Final Assignment

Introduction to Anthropology, Sichuan U., July 2014

There are three question topics below. You will answer two of them. The first part of each question tests your knowledge of course content. The second part asks you to analyze your own personal experience.

You will write two answers of at least 250 words. (They may be longer.) Choose two of the three questions below, and answer both parts of each question, If you copy the question, that does not count as part of the 250 words.

You must discuss the information given in class. Do NOT download information or text from the internet.

Your answers may be brief. But both answers together must be at least 500 English words. If you wish to write more you may do so.

You will not be evaluated on your English, but on the quality of your thought. Do not worry about errors in English.

  1. Male – Female differences. (You can answer each question with one or two sentences.)

What important evolutionary change caused the human female to suffer more during childbirth than the females of other animal species? .What was the earliest economy practiced by Homo sapiens, and why did it lead to a division of labor between males and females?

Are there differences today in China in the economic opportunities that males and femaleshave? At home, do Chinese men and women participate equally in cooking, cleaning, and child care?

  1. Anthropology of the family.

According to our class discussion, human marriage and family life are different from male – female and parent – child relations among other mammals List at least one major difference. And briefly identify the causes that may have brought the human family into existence.

From your own personal experience, how will your marriage and family life differ from that of your parents and grandparents? Did your parents raise you the same way that your grandparents raised them? Is it easier or more difficult now to find a spouse?

  1. Anthropology and Religion.

Discuss three elements that are found in almost all religions. Are these elements found in Chinese Buddhism and Taoism?

Discuss whether the religious beliefs of people in your grandparent’s generation differ from the beliefs and practices of Chinesepeople of your age. If there are differences – why?


  1. You should write your answers as an attachment to an email. Do not write them in the body of the email.
  1. The email should be addressed as follows:



  1. Because of the large number of students, you MUST write the subject line as follows

Subject: Anthropology + <your number in the course> + <your name> + final assignment


Subject: Anthropology + 82 + Wang Zhunying final assignment

An incorrect Subject line will cause us problems and may lose points.

Date Due

Because I must deliver grades by Friday July 11, I must have your answers by Wednesday July 9 at 6:00 PM. Answers sent in late will be penalized.


  1. It is usually obvious from either the content or language of a paper whether the student has copied it.
  1. Exams that are copied from another student will be assigned a failing grade. If two exams have identical wording, both will receive a failing grade. Do not show anybody your exam.It is dangerous for your grade.