SOAR Prep Academy—Course Information Sheet

Mrs. Blundell—7th and 8th Grade AVID

  • Online classroom program used: Canvas
  • Late work policy: Late work accepted up to two weeks for ½ credit
  • Consistent assignments/assessments: Weekly tutorials Tuesdays/Thursdays & organizational checks every Friday
  • PowerSchool updates: At least once a week
  • Response to emails: Within 24 Hours

Mrs. Brown—7th and 8th Grade English, 7th Grade AVID

  • Online classroom program used: Google Classroom
  • Late work policy: Late work accepted for partial credit up until 1 week before grading period closes (unless there is an excused absence)
  • Consistent assignments/assessments: Quizzes, performance tasks, and end-of-unit assessments are given regularly within 6-week intervals.
  • PowerSchool updates: At least once every two weeks
  • Response to emails: Daily

Mr. Foote—7th and 8th Grade Social Studies, 7th Grade English

  • Online classroom program used: Google Classroom is used to post all assignments. All students will turn in a folder through Google Drive by its due time and date, which will become their “portfolios”. Each portfolio has a Table of Contents which will have the student’s individualassignment grades and cumulative portfolio grades.
  • Late work policy: All work is due when unit portfolios are due, this is critical to give students needed support with the current material in the class. Any portfolio turned in late without prior permission or consultation will have points deducted.
  • Consistent assignments/assessments: Students complete regular assessments through short answer writing, paragraph writing, and essay writing. These assessments are often open note, but not always.
  • PowerSchool updates: Daily
  • Response to emails: Email checked daily and often responded to immediately, but a parent can expect my response to take up to 24 hours.

Mrs. Ingram—7th and 8th Grade Science

  • Online classroom programs used: Google Classroom (for all everyday material), Canvas (only for quizzes and tests so far)
  • Late work policy: Late work accepted; 10% off for each day the assignment is late
  • Consistent assignments/assessments: Students will have either a quiz or a test every Friday in my class unless they are told otherwise; homework should be expected weekly
  • PowerSchool updates: At least once a week
  • Response to emails: Within 24 hours on weekdays (usually fairly quickly during school hours)

Mr. Jensen—Pre-Algebra, Algebra, and Geometry

  • Online classroom program used: Canvas
  • Late work policy: Late work generally not accepted. The quick fix of "making up work" in my experience creates bad habits, and creates a poorer and poorer student with each made up assignment. With that said, there are exceptions, a parent can shoot me an email and if they disagree and think that making up work will help, I will go along with it and give them 75% of the grade.
  • Consistent assignments/assessments: Regular tests and quizzes given. Homework is a pretty easy grade. Tests/quizzes are proof in the pudding and will establish and balance out a math grade.
  • PowerSchool updates: Every now and then
  • Response to emails: I'm usually pretty fast. Shoot me an email, and test me. :-)

Coach Johnson—7th and 8th Grade Physical Education

  • Online classroom programs used: Google Classroom (for all everyday material), Canvas (only for information so far)
  • Late work policy: Late work accepted, but I take 20% off for each day the assignment is late.
  • Consistent assignments/assessments: We typically have one Unit test per quarter and 1 mile test per quarter.
  • PowerSchool updates: Participation is updated every two weeks.
  • Response to emails: Within 24 hours on weekdays (usually fairly quickly during school hours)

Mrs. Macke—7th Grade GTT, 7th Grade Math, 7th and 8th Grade AVID

  • Online classroom program used: Canvas
  • Late work policy: Late work receives 1 letter grade lower. GTT & AVID: late work accepted up to 2 weeks late or until the end of the grading period whichever is first. Math: late work is accepted during the current Chapter or Module only.
  • Consistent assignments/assessments:GTT has 2-3 quizzes the entire year. There are no quizzes for AVID. Math has frequent quizzes and larger chapter tests at the end of the unit. All math quizzes and tests (except semester finals) can be retaken provided the student has first completed test corrections and a request form.
  • PowerSchool updates: Current work is updated several times a week. Late assignments are batch processed every 1-2 weeks.
  • Response to emails: Usually within 24 hours during the school week but it can take longer during busy times.

Mrs. Marchant—8th Grade Physical Science, 8th Grade GTT, 7th and 8th Grade InvenTeam

  • Online classroom program used: Canvas
  • Late work policy: Late work accepted with a 20% deduction. Submit late work as well as the form for it to be graded, no late work in quarter 4, no late work for science notebooks or presentations. Work due within 2 weeks for GTT and before day before chapter test for science.
  • Regular assignments/assessments: Quizzes and tests are usually given on Tuesdays or Fridays, but not always.
  • PowerSchool updates: daily (late work usually on weekend)
  • Response to emails: daily (replies to student are faster than parent)
  • The best way for your student to succeed is to always try, come during breaks for help, and read the directions.

Ms. Miranda—7th and 8th Grade Social Studies, 7th Grade English

  • Online classroom program used: Google Classroom
  • Late work policy: Late work accepted up to 3 days after due date with 5% deduction each day. After 3 days, work may be accepted at my discretion.
  • Regular assignments/assessments: Quizzes and tests given at no regular interval.
  • PowerSchool updates: At least once a week
  • Response to emails: Within 24 hours on weekdays and 48 hours on weekends