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January 13, 2004

9:00 A.M.

NOTE: Any item that is pulled from the morning consent agenda for discussion will be set aside until the department can be notified and its representative is in the board room.
1. / Morning Consent Agenda – Item Numbers 21 - 44
-(These matters are routine in nature and are usually approved by a single vote. Prior to action by the Board, the public will be given the opportunity to comment on any Consent Item)
-Items to be removed from Consent for Discussion
-Approval of Morning Consent Agenda
-Discussion/Action on Items removed from Consent Agenda
Chair Anderson
2. / Presentation of retirement plaque to Richard L. Brogan – Public Works and Planning Director, 37 years of public service
3. / Presentation of retirement plaque to John Kallenberg – Library, 27 years of service
4. / Presentation of “SMART Model of Care” by Dr. Ira Chasnoff
Supervisor Case
5. / Adopt resolution supporting and recognizing the Fresno County Fruit Trail as a tremendous opportunity to increase economic development in our region while celebrating and preserving our agricultural heritage
Supervisor Waterston
6. / Presentation of Proposition 172 by Lee Walker
Administrative Office
7. / Adopt resolution recognizing Karen Francone of the Department of Agriculture for her Special Achievement Award for 2003 from the California Department of Food and Agriculture, the California Department of Pesticide Regulation and the California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association
8. / Approve and authorize Chairman to execute a letter of support endorsing the submission of a $1.5 million grant application to the U.S. Department of Justice for the development of a Family Justice Center in Fresno
9. / Conduct a noticed public hearing to consider whether there are significant public benefits to the citizens of the County from the proposed financing of new County-owned Juvenile Justice Campus facilities to be located on the southwest corner of American Avenue and Freeway 99 (the “Project”) by the Fresno County Financing Authority’s (the “Authority”) sale and issuance of Lease Revenue Bonds in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $30,000,000 (the “Bonds”) for the Project; and approve and authorize Chairman to execute a resolution approving the Authority’s sale and issuance of the Bonds in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $30,000,000 for financing the costs of constructing the Project
Sitting as the Board of Directors of the Fresno County Financing Authority
10. / Approve and authorize Chairperson to execute a resolution approving the Authority’s sale and issuance of Lease Revenue Bonds in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $30,000,000 for financing the costs of constructing new County-owned Juvenile Justice Campus facilities to be located on the southwest corner of American Avenue and Freeway 99
11. / Board of Supervisors’ Committee Reports – Receive and provide direction (This item reserved for committee reports by members of the Board of Supervisors)
12. / Board Appointments – (List attached in packet and posted on bulletin board outside of Board Chambers)
  1. Selection of Board Members to serve on various Boards, Commissions, Committees
  2. Board Appointments

13. / Closed Session –
  1. Pending Litigation Section 54956.9(a) – Kathryn Haw v. County of Fresno, et al.
  1. Pending Litigation Section 54956.9(a) – Florenica Chavira Gonzalez, et al. v. County of Fresno, et al.
c. Conference with Labor Negotiator (GC 54957.6): Agency Negotiator:
Ralph Jimenez; Employee Organization: All Bargaining Units and
Management and Unrepresented Employees – Hours, Wages and Terms
and Conditions of Employment

2:00 P.M.

14. / Afternoon Consent Agenda – Item Numbers 45 - 56
-(These matters are routine in nature and are usually approved by a single vote. Prior to action by the Board, the public will be given the opportunity to comment on any Consent Item)
-Items to be removed from Consent for Discussion
-Approval of Afternoon Consent Agenda
- Discussion/Action on Items removed from Consent Agenda
Administrative Office
15. / Conduct hearing to adopt resolutions approving budgets for Waterworks District No. 38 and Maintenance District No. 1 and direct staff to include existing fees on Master Schedule of Fees, Charges, and Recovered Costs for Administrative purposes
16. / Confirm County Parks project priority list for expenditure of Proposition 12 and Proposition 40 Per Capita Block Grant
17. / Adopt Resolution of Intention to initiate Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment addressing “Agri-Tourism” in County’s Agricultural Zoning Districts
18. / Consider and take action on Initial Study Application No. 4883, Amendment Application No. 3726 and Tentative Tract Map Application No. 5158 filed by Spalding G. Wathen, proposing to rezone 20.02 acres of land from AL-20 District to RR District and allow division of said 20.02-acre parcel into eight single family residential lots with a minimum lot size of two acres; project site located along E. Sierra Avenue alignment between N. DeWolf and N. Highland Avenues, approximately one mile east of City of Clovis
19. / Consider and take action on Initial Study Application No. 4807-R, General Plan Amendment Application No. 493, Amendment Application No. 3722-R and Classified Conditional Use permit No. 3034-R filed by Copart, Inc./Patrick Thomas, proposing to amend Agriculture and Land Use Element of General Plan by redesignating 19.54-acre parcel from Agriculture to Limited Industrial; rezone 19.54-acre parcel from AE-20 District to M-1 District; and allow vehicle auction sales and related improvements, including existing and proposed structures, on four parcels totaling 39.05-acres, located on south side of E. Central Avenue frontage road between S. East and S. Orange Avenues, adjacent to city limits of City of Fresno
20. / Public Presentations – (This portion of the meeting reserved for persons desiring to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda – Pursuant to Administrative Policy No. 29, presentations are limited to 5 minutes per person and no more than 15 minutes per topic)
January 27, 2004 – 9:00 A.M.
February 3, 2004 – 9:00 A.M.
Requests for disability-related modification or accommodation needed in order to participate in the meeting must be made to the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors (559) 488-3529 no later than Monday at 9:00 a.m.
MORNING CONSENT AGENDA – Item Numbers 21 - 44
(Any Board Member may pull any consent item for discussion or separate vote)
Supervisor Arambula
21. / Adopt resolution recognizing Mr. Louie C. Flores for 20 years of service with Fresno’s First Armenian Presbyterian Church
Supervisor Case
22. / Adopt resolution supporting and recognizing a medical school that will be located in Fresno County, which will have a positive impact on the Central Valley
Supervisor Waterston
23. / Adopt resolution recognizing Chris McComb’s achievement of Eagle Scout
24. / Approve and authorize Clerk to execute Budget Transfer No. 41 within FY 2003-04 appropriations for Sheriff’s Org. 3110 in the amount of $1,357,801.57
25. / Approve and authorize Chairman to execute an amendment to an agreement with Golden By-Products (DBA Scrap Tire Co.) to add the Sheriff’s Department and increase the contract amount by $16,250
26. / Approve and authorize Chairman to execute retroactive agreement with Care Fresno ($30,000); adopt resolution increasing appropriations and estimated revenue for Sheriff Grant Org. 3112 in the amount of $37,500 (4/5 vote)
Administrative Office
27. / Adoption of Administrative Policy No. 52 establishing a Workplace Efficiencies/Economies forum
28. / Adopt resolution implementing provisions of Government Code Section 31641.04, Early Retirement Option, extending additional retirement service credit to eligible general members in the Network Systems Engineer classification series and the Information Technology Manager classification
29. / Adopt resolution increasing the appropriations of the FY 2003-04 Graphic Communication Services Organization for facility improvements (4/5 vote)
30. / Approve and authorize submission of an application to the California Department of Health Services for HIV Housing Development Program funding ($175,000)
31. / Approve and authorize submission of an application to the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) for a YALSA/Book Wholesalers, Inc., Collection Development Grant ($1,000)
32. / Adopt resolution accepting and expressing gratitude for a donation for deposit to the Library Trust Fund ($1,000)
33. / Approve and authorize the Interim County Librarian to submit completed applications to the Office of Library Construction for Library Bond Act 2000 projects for libraries in Fowler ($3,792,717), Orange Cove ($4,416,936), and Tranquillity ($1,910,188); approve and authorize Chairman to execute application forms for Fowler, Orange Cove and Tranquillity; and adopt three resolutions committing to operation of facilities, certifying project budget, guaranteeing local match, and committing to operating the libraries for forty years; the adjusted local match for Fowler is $1,190,501, for Orange Cove is $1,388,838, and for Tranquillity is $586,516
Agreements – Approve and Authorize Chairman to Execute
34. / “AGREEMENT TO DEFEND PUBLIC OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE” for the employee and Case listed below: David Holguin, Agricultural/Standards Specialist II; as named in Fresno County Superior Court Case No.:
03 CE CG 03152 SJK – Phia Ton Cha v. County of Fresno, et al.
35. / Amendment to Nematode Control Program Contract with the State of California Department of Food and Agriculture
36. / Amendment to agreement with the California Department of Health Services for Tobacco Control Youth Coalition ($204,500); approve and authorize the Director of Community Health or designee to execute the State Contractor’s Release for the Final Invoice
37. / Real Estate Purchase and Sale agreement with Tulare Valley Railroad Company for the acquisition of an approximate 2.35-acre parcel of land located south of Park Boulevard and east of West Railroad Avenue with the City of Orange Cove and accept the Grant Deed
38. / License agreement for public parking with the City of Fowler
39. / Cooperative agreements with Fowler Unified School District and Kings Canyon Unified School District for Joint Venture projects
40. / Retroactive – FY 2003-04 California Healthcare for Indigents Program Standard Revenue Agreement with the California Department of Health Services for reimbursement of uncompensated health care ($285,411)
41. / Retroactive – agreement with the California Department of Education to accept alternative payment child care revenues for contract FAPP-3082 ($20,038); retroactive – amendment to decrease revenues for contract GAPP-3014 ($22,573); amendment with Supportive Services, Inc., to decrease funding for child care services ($2,535); and adopt resolution authorizing Chairman to execute an agreement as required by the California Department of Education (FAPP-3082)
42. / Amendment to agreement with Fresno Center for New Americans for refugee employment services ($142,834)
43. / Sole source agreement with California State University, Fresno Foundation to provide ACT WorkKeys Assessment services for CalWORKs recipients ($99,475)
44. / Agreements with Community Based non-profit Agencies (list on file with Clerk to Board) for transfer of title and ownership for the County capital equipment
(Any Board Member may pull any consent item for discussion or separate vote)
Administrative Office
45. / Release Performance Security posted ($135,217.50) and Labor and Materials Security posted ($55,875) for Tract 4722 located on south side of Alluvial Avenue between Leonard and Highland Avenues
46. / Adopt Budget Resolution increasing 2003-04 appropriations by $42,000 in County Service Area No. 31, Fund 0200, Subclass 12000, Org. 9171, Buildings & Improvements Account 8150, Program No. 87870 from General Reserves
(4/5 vote)
47. / Approve and authorize Clerk to the Board to execute Budget Transfer No. 40 of $1,840 from County Service Area No. 35-A, Fund 0220, Subclass 12200, Org. 9175, Contingencies Account 8991 to Special Departmental Expense Account 7400 and adopt budget resolution increasing 2003-04 appropriations by $18,160 in County Service Area No. 35-A, Fund 0220, Subclass 12200, Org. 9175, Special Departmental Expense Account 7400 from General Reserves (4/5 vote)
48. / Adopt proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for Initial Study Application No. IS 4844 (Coalinga Valley Street Water and Sewer Improvements) and approve and authorize Chairman to execute Agreement with City of Coalinga for Coalinga Valley Street Water and Sewer Improvements Community Development Block Grant Project No. 03086 ($361,598)
49. / Approve Amendment No. 4 to FY 2002-03 Community Development Block Grant Program Action Plan to delete Clovis Property Acquisition for Affordable Housing Project No. 02725 ($368,531) as amended; and approve Amendment No. 3 to FY 2003-04 Community Development Block Grant Program Action Plan to delete Parlier “H” Street Improvements Project No. 03946 ($83,854) as amended
50. / Adopt resolution authorizing Director of Department of Public Works and Planning to execute grant funding agreement, related documents and any amendments thereto, with State of California Department of Health Services, Safe Drinking Water Revolving Fund Program ($600,000), subject to review by County Counsel and Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector; and adopt budget resolution increasing FY 2003-04 appropriations and estimated revenues for Department of Public Works and Planning - Grants Budget, Org. 5512, in amount of $600,000 (4/5 vote)
51. / Adopt proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for Initial Study Application No. 4977 for barrier rail replacement project on Travers Creek Bridge located on Dinuba Avenue 0.2 miles west of Englehart Avenue in unincorporated area of Fresno County; and authorize Department of Public Works and Planning to proceed with design for Travers Creek Bridge barrier rail replacement project on Dinuba Avenue
52. / Adopt proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for Initial Study Application No. 4794 for barrier rail replacement project on Delta-Mendota Canal Bridge located on Washoe Avenue 0.25 miles north of Bullard Avenue in unincorporated area of Fresno County; and authorize Department of Public Works and Planning to proceed with design for Delta-Mendota Canal Bridge barrier rail replacement project on Washoe Avenue
53. / Reject all bids submitted for Contract 03-16-CD, Cantua Creek Hydropneumatic Tank Replacement and Cantua Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Project, Community Development Block Grant Project Nos. 02061 and 02029
54. / Approve right-of-way Contracts for right-of-way acquisition for Del Rio Street and Drainage Improvement Project, for total monetary consideration of $2,360
55. / Accept grant of easement for road right-of-way from Esteban Vasquez Silva and Diana Cortez Silva for right-of-way dedication under Tract 5151 at 12119 E. Magnolia Avenue, Kingsburg
Agreements – Approve and Authorize Chairman to Execute
56. / Agreement with City of Kingsburg for Kingsburg Bicentennial Park ADA Restrooms and Playground Equipment Renovation, Community Development Block Grant Project No. 03081 ($90,080)