Town of Arcadia

Supervisor MunicipalBuilding Councilpersons

Jon C. Verkey 100 East Miller Street Michael Diamond

Newark, NY14513 Joseph DeSanto

Town Clerk 315-331-1222 Richard VanLaeken

Diane Allerton Corrine Veith


Highway Supt. Town Attorney

Danial Pullen David Saracino

DATE: April 12, 2016

7:00 PM

Supervisor Verkey opened the meeting and lead the gathering in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present: Supervisor Verkey, Board Members-Diamond, Veith and VanLaeken, Highway Supt. Pullen and CEO DeWolf.

Absent: Atty Saracino

Minutes: Motion made by Councilperson VanLaeken and seconded by Councilperson Veith

To approve the March 6, 2016 minutes. All Present voted Aye.

Report of Town Officials:

Code Enforcement Officer Ed DeWolf Jr has completed Introduction to Code Enforcement Practices 1 and 2. He will be attending further training. There are 4 new houses being built in the Town.

Highway: Crews are working on chopping brush and spring clean up. Preparations are being made to start the Cauwels Rd project. The Town received a $65,000.00 check from the Town of West Almond for our 2004 Mack Dump Truck. Supt. Pullen presented a resolution for the Board to review regarding mailbox repair/replacement. The Board decided to table any decision until further review. Supt. Pullen has been advised of an on going drainage problem on Snake Rd.

Motion made by Councilperson Diamond and seconded by Councilperson Veith to close the regular meeting at 7:15 Pm and go into Executive Session to discuss possible litigation. All present voted Aye.

Motion made by Councilperson Diamond and seconded by Councilperson Veith to close the Executive Session and reopen the regular meeting at 7:30 PM. All present voted Aye.

Sharon Larsen of 6661 Snake Rd. spoke regarding the drainage issues in her yard and presented maps and pictures. Supervisor Verkey stated that no decision will be made until the Board meets with Atty. Saracino.

Motion made by Councilperson Diamond and seconded by Councilperson Veith to accept Town Officials report. All present voted Aye.

Motion made by Councilperson VanLaeken seconded by Councilperson Diamond to approve a 10’ x 12’ storage building with no roof as surplus.

Roll Call:

Councilperson Veith-Aye

Councilperson VanLaeken-Aye

Councilperson Diamond-Aye

Supervisor Verkey-Aye

Motion made by Councilperson VanLaeken and seconded by Councilperson Diamond to transfer $ 46,005.35 from Highway Equipment Fund(HC) to Equipment Fund(DA5130.2) for the purchase of the 2016 Chevy Silverado 3500.

Roll Call:

Councilperson Veith-Aye

Councilperson VanLaeken-Aye

Councilperson Diamond-Aye

Supervisor Verkey-Aye


Blue Star Memorial By-Way Marker will be placed in Newark’s Central Park on May 30, 2016 at 11:00AM. The By-Way Marker is to honor our service men and women. This project is being done by National, Central, State, District and Local Garden Clubs.

Unfinished Business:

We have not received a written agreement for funds for the highway generator from Senator Nozzolio’s office.

Supervisor Verkey signed letter for Water District #12 and we have a completed application for Rural Development to approve.


Supervisor Verkey was part of a meeting regarding the need for a water tower/storage.Six towns are involved in splitting the costs and entering into an inter-municipal agreement.

Ram Shivastava, Larsen Engineers said that there are new incentatives for solar projects. The old landfill is a viable site for a solar project. The town would benefit from the rent of the land. Our power would be at a fixed cost for 20yrs. The developer would need a letter of intent in order to secure loans. The town would have some soft costs. Larsen Engineers will be sending a letter of intent via email for the Board to review. There needs to be a solar committee.

There will be a workshop meetingon April 18, 2016 at 6:00PM in the 2nd Floor Courtroom to review the new proposed ordinances with the Planning Board.

New Business:

Motion made by Councilperson VanLaeken and seconded by Councilperson Diamond to approve Gloria Smith, Rachel Hunter, Ashley Hunter and Charity Kent as new members of the Marbletown Vol Fire Dept. All present voted Aye.

Memoriam Proclamation for Past Supervisor and Councilperson Joseph DeSanto was read by Supervisor Verkey and will be presented to the family at a later date. Supervisor Verkey stated that Joe was his mentor and a great man. He will be sadly missed by all.

Motion made by Councilperson Diamond and seconded by Councilperson VanLaeken to adopt the 2016 Procurement Policy.

Roll Call:

Supervisor Verkey-Aye

Councilperson Diamond-Aye

Councilperson VanLaeken-Aye

Councilperson Veith-Aye

Public Comments: None

Audit/Payment of Bills:

General Fund

Highway Fund

Motion made by Councilperson VanLaeken and seconded by Councilperson Diamond to approve payment of bills.

Roll Call:

Councilperson Veith-Aye

Councilperson VanLaeken-Aye

Councilperson Diamond-Aye

Supervisor Verkey-Aye

General Fund #84-116 $162,053.85

Highway Fund #64-92 $73,467.08

Motion made by Councilperson Diamond and seconded by Councilperson VanLaeken to adjourn the meeting at 8:00PM. All present voted Aye.

Submitted by,

Sheryl A. VanGee

DeputyTown Clerk