classroom and stolen my full bag of candy. The bag was here at 4:15pm Wednesday and has not been seen since. The only evidence we have to catch the culprit is part of a rock collection they left behind and a ransom note left on my desk. One rock was found inside the drawer with the candy, another was on the surface of my desk, two were found layered on the floor beside the sink, another on the back counter with leaves scattered around it, one was left under my lamp and a book, and a final rock in a cup of water. I was able to narrow it down to six suspects that work at Lovinggood. Each suspect has a rock collection at home or here at school. Officer Herman took the rocks and ransom note to see if any fingerprints were left behind, and they were all clean. Our only hope is to follow the instructions on the ransom note to see if maybe we can get our candy back. Can you help Officer Herman and myself find out who has taken the candy?


q  The candy was taken from my room sometime between 4:15pm and 8:30am

q  The following people were in my room Wednesday night and Thursday morning:

Mrs. Wade stopped by between 4:15pm and 4:30pm to leave me a science book. She left a note for me on the book.

Mrs. Adair had a paper for me to sign and left it on my desk at 5:00pm.

Coach Griffith stopped by at 8:10am to leave a note for a student.

Mrs. Bower left information about her lesson today. She was in sometime between 7:30 and 8:00am.

Ms. Winter brought me an ISS form to fill out and laid it on my desk at 5:30pm.

Mr. Marco, the head custodian was in my room sometime between 4:45pm and 7:00am to clean.


15 points / 12 points / 10 points
Classified 7 rocks into correct classes / Classified 4 rocks into correct classes / Classified 3 or less rocks into correct classes
Classified 7 rocks into correct rock types / Classified 4 rocks into correct rock types / Classified less than 4 rocks into correct rock types
Correctly explained why seven of the rocks belonged in the particular rock class and type / Correctly explained why 4 of the rocks belonged in the particular rock class and type / Correctly explained why fewer than 4 of the rocks belonged in the particular rock class and type
Content Total:
8 points / 6 points / 4 points
Presentation was neat, easy to read and included all information. There are less than 3 spelling, grammar, and / punctuation errors. / Presentation was lacking in neatness and/or missing one piece of information. There are 3 to 6 spelling, grammar, and / punctuation errors. / Presentation was lacking in neatness and missing more than one piece of information. There are more than 6 spelling, grammar, and / punctuation errors.
Presentation Total:

*Presentation MUST include a drawing or picture of each rock, the rock identified by letter, rock class, rock type, and explanation as to why the rock belongs in the particular class and type.


Solve the case of the Missing Candy

1.What did the ransom note say you MUST do by September 15? You can bullet and write key terms.









2. What are the three main CLASSES of rocks and HOW does each type of rock form?

Rock Class / How do they form?

3. When geologists find rocks, they will first decide which class the rock belongs. Then, geologists will study two other important criteria for the rock. List the two criteria needed to classify rocks and write a description of what a geologist is looking at. (Chapter 4 section 1)



4. For each CLASS of rock you listed in number 2, list the names of the types of rocks that are in each class. Also provide a description/definition. I have given you a clue in the number of boxes I have created for each class of rock.

Rock Class / Names of the Types of Rocks – description of rock type

5. Notice there are seven types of rocks in the chart above, so each rock left at the scene of the crime must fit into one of these types. Your next step will be determining which CLASS and TYPE of rock each belongs. Notes for each of the rocks can be written below. Things to observe: texture, color, layers or not, what is it made of? You will use this information to make your final presentation.

ROCK A – Observation:
ROCK B – Observation:
ROCK C – Observation:
ROCK D – Observation:
ROCK E – Observation:
ROCK F – Observation:
ROCK G – Observation: