Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Meeting Minutes

PRESENT: Mr.John Bell, Dr. Rodger Berg, Dr.Robert Blumenstein, Ms.Deborah Booros, Dr.Christopher Cocozza, Dr. Brian Kane, Father Peter Leonard, Dr. Karen Walton. Guests: Mr. Tom Mantoni, Mr. Scott Mattingly, Mr. Pete Rautzhan.

Dr. Chris Cocozza called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.

  1. Approval of the minutes from 8/24/11 meeting. The following revision was made to the August 24th minutes: 2010-2014 was corrected to read 2010-2015. The minutes were approved. Jean Lynch will forward minutes to the full-time faculty.
  1. Additional Meeting Dates. Two additional meeting dates were added to the AOC calendar: Wednesday October 12 (Dooling Rm. 123) and November 9 from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.(Dooling Rm. 260)
  1. Discussion of Master Schedule for Spring 2012 (Mr. T. Mantoni and

Mr. S. Mattingly). All scheduling concerns were resolved. A couple of new course petitions are pending approval. Division heads were asked tofollow all of the guidelines when sending in course schedule changes.

  1. Middle States (Rev. P. Leonard and Mr. P. Rautzhan). Father Leonard and Mr. Rautzhan presented an overview of the components for the Middle States Periodic Review Report. They will be visiting the appropriate committees, faculty, and staff, to begin gathering data.
  1. Faculty Handbook acknowledgment, Attachment 1 (Dr. Walton). There was a lengthy discussion in regards to the faculty handbook acknowledgment. The purpose of the acknowledgement, presented by Dr. Walton, was that every faculty member would review and sign it. The committee discussed various issues including the inconsistency of the statement presented, contracts currently signed by faculty, and rights of faculty. Dr. Cocozza will contact Joe Goldberg to discuss these concerns.
  1. Addition of Student Learning Outcomes for the General Education Core to course syllabi, Attachments 2 & 3 (Dr. Walton). The General Education Core Curriculum Committee agreed upon a template to include specific outcomes on syllabi. The following changes (in bold) were made to the template and sent back to the GECC for approval:

For the General Education Core Curriculum, at the successful completion of this course the student will demonstrate the following Student Learning Outcomes with the exception of the italicized item(s):

  1. Faculty Colloquium – 11/9/11 (Dr. Cocozza). Best Practices in the classroom will be the focus for the next faculty colloquium. Dr.Kane and Dr. Berg will identify faculty who agree to be taped during a class (i.e. face-to-face or virtually) and get those names to John Bell by Wednesday Oct. 5th. Chuck Gloman (and students) will take care of the taping and Dr. Cocozza will handle the logistics.

8. Agenda item for next meeting: Faculty Handbook acknowledgment.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:46 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for October 12 from 9:00 – 10:00 in Dooling 123.

Respectfully submitted,

Debbie Booros
